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Why is America so Racist?


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How is it so different? Bonds NEVER failed a drug test. A HOF coach was caught cheating.

first off, everyone knows bonds is juicing. drug test or no, he's juicing. as for punishment, as someone stated before, the team was being penalized because it was the team that cheated, not the coach specifically (yes, he ordered it, but it was a team-effort). Bonds juicing is not a team effort, its just Bonds juicing.

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Maybe it's just me, but since Bonds broke the record, and there is no asterisk, or no footnote or anything, it's a dead issue.

For all of us who think he's juicing and want those records changed or removed, game over. We lose.

Time to move on.

Go A-Rod.


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Maybe it's just me, but since Bonds broke the record, and there is no asterisk, or no footnote or anything, it's a dead issue.

For all of us who think he's juicing and want those records changed or removed, game over. We lose.

Time to move on.

Go A-Rod.


You're obviously a racist. Rooting for a hispanic to break a black mans record? You're so transparent.

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I don't know if you're black or white, but if you've never felt that you've been discriminated against, you really don't know what you're talking about. It can't proven, but I feel that I deal with it just about everyday at my job.

Look how many times the race card has been unjustifiably pulled just in the NFL in the last year and tell me that it doesn't seem like there's more whining and crying about racism than racism itself.

How about Ray Lewis accusing the Titans organization of racism because of the Steve McNair situation, even though they drafted a black QB and started him five games into his first season.

The Mike Vick case. People are jumping up and crying :cry: racism and saying that it's because he's black but guess what? It's not because he's black, it's because he did something stupid and then lied about it.

How about McNabb whining that fans are harder on a black QB? WTF is he talking about? He plays in Philadelphia, a city known for being ultra-critical of their sports heroes.

Was Peyton Manning not criticized for not winning the "big one" up until last year?

So, how are you discriminated against everyday at your job?

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Guest sith lord
:secret:i go through that, too. most people either experience that or at least think they do.

Considering I'm the only black and I get called out on things that I know other people do, there's no "think" to it.

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Guest sith lord
Look how many times the race card has been unjustifiably pulled just in the NFL in the last year and tell me that it doesn't seem like there's more whining and crying about racism than racism itself.

How about Ray Lewis accusing the Titans organization of racism because of the Steve McNair situation, even though they drafted a black QB and started him five games into his first season.

The Mike Vick case. People are jumping up and crying :cry: racism and saying that it's because he's black but guess what? It's not because he's black, it's because he did something stupid and then lied about it.

How about McNabb whining that fans are harder on a black QB? WTF is he talking about? He plays in Philadelphia, a city known for being ultra-critical of their sports heroes.

Was Peyton Manning not criticized for not winning the "big one" up until last year?

So, how are you discriminated against everyday at your job?

The guy on First and Ten made a very good point though. Culpepper and Leftwich have winning records, both a fairly in their primes but were let go. I don't know too many QB's in their primes with winning records that have to go find work.

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Guest sith lord
and who was leftwich let go in favor of?

I knew someone was gonna say that. It really makes no difference if it was in favor of another black QB.

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Guest sith lord
you think that there aren't others in your workplace who feel that they are unfairly targeted?

Hell no. Believe me when I tell you, there's a good old boy network going on.

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I knew someone was gonna say that. It really makes no difference if it was in favor of another black QB.

What do you mean it doesn't make any difference, when you were just insinuating that they were winning QBs let go because they are black?

The guy on First and Ten made a very good point though. Culpepper and Leftwich have winning records, both a fairly in their primes but were let go. I don't know too many QB's in their primes with winning records that have to go find work.

Leftwich was replaced by another black QB and Culpepper had the kind of knee surgery that hinders you for the rest of your career as a QB. He started falling off when he had the knee injury and when Randy Moss left the Vikings and he was replaced by Trent Green because Green is the better QB, plain and simple.

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The guy on First and Ten made a very good point though. Culpepper and Leftwich have winning records, both a fairly in their primes but were let go. I don't know too many QB's in their primes with winning records that have to go find work.

Culpepper is still injured and Leftwhich can't move. Yeah they have good records but they are not getting the job done.

Now the question we should be asking is, if Rex Grossman was black will he still be starting in Chicago?????

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I knew someone was gonna say that. It really makes no difference if it was in favor of another black QB.

then it shouldn't make any difference that Leftwich is black.

The guy hasn't had a season in which he's played all 16 games, Garrard stays healthy, and that is what it's over. For the last couple of years people say that they are interchangeable,, that both of them are about equal in their ability to move the team. BUT, Leftwich has yet to show he can stay on the field for a full season. And it's gotten progressively worse. Each year he plays less and less. Last year he played 6 games. He can't keep his ankle healthy that he broke in college. He's never had a season in which he's thrown more than 15 TDs.

That isn't getting it done, period. No matter who the QB is. That kind of production from a first round QB who is supposed to be your franchise is simply not acceptable. Is it?

Tell me why it matters that Leftwich is black, but it doesn't matter that Garrard is? If you want to make the point that there is a bias, how does this fit into that? If the Jaguars had a bias, why don't they even have a single white QB on the roster? (and haven't had one since Brunell left.)

Seriously,, in the NFL only one color matters.


Win and make the team money and they don't care what color you are.

And IF there is an owner these days who would think otherwise, he deserves the losing team he will end up with.

This is a silly road to take this discussion down.


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i'll be interested to see how you back up that outrageous claim.
I guess I'll take a stab at this ...

My guess is that the argument will be that blacks who are extremely good at what they do will not face racial barriers. Nobody is going to keep Chris Samuels off the field because he is black. Garrard is the best QB on the team right now, so he has to be the starter no matter what his race. When a black person struggles, however, he will face more scrutiny than a white person in a similar situation. The old stereotypes that might have been forgotten in successful times will creep in when a black person starts to perform poorly. Maybe if Leftwich were white, the franchise would have shown more sympathy for him, like we have done for Brunell.

But let's think about Brunell for a moment. Mark Brunell was the greatest quarterback in Jacksonville Jaguar history, going to 3 Pro Bowls and leading his team within a game of the Super Bowl twice. He was hurt in 2003, and instead of giving him a chance to compete for the starting job, the Jaguars traded him to the Redskins and went with a young, cannon-armed QB named Byron Leftwich. Where does that fit into the story?

When things start to go wrong, it's easy to start pointing fingers all over the place whether it's race, religion, money, or whatever, but that doesn't mean it's really happening. Maybe a struggling black person triggers certain stereotypes in our heads, but that doesn't mean anyone is acting on them. Brunell was kicked out for Leftwich, Leftwich for Garrard, and maybe someday, some white guy will take Garrard's place and the circle will be complete. In this particular situation, it's hard to believe that race was really a factor.

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