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DAMN. Student Tasered At John Kerry Speech

Leonard Washington

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Due to the multiple times I have been arrested I find that if you acctually cooperate with the boy in blue thing can go quite smoothly. I've even been complimented by a few police for my " go along to get along additute "

Near the end of the video the cops should have been playing the conga drums with this morons head.

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Yea, just because someone is a bit loud and obnoxious doesn't mean he should've been thrown out of there. I hope that guy sues their ***es off.

How many videos have I seen now where the cops goto the taser prematurely. It's like the lazy way out, and it's becoming a default. Very disturbing.

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How many videos have I seen now where the cops goto the taser prematurely. It's like the lazy way out, and it's becoming a default. Very disturbing.

How many (of the same) videos have I seen where people fail to respect and obey the lawful commands of a police officer doing his duty? I'd say that in probably almost every single one of those videos, and this event as well, the suspect failed to comply with simple, direct commands from the officers even after being told that doing so would result in being Tazed. At that point I have no sympathy for them, whatsoever.

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Yea, just because someone is a bit loud and obnoxious doesn't mean he should've been thrown out of there. I hope that guy sues their ***es off.

How many videos have I seen now where the cops goto the taser prematurely. It's like the lazy way out, and it's becoming a default. Very disturbing.

How is it lazy?

Hm, get in a wrestling match with someone or taze them? Shoot them or taze them? Tazing is the police's answer to people who complain in the first place. They are very popular in Cincinnat. And they work

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How is it lazy?

Hm, get in a wrestling match with someone or taze them? Shoot them or taze them? Tazing is the police's answer to people who complain in the first place. They are very popular in Cincinnat. And they work

I agree,however I do think the first two officers need a refresher course on handling/controlling someone.

He was a big boy ,but that was pathetic.(of course there are lesser expectations from a woman and a doughboy I guess) :laugh:

He should have been subdued or tasered earlier imo.

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Well first off, the cops could've helped it some if they told him why he was being arrested. But he didn't help his case that he started moving towards Kerry. That probably got a cop or two thinking he was a legit risk at that point because you're moving towards the Senator.

They didn't need to really tase him, just hog tie him and carry him out. There were at least 4-6 cops there it wasn't like he was going to overpower them.

Common misconception. Almost always 4-6 cops can "hog tie" one suspect. But why should the cops take the chance that the suspect will get even just one punch in. Why should the cops have to worry about getting a broken nose (or worse), when they can tase the guy and arrest him without a problem.

That's why these less-lethal weapons were designed. So nobody gets hurt. And being tased hurts for about 3 seconds (muscle contraction) and then you are fine (but dazed).


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How many (of the same) videos have I seen where people fail to respect and obey the lawful commands of a police officer doing his duty? I'd say that in probably almost every single one of those videos, and this event as well, the suspect failed to comply with simple, direct commands from the officers even after being told that doing so would result in being Tazed. At that point I have no sympathy for them, whatsoever.

Completely agree! :applause:

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Yea, just because someone is a bit loud and obnoxious doesn't mean he should've been thrown out of there. I hope that guy sues their ***es off.

How many videos have I seen now where the cops goto the taser prematurely. It's like the lazy way out, and it's becoming a default. Very disturbing.

Totally agree-- I hope this kid sues the hell out of the school. He made no threats. Police are such animals sometimes.

As per the less lethal-- How many times do you read a year that someone dies from getting tazered? Happens pretty damn often.

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Why don't you get me the stats. I've never hear of someone dying from a taser.


It's less-lethal NOT non-lethal. :2cents:

In the short time I took to look it up there have been a number of deaths. Most of the time the person who died already had something medical wrong with them:

"the fact that one of his heart arteries was unusually small",

"suffering from an inoperable brain tumor and having a seizure when a Rochester, N.Y., police officer stunned him",

"Jason Dockery was stunned because police maintain he was being combative while on hallucinogenic mushrooms. Family members believe he was having an aneurysm"


But it is something to watch.

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Tazing is a technique utilized to gain control over a subject, a subject that was asked numerous times to obey the commands given by a police officer. He chose not to obey... so the tazing is warranted. End of story.

My take....he should have gotten a wood shampoo (police baton) as well.... just for good measure...and to leave something for the kid to remember the lesson learned when looking in the mirror in the coming days. To give something for his fellow brainwashed liberal punk college zombies to think about as well.

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Which of the following options would you prefer:

a. Cops drag him away and physically beat the crap out of him.

b. Cops use batons to beat the crap out of him.

c. Cops shoot him.

So far as I'm concerned, once you've been ordered to surrender, leave, move, etc... by the Police and you choose to ignore those commands, any injury you incur as they enforce that command is YOUR fault, not theirs. I'm not saying you absolutely have to comply, but you need to comprehend that you're gonna get your ass beat, tased, or shot for your trouble.

How about the Cops ambush him and throw him out the front door and tell him to take a hike. Seems appropriate enough to me. No f-ing reason whatsoever to Taser someone they already have subdued on the ground IN HANDCUFFS.

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you can't arrest someone without providing on what grounds he is being arrested. he asked what he was being arrested for, so they tazed him. makes perfect sense :rolleyes:

I find that hard to believe...from personal experience :laugh:

You can be taken into custody...charges come later.

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I think they are UF security so I doubt they have the authority to even arrest him anyway. What they do have probably is the authority to do is remove him from campus and/or hold him until real cops come.

A "fight" to subdue a suspect no matter how many cops you have can always result in an injury to somebody. The cops shouldn't have to worry about being injured. If the suspect is "injured" in the process, you know they are going to sue. Tazing is the SMART way out; not the lazy way. He was asked to leave, asked to cooperate, and warned he was going to be tazed, and he still didn't cooperate (I don't know who said it above, but he wan't hand cuffed, which you can see if you get a good version of the video. Handcuffs came out, they had him on his back, with his arms behind, but didn't manage to get them on). He gets no sympathy from me.

The bigger issue, IMO, is that idiots like him are going to make politicians (and others) hesitate to do things like this. As somebody that has been associated w/ Universities for A LONG time now (under-grad, grad, post-doc, and prof.), I've been to many of these sorts of these, and many times they are more informative than any interview you see on tv. It would be real lost if they started saying, 'Hey, I don't want to get caught up w/ something like Kerry did and have my name associated w/ a tazing victim.

Lastly, did anybody see the CNN video? It is totally cut to make him look not bad, and I'm not a bid 'OH the media is bad' person.

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I dunno, if Kerry was the president and it was the secret service...this kid would have gotten his ass wooped. He was resisting arrest after being a loud jackass on the microphone. He could have asked those questions and had his comments in a more mature fashion.

The key here is, when you resist arrest enough for the cops not to be able to put cuffs on you...you deserve what you get. Wrong or not, he shouldn't have resisted arrest. If the cuffs were on him, then he shouldn't have been tazed. Otherwise, I don't see why this is such a fuss.

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