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DAMN. Student Tasered At John Kerry Speech

Leonard Washington

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They showed the videos this morning on the local news (Channel 7). Apparently, according to witnesses, when he was taken outside away from camera's, he immediately changed his behavior and told the cops they were "doing the right thing." When some more people came out with cameras, he started acting out again.

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Free speech, eh?

sorry, this kid wasn't doing anything wrong, those questions were valid, and it sounded to me like Kerry was trying to answer them. He may not have presented them well, but that isn't illegal. He did absolutely nothing to warrant any arrest.

Clear police brutality. Clear over-reaction by the cops. Clear violation of this young guy's civil rights. Clear violation of his constitutional rights.

The thing that is most disturbing to me is how Kerry just let it happen. Come on man. You're supposed to be in authority. You're a US senator. When this happens, at LEAST speak up.

ZGuy, i'd be leery of any 'witnesses' that get tossed up in front of the camera refuting that.


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People don't die from the taser alone. Very few have died when being shot with one and those have been attributed to more underlying factors, mainly excited delirium. With most departments the taser can be used in any situation where you can use pepper spray. IMHO, I believe this kid had it coming to him long before he got it. Also, yes you do have rights in this country and are entitled to them so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. This kid was acing like an ass and was causing a disruption to the rest of the people that were entitled to a peaceful question and answer session with Mr. Kerry. Personally, I wouldn't have waited as long as they did to light him up.

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Actually, Bang, apparently Kerry said "That’s all right, let me answer his question”

They could've cuffed him; no need to Tase him.

Yeah, I heard him, he said it repeatedly.. I guess I would expect he should have been more forceful, told the cops to back off. They were clearly in the wrong.

On the superficial side, if Kerry is more forceful and makes those cops stand down, his camp could really use that as a positive. Failed opportunity for him. Instead he looks like a wuss allowing the cops to brutalize someone while he did essentially nothing about it.

I believe this kid had it coming to him long before he got it. Also, yes you do have rights in this country and are entitled to them so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. This kid was acing like an ass and was causing a disruption to the rest of the people that were entitled to a peaceful question and answer session with Mr. Kerry. Personally, I wouldn't have waited as long as they did to light him up.

Thankfully you're not a cop.

He didn't have it coming, he may have been belligerent, but he wasn't violent, and he wasn't overly disruptive. No one in that audience is entitled to a 'peaceful' Q&A session... so long as the kid doesn't become abrasive or violent, he has every right to carry whatever tone he wants to the mic. If Kerry doesn't want to answer his question. he can say so. If Kerry feels threatened by the guy, he can ask security to remove him. He did neither. In fact, he tried to answer him.

Seig Heil, baby. Tased for speaking.


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Why don't you get me the stats. I've never hear of someone dying from a taser.


Doubt you will get a decent response, here's something short and sweet I googled:


"Apr. 27, 2005 – Police are reportedly investigating the death of a Suffolk County, New York man who died after police repeatedly shocked him with an electrical shock weapon. According to a police spokesperson, a preliminary examination of the victim, John Cox, found that he had alcohol and cocaine in his system as well as risk factors for heart failure at the time an officer used a Taser device to subdue him. The actual cause of death is still unknown.

More than 70 Taser victims have died since June 2001 after, though in most cases, the device was not found to be the primary cause of death. Opponents of the handheld weapons criticize the absence of clinical trials studying the shocking devices’ affects on people under the influence of drugs or with various medical conditions."

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Free speech, eh?

sorry, this kid wasn't doing anything wrong, those questions were valid, and it sounded to me like Kerry was trying to answer them. He may not have presented them well, but that isn't illegal. He did absolutely nothing to warrant any arrest.

Clear police brutality. Clear over-reaction by the cops. Clear violation of this young guy's civil rights. Clear violation of his constitutional rights.

The thing that is most disturbing to me is how Kerry just let it happen. Come on man. You're supposed to be in authority. You're a US senator. When this happens, at LEAST speak up.

ZGuy, i'd be leery of any 'witnesses' that get tossed up in front of the camera refuting that.


I'm more leary of listening to people who can't look at things like this objectively.

And by the way, what official authority does a US Senator carry when he's outside the halls of Congress?

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Anyone crying about police brutality in this thread already has prejudice towards showing common decency towards police in general. And you must believe phyisically resisting police is okay, as long as you are not throwing punches at them or shooting them.

The kid did have it coming, not for what was coming out of his mouth but the fact he was physically resisting as he was being handcuffed. I have seen incidents where police wrongfully tazed someone, albeit very few. Many more incidents where police wrongfully shot someone. This was not a wrongful incident.

Bottom line what would of happened to him if he had stopped flailing around like an a55? Nothing.

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The kid did have it coming, not for what was coming out of his mouth but the fact he was physically resisting as he was being handcuffed.

Exactly what did he do to get handcuffed for in the first place?

Spoke in a public forum? Asked uncomfortable questions?

Carried a bit of an attitude in his voice?

Is this a fascist state?


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I'm more leary of listening to people who can't look at things like this objectively.

And by the way, what official authority does a US Senator carry when he's outside the halls of Congress?

No power, but he could stand up and say a bit loudly "Hey, I'd like to answer his question"

Or "Hey, this is America, and you can't just arrest someone for asking questions in a public forum".

Or "Let him go, he hasn't broken any laws"

You know.. LEAD. Stand for what's right.


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That depends on who you ask.

True true.

Those cops acted as if it were.

And even if this guy had an agenda... he didn't break any laws in trying to exercise it.

I don't really care with what he had to say,, but how long til they don't like what you or I have to say?

No reason to arrest him.


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No power, but he could stand up and say a bit loudly "Hey, I'd like to answer his question"

Or "Hey, this is America, and you can't just arrest someone for asking questions in a public forum".

Or "Let him go, he hasn't broken any laws"

You know.. LEAD. Stand for what's right.


That would be great. Now imagine if that guy was sitting in the Oval Office right now.
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True true.

Those cops acted as if it were.

And even if this guy had an agenda... he didn't break any laws in trying to exercise it.

I don't really care with what he had to say,, but how long til they don't like what you or I have to say?

No reason to arrest him.


Look, I can see both sides with regards to whether he should've been allowed to continue talking.

Where I do take sides though, is that once the decision was made to remove him, he physically resisted. I watched it and frankly he was instructed several times to comply, which he didn't. He continued to try to focibly extricate himself from custody. Hence he got the tazer.

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Look, I can see both sides with regards to whether he should've been allowed to continue talking.

Where I do take sides though, is that once the decision was made to remove him, he physically resisted. I watched it and frankly he was instructed several times to comply, which he didn't. He continued to try to focibly extricate himself from custody. Hence he got the tazer.

Yeah, Kerry in office .. that was a good indicator of the backbone we'd have, i think.

My problem arises from the decision to remove him in the first place. Beyond that, everything is wrong. I don't see where he broke any laws, or endangered anyone, or even upset the Senator speaking.

the fact that they can just arrest him because they don't like either his questions or his attitude is where I get concerned.

As the old phrase goes,,, last week they came for my neighbor on the right, and i said nothing, then they came for my neighbor on the left and i said nothing.

Now they've come for me.

Police states start slowly.


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Exactly what did he do to get handcuffed for in the first place?

Spoke in a public forum? Asked uncomfortable questions?

Carried a bit of an attitude in his voice?

Is this a fascist state?


According to the police, he got handcuffed for this:


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Man, that's a pretty loose law, isn't it?

"annoy the community"

So I could potentially be arrested for farting at a bus stop.

I don't know,, as I said,, Kerry didn't seem terribly annoyed by it, and neither did anyone else,, except the police.


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Man, that's a pretty loose law, isn't it?

"annoy the community"

So I could potentially be arrested for farting at a bus stop.

I don't know,, as I said,, Kerry didn't seem terribly annoyed by it, and neither did anyone else,, except the police.


But it is the law, and his innocence or guilt will be decided on his court date. There is plenty of evidence.

And Kerry was being what he is, a politician playing as far on both sides of the fence as he could muster. He didn't yell for police to arrest the kid, but he didn't jump up and down yelling for him to be let go either. I am sure Kerry will be asked many times about the incident but won't clearly defend the police or the student in any answer given.

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Bang, on the face of it -from what the clips show - I agree with much of what you say. But as I said before, there has to be more to this than what we've seen on the video. The cops are around him even as he starts his rant, so there was something going on before the cameras rolled that we don't see.

I can't believe they busted him JUST for being a dick and asking those questions. We're not hearing the whole story.

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If the story in post #7 of this thread is accurate, then the reason he was arrested is that he had entered the venue without a ticket, and so, was effectively trespassing. According to this, Kerry was humoring him, but he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.

I don't know if that's accurate, but it's the only reason I can think of that would make sense.

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