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Official team release on Godfrey, Marshall.


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Well, I don't mind him if he hits like this for us...


Holy crap, Batman.

With Fletcher, Rocky, LaRon, Sean and Carlos already flying around back there, backs and receivers will be crying, "No mas."

EDIT: if the highlight reel hit isn't too old, it means Godfrey can definitely play special teams. Another reason for beating out Lamar.

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Did Godfrey play for the Dallas coach in SD? He can certainly help the Redskins game plan for the Dallas defense. Let's hope he still had a playbook.

We have the Dallas Playbook team. It's called the game film.

I do believe that most fans accumulated their football knowledge through Brady Bunch re-runs.

Maybe we can get Marsha to bring Tony Romo sits to pee over to the house on a date. Then Peter and Bobby can steal his playbook. That would be neat.

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We have the Dallas Playbook team. It's called the game film.

I do believe that most fans accumulated their football knowledge through Brady Bunch re-runs.

Maybe we can get Marsha to bring Tony Romo sits to pee over to the house on a date. Then Peter and Bobby can steal his playbook. That would be neat.

Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! How come Jan never gets to date the star QB? :laugh:

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Once again, a very DUMB move by our FO, IMO!

Why let a young guy go who "fought his guts out" for us the last 2 years when he had no help around him; not only to mention that a POOR linebackers coach (Dale Lindsay) who decided to move him out of position (OLB) and into the MLB position because he wanted an excuse to keep Arrington out of the lineup by keeping that PUSHOVER Warrick Holdman in the lineup at OLB... Why not hang on to Marshall at least as DEPTH at OLB...?

Oh...I forgot, that is something our FO completely forgets about...DEPTH!

The front office really has me questioning this organization as a whole... WHO IS RUNNING THIS TEAM?????

BTW, take this advice:

VINNY. CERRATO. IS. NOT. A. GM! Bobby Bethard was a GM... Heck, I'll even take Ron Wolfe... Or look right up the road in Baltimore, Ozzie Newsom keeps on bringing solid talent to the Ravens... One thing is for sure though, Vinny C is not a GM...


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Lemar is in way "young" except relative to the rest of society.

He is younger than Godfrey....

Anyways...this move tells me one thing...

There is more to the health of Marcus Washington than what we are seeing... The release of Marshall was a scapegoat, IMO. Godfrey does not play weak side LB, he plays Strong side LB which tells me that the FO is concerned about Marcus Washington's health...

I would not say the elbow thing is a major deal, or at least enough of a deal to let go of a guy that has been with us for 6 years to get a guy who has been carouselling around the league... I personally think that there is something far more serious lingering around Marcus Washington...

Its a shame that Lemar Marshall was used as a scapegoat in this situation...


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surprised we didn't snip someone else to make room and hold onto lemar for now, but whatever, I'm not the Gm

Agree completely, couldn't we have cut - say Toler, McAddley or someone else who can't play?? Marshall is decent back up material, none of the above will make the roster, mark it down


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BTW, take this advice:

VINNY. CERRATO. IS. NOT. A. GM! Bobby Bethard was a GM... Heck, I'll even take Ron Wolfe... Or look right up the road in Baltimore, Ozzie Newsom keeps on bringing solid talent to the Ravens... One thing is for sure though, Vinny C is not a GM...


technically he's a VP of Player Personnel

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Has anyone looked at how Marshall's release affects the cap space of 2007 or 2008?

(not that it matters... just curious.)

I think he might have been on the last year of his contract this year, so I don't think it affects much. I don't think he got much of a signing bonus either in 2005, when he signed his deal.


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I love this thread. Oh the irony :)

All offseason.... the few posters who were upset with the FO for not upgrading the defensive line were ridiculed by the majority of posters who's best defense was "we trust Joe Gibbs over you. If Joe Gibbs felt it was necessary to upgrade the position, he would have."

Now look at all of you.... stepping all over Joe Gibbs as if you somehow now know better :laugh:

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The cutting of Marshall to me is a positive sign in that we have talent and youth at linebacker that is up and coming.

This was my first reaction.

Irrespective of the great play of MW, since the overachievement in '04, LB has been an unspectacular position for the Redskins. With such storied players having filled the LB spots over the course of this teams history, I've felt no sincere excitement about these past few seasons. Having seen LFB and Rocky absolutely motor this preseason, my enthusiasm has been renewed.

I admit I was a little confused when two draft picks were spent on perceived LB depth. The coaching staff may have gambled a bit, but it's nice to see they feel like their plans were effective in this instance.

Maybe, just maybe, there are some mysterious changes going on which indicate the upswing of this team. Having a coaching staff that has the foresight to make moves far beyond the scope of it's fans is a sign that the franchise is in good hands...:2cents:

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I love this thread. Oh the irony :)

All offseason.... the few posters who were upset with the FO for not upgrading the defensive line were ridiculed by the majority of posters who's best defense was "we trust Joe Gibbs over you. If Joe Gibbs felt it was necessary to upgrade the position, he would have."

Now look at all of you.... stepping all over Joe Gibbs as if you somehow now know better :laugh:

I was excited that we did not jump into free agency...Todd Pinkston? Randall Godfrey? We know Joe Gibbs has coached 3 great teams...but this time around he and the FO have not proven that they know better...

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