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Why Haven't We Resigned Cooley? FFS


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Everyone saw what Cooley is capable of in the game against the Steelers. He's really our only reliable target over the middle and very good after the catch. So the big question is, why haven't we given him an extension? The whole situation is so stupid. It's like Synder would rather give some free agent TE that's not even as good as Cooley a huge contract, but since Cooley is "home grown" he's all of a sudden not worth it.

This is going to be Antonio Pierce all over again. When Cooley signs with the Eagles and scores 3 TDs against us next year, it will be an all too familar scene.

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I wouldn't compare this as an "Antonio Pierce" piece. At the time we really couldn't give him the money he demanded, as he had ONE quality season. He'd prolly be better now than most our LB's, but if we gave him the $$$ he asked, we'd be overpaying.

Don't get me wrong, it would be a travesty if we didn't get him signed in a long term deal, but the difference is is that every season Cooley has improved and shown results and I think he's proven he's worth the money. Long story short, its comparing apples to oranges with Pierce vs Cooley situations.

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isn't the suspense of letting one of our stud players taste the open market more fun? oh the drama.....will he stay or will he go? the nail biting, finger crossing, all of it just adds to the fun. danny & co. are only trying to enhance the fans' experience.


Awesome post Major. Maybe they should pay per view the event too, get a few interviews with the cheerleaders in and a few shots of him in those ever so tight shorts for the fans to buy in commemoration.

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Long story short, its comparing apples to oranges with Pierce vs Cooley situations.

But the longer they wait, the higher the price.

It's true that this isn't the same, they should have already resigned Cooley and they haven't.

A few more weeks and he might just decide to see if he can get 50M like Dockery did.

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Yet another player we should have extended two years ago. Way to go, front office. Clearly it was absolutely necessary to spend those cap dollars on Archuleta and Lloyd rather than locking up Cooley and Dockery at affordable rates.

I agree with you and that makes me sad. If in a year Cooley leaves and I hear "well, we couldn't match that $20 mil bonus" I'm gonna think back on threads like this one and shake my head.

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if our front office doesnt overpay for cooley now, were by far the dumbest front office in football. hes a homegrown player, proven stud, perfect fit for our new system, liked by coaches and players, and is one of the iconic players of this generation. if he walks, theres no excuse, our front office is just a bunch of idiots.

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it will get done. he is to much of a fan favorite to let him go. but it needs to be done fast. i think he will have a huge year. if so, he could get some crazy $$$ offers from other teams

thats the point. he should have been locked up already so he didnt have time to test the market. why we do this with players is beyond stupid. lock the dude up, pay him his money, and dont let it loom. if he doesnt sign, somebody is gonna be able to pay him more than us, its that simple. and as much as some of you think these guys will take less money to "be a skin", these guys dont care. they want money and the harder they work, the more they get paid.

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If he is not resigned before his contract is up my money says he will be playing somewhere else next year. Some team will offer him huge money that the Skins won't want to match. We all know that this FO will over pay some players... For once lets pay whatever it takes to keep Cooley! Why over pay a Free agent? I really hope this teams starts doing a better job of keeping its key players. I can understand letting players like Dock go - he was way over paid but not Pierce and certainly not Cooley. Its time for the Skins to act now and give Cooley what he wants cause the price will only go up. :2cents:

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