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Why Haven't We Resigned Cooley? FFS


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My gut instinct is that it's because of one of two things (or perhaps a combination of both).

  1. After what happened to us with injuries last year, they may have chosen to keep a decent amount of reserves available so in the event that someone like Samuels or Moss goes down in the next few weeks, they have some cash to do whatever damage control they deem necessary to ensure that we have a legitamate shot this year.
  2. I think about how we kept all our draft picks next year (minus a fourth), and how this is typically not very Gibbs-like and I can't help but wonder that Gibbs might be thinking about his successcor and may not want to retire with the team in cap hell either. He loves Cooley, so does Al, so all of us, but perhaps the successor to Gibbs may feel that a top-tier tight end isn't as valuable to the club as something else. Like perhaps a franchise quarterback if (God forbid), Campbell just doesn't become what we all hope he will.

Regardless of why, I'm with the rest of you that feel this should've been done long ago. Sorry B-Lloyd and Randel El, but Cooley is the number 2 receiver on this team.

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Say what you will about the Eagles, but they are the best run team in the league concerning cap and signing home grown talent. Granted they often have large cap available that isn't used, but that is not my point. Until we start doing as one post mentioned: signing quality young guys who have performed 2 years before free agency we will always have the revolving door we currently have or overpay to resign our own players 1 year before or during free agency

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In the next couple of seasons we have several players that are going to need restructures and extensions in their contracts. Most notably are Jason Campbell and Sean Taylor. If we do not extend Cooley before the end of the season, we are going to have difficulty signing everyone.

I'm pretty sure that Taylor will want an extension in the offseason, as he has been unhappy with his contract ever since Kellen Winslow signed his contract. I'm shocked the contract hasn't been redone up until this point.

We should extend Cooley now or during the season and Jason Campbell and Taylor during the offseason. Hopefully this gets done sooner rather than later.

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To answer the original question...because I guess the front office and Cooley's agent haven't come to an agreement.

Reading through this thread, I never thought I'd see grown men whine and cry as much as this. Really people, it's football. I'd love to get him locked in as much as you guys, but jumping off a bridge, setting yourself on fire or losing sleep will not get it done.

Players come and players go. It WOULD be the biggest mistake this team every made letting him go, but you guys need to get a grip. You sound like 4 years olds pouting if they don't get their way.

This is about, what, I'm guessing the 20th sign Cooley thread in the last 4 months. If they don't come to an agreement, you can bet the farm, they'll franchise him. Let's worry about the season first. His contract will come when it's done. This doesn't help.

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Let's not forget that two sides are involved here, his agent and the organization.

Most likely, Dockery was free agent bound no matter what the Skins offered and he reaped the "rewards" of a seller’s market.

Frankly, there is no reason to expect Cooley to "blindly" sign with the Skins until the market sets his worth.

If Cooley wants to be here and the two sides can establish a suitable market value then the deal should get done.

If Cooley is convinced by his agent that he can get Dockery type numbers (relative to his position) and he is so inclined, then he will likely go free agent.

The highest bidder may not be the Skins.

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Maybe Cooley doesn't want to resign untill he can test free agency? Just a thought because I haven't heard anything to contrdict this idea. Please tell me I'm wrong on this. I'd like to think he wants to stay a Skin.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Maybe he's being smart about his money and realizing that with salaries the way they are, if Dock can get Pro Bowl money, maybe he can get HOF money. Although, he should realize, that Dan Snyder is the one to give him that type of money.


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Wait --

Didn't we get rid of (read: let go) Smoot/Clark/Pierce because GG said they were expendable?

And what if the same happened with Dock coming from Buges?

I doubt any coach would say that Chris is expendable, and seeing how Gonzalez is still with the Chiefs, Al will fight Tooth and Nail to resign Cooley...

That's my hope at least



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It's pretty simple really?

If we can lock him up for a big contract that makes both parties happy,then I think we can live with that with the importance Cooley provides this team!

He's our 2nd best threat on this team besides Moss....I think he's more valuable than Portis IMO?Not only is he a safeguard for Campbell,but an outlet reciever who will mostly beat anyone covering him...

However...What if we wait till the end of the season and his stats explode?Not unthinkable!Specially when you consider that Campbell is now the QB...

His Salary demands (agent) could truly be rediculous...While it may cost us a 10 to 15 million dollar signing bonus now to lock him up for 7 years...If we wait till the end of the year when he's had 87 catches for 1100 yards and 15 td's and a probowl selection, he will be worth much,much more!

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Everyone saw what Cooley is capable of in the game against the Steelers. He's really our only reliable target over the middle and very good after the catch. So the big question is, why haven't we given him an extension? The whole situation is so stupid. It's like Synder would rather give some free agent TE that's not even as good as Cooley a huge contract, but since Cooley is "home grown" he's all of a sudden not worth it.

This is going to be Antonio Pierce all over again. When Cooley signs with the Eagles and scores 3 TDs against us next year, it will be an all too familar scene.

How many times are we going to discuss this on this board? :doh:

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The longer we wait, the more it's gonna cost us. Look at what happened to salaries last offseason.

Once the season starts, agents often tell their clients to cut off negotiations and tell them to test FA. I suspect that will happen with our beloved Captain Chaos.

On the bright side, we could franchise Cooley rather easily because at moment TE salaries are fairly low.

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We can only re-sign players who desperately want to stay here for relatively little money like Betts. We simply can't afford to lock up our own drafted players with big signing bonuses unless their contracts are already unwieldy (Arrington & Samuels). If we did that, we'd have almost no money to spend on high priority free agents like Adam Archuleta or Brandon Lloyd.

It's because of fans like you the team has to trade away all of its draft picks. I mean, imagine if people wanted us to re-sign every decent draft choice we ever made before letting them hit the open market - our FO would look like idiots. It's when we let guys like Dockery walk away for $50m contracts that we can brag about how great our FO is for finding a fifty-million dollar man in the third round. We'd never be able to make that claim if we'd just extended him after his 2nd year. That's why Vinny is up for a Real Men of Genius commercial. Get with the program everybody.

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