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Why Haven't We Resigned Cooley? FFS


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Cooley's deal will get done. I've always said it wouldnt suprise me if the Skins took the same route they took Ladell Betts extension by waiting until later in the season to get it done. I bet come the end of September Cooley's agent and Vinny will try to hammer something out long term, and by Nov or December a deal will be announced.

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I am confident that the Skins will make him a nice offer... but part of me thinks Cooley doesn't want to be here and that may be why he hasn't signed anything. He's talked on more than one occassion that he wants to be on a winning team.

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Everyone saw what Cooley is capable of in the game against the Steelers. He's really our only reliable target over the middle and very good after the catch. So the big question is, why haven't we given him an extension? The whole situation is so stupid. It's like Synder would rather give some free agent TE that's not even as good as Cooley a huge contract, but since Cooley is "home grown" he's all of a sudden not worth it.

This is going to be Antonio Pierce all over again. When Cooley signs with the Eagles and scores 3 TDs against us next year, it will be an all too familar scene.

SSSHHHH!!!!! Don't say that! This dude is awesome. We need to keep Cooley.

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We'll resign him when the time is right. It's not the right time now. I think we should wait until sometime during the season to sign him. It would be good for the team to build him up and to recognize him with an extension/raise as a means to reward him for what he's meant to this franchise so far. I believe he is a "core" guy and the team/org is waiting for the right time to resign him. Sure, there are probably still some negotiations going on, but I think timing plays a role as well. Larry Michael joked with him on Redskins.comTV last week about hoping "they" sign him really soon. Cooley smiled in agreement it seemed, so it's probably in the works as we speak. :2cents:


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Cooley's Agent: "Cooley should get Vernon Davis; Contract Plus 3 mil and more incentives"

Snyder: "I'll pay you in Johnny Rocket's Meals and free tickets to Six Flags"

Cooley's Agent: "I guess i'll be making trips to Philly, Denver and Long Island"

Snyder: "Who cares.... Secretary, get me Kansas City, Tony Gonzalez will be the highest paid player in the NFL!!!"

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I heard that Cooley wants to get a big time deal and is gonna wait until his contract is over to see the market before they start to negotiate.

He doesn't want a "home team" Betts kind of extension. He wants a big time contract, i'm sure the Skins will be his first choice as long as they are willing to give up big money.

Keep in mind, he was only a 3rd round draft pick so it's not like he's been rolling in money these past few years. He's looking to get his big pay day, and rightfully so.

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its kind of a catch-22. because the man deserves a big pay day more than just about anyone, but at the same time, the franchise needs to be careful bc they have other contracts to get done as well

in the end.... hopefully he gets paid. he seems happy here and is a true redskin

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Yet another player we should have extended two years ago. Way to go, front office. Clearly it was absolutely necessary to spend those cap dollars on Archuleta and Lloyd rather than locking up Cooley and Dockery at affordable rates.

Agreed. This is the one way we need to be more like the Fecals. Instead, our M.O. seems to have been to tie up every last penny of cap space signing expensive new FA players. That's changed somewhat over the past season or two but the need to lock up promising players at reasonable rates before they blow up seems to not have sunk in for our F.O.

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If you were Cooley, would you sign an extension now with the Skins? He can wait and go anywhere he wants for more $$. Maybe he prefers to play for a proverbial winner. Forget him ... he is gone after this year.

Just remember that not everything is in Cooley's court on this one. He has to manage the risk factor as well. If he avoids signing a new contract now to try and cash in in as a FA but suffers a serious injury, then what? He could be screwing himself out of millions, particularly if it happens at the end of the year.

I think he can probably make more on the FA market than the team would be offering him now, but signing now takes the risk away as well. Its not something I think is a major factor, but it is something to consider from the player's perspective.

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