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I think it is time to start panicking, here's why...(merged)


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But quite frankly, the offense looks as inept as it has always looked since Gibbs returned.

The Skins need to put their money where their mouth is and start producing a productive offense.

Darn tootin!! We need to finally produce a running game that ranks in the top 4 in the league, never gonna happen under Gi...oh wait. We were the 4th ranked rushing offense last season.

Well overall we have been totally inept on offense under Gi...oh wait we were in the top half of the league the last two seasons offensively.

Regardless, we aren't gaining 800 yards a game and that is BS! Oh the humanity!

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Darn tootin!! We need to finally produce a running game that ranks in the top 4 in the league, never gonna happen under Gi...oh wait. We were the 4th ranked rushing offense last season.

Well overall we have been totally inept on offense under Gi...oh wait we were in the top half of the league the last two seasons offensively.

Regardless, we aren't gaining 800 yards a game and that is BS! Oh the humanity!

While I just disagreed with you in another thread, I 100% agree here. There's wayyy too many people leaping off the top of FedEx Field around here over one preseason game where half our starters (exaggeration, no need to quote me on that) didn't play.

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Oh jeez, this already?

Remember when Peyton was talking after he won the SuperBowl last season, what he said? Didn't he say something like.

We won the SuperBowl because of those 3 drives in the FIRST preseason game?

Oh wait, he didn't say that, so the first preseason game doesn't mean anything???????????????????

Yeah, pretty much.

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This is incredible. The starters played one-half of football. There is absolutely NOTHING we can draw from this. Teams change and adapt play to play, series to series, quarter to quarter, half to half, and game to game. If we come out next week and score two TDs on our first two drives, you guys will be praising the lord that our offense is the number one in the league...

...and I'll still be sitting here saying, "IT'S ONLY THE PRESEASON!!!"

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Keep the faith neece...

Considering we had an undrafted rookie playing LT along with Wade on the left side, I don't think the protection was as bad as some feel it was. They did not pick up the blitz on a few occassions, but that might not have been the line's fault. A remember a couple of times when Jason had enough time to eat a sandwich back there too.

The defense looked better overall. Fletch particularly looked good.

I'm concerned about our WR's on offense more than anything else. ARE still has done little to convince me he's a legit #2. Lloyd has plenty of question marks also.

I'm not panicking yet:2cents:

Lloyd didn't even make the trip.

:2cents: :2cents:

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Look at other teams playing preseason, like the Giants. I don't think most people consider the Giant's O to be good, but they did manage to put up 21 points. Laugh all you want, but we could be heading for another 5 to 7 win season again.

Their 1st team defense also gave up 80+ yards on the Panthers first possession. They also gave up 24 total points, we gave up two field goals. I like our chances a lot better than the Giants.

Am I worried about the offense? Not yet, I'm going to wait until AFTER the 3rd preseason game because that's when the starters play for at least one full half. I feel good about JC's arm and our ability to go downfiled if he's protected. I also feel good about his scrambling and check-down ability.

By the way, I don't believe in fluke touchdowns. A touchdown is a touchdown in my opinion regardless how we got in the end zone. The first touchdown was well executed by Collins. The second touchdown was a result of a TURNOVER. You may not remember those since our D hasn't been that great at getting THEM. So when we do get a turnover and a touchdown as a result, I say BRING ON MORE FLUKES!


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This whole learning the offense crap is garbage. New Orleans had a new RB, QB, rookie wide receiver and head coach and their offense was a beast. Their offense was clicking in Game 1. We are in season 4 of Gibbs and we are still learning (expletive). Just run the damn ball and protect the goddamn quarterback. We have a veteran line and they look like trash.

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blah blah blah.

it was nothing to get excited about. it was nothing to jump off a ledge over.

it was, however, an opportunity to make some notes about possible patterns....things to keep an eye on as the preseason unfolds.

whoever thinks preseason is irrelevant...is...well...an idiot. see last year as a reference point. irrespective of the wins & losses...it's the details that matter.

what we saw last night was by degrees encouraging and discouraging. I have made my own notes on what to watch for over the next few games (some obvious...some of interest only to me):

- o-line blocking for pass blocking AND rushing. it was not inspiring last night

- improving qb/wideout timing...it looked out of synch at times last night

- continued stoutness of the d-line in the red zone...this has been a marked improvement over last season

- ability of our smurf attack wideouts to function effectively in the red zone and across the middle

- JC holding onto the ball when hit

- better play from the secondary...it did nothing really remarkable last night

- continued good play from the lbs...with more responsibility (i.e., blitzing)

- continued good play from Landry...think about it...only a rook and he looked pretty *amn good yesterday

- continued good tackling (relative to last season)

- an offense with a rhythm...I saw none last night

we must concede that major parts of the offense weren't flexed last night (e.g., Cooley, Sellers, Portis, even Betts) so now is no time to panic as many are saying. but keep an eye on what is happening........or not happening

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3rd strings going against 3rd strings the talent level is pretty much at the same level and they put a scoring drive together.

You're assuming that there's a proprotionate decrease in talent level. First of all, as has been said many times, defenses are ahead of offenses during the early parts of preseason. Secondly, the Titans were running stunts and things of that nature that you don't usually see during the preseason from their first unit. Finally, perhaps their third stringers are worse than our third stringers, while our starters are on the same level. Complaining that our rookies and third stringers are doing better doesn't really prove a point, except to say we scored on their third unit. Do you think our third stringers should start based on their performance?

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this thread is a joke largely because the assumption underlying the first post is that the first preseason game is an actual crucible to test the abilities of an NFL team to withstand a long 16 game schedule and produce......................

does anyone really believe that after the long pass to Moss for 39 yards that the Redskins would have run the next sequence of plays if this had been live NFL game? does anyone really believe the Redskins would never again go back to that same match up down the field later on to perhaps make another big play or two?

Heyer started last night because the coaches want him to be in a position to help the team in the regular season if called upon.

The 'easy' decision for this game would have been to move Wade back out to tackle and start Pucillo at guard.

For the Titans game, most specifically the first quarter, I think the Redskins offense would have looked a lot better as a result.

But it would have done nothing for the team long-term other than confirm that Wade can play tackle and that Pucillo can fill in at guard.

Bugel knows this and he also knows that Jason Fabini is done on the outside. Cumulative injuries have compromised him so that his utility to the Redskins in 2007 will be as a guard, if he is able to overcome his injury problems and make the final roster.

At this point I would not call that a slam dunk.

Veteran OL will be released over the balance of the summer and if Fabini continues to come back slowly from his camp injuries he could be a casualty here.

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Well as much as some of you may want to patronize or mock the thread starter...there are a lot of other teams out there in the NFL, and their first team looked sharp and moved the ball well in their first pre-season game.

The Skins always look like a work in progress every season that ain't quite there, one good play, followed by a bad one. After watching the game again a day later, it wasn't quite as bad as I initially thought, or felt as it was happening, but definitely has a ways to go.

I like to think I fall in the middle somewhere between, the game means nothing, its just the first pre-season, insert excuse here for why they weren't good crowd. and in contrast, the they were horrible, totally inept, get ready for another season of futility crowd. I was very pleased with the play of London Fletcher and the rest of the D, especially the line and backers.

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Ok, so I don't want to be a "the sky is falling" chicken little type after 1 preseason game. But quite frankly, the offense looks as inept as it has always looked since Gibbs returned.

Fair enough, but shouldn't we give them at least 3 preseason games to get the kinks worked out? Campbell is starting for the first time, and his "so called" offensive line let him down as a unit. Yes the offense stunk up the joint, but I'm not panicking until week 3 or 4 of the regular season honestly. I'll certainly be concerned if we continue to stink it up in the preseason b/c that will mean that we don't have it together. :2cents:


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Look at other teams playing preseason, like the Giants. I don't think most people consider the Giant's O to be good, but they did manage to put up 21 points. Laugh all you want, but we could be heading for another 5 to 7 win season again.

unfortunatley i agree. i really expected alot more out of the offense.

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It is as simple as this - most headed into this preseason with concern due to the 5-11 record last year, anyone who still does not have concern after the OVERALL performance of our first team offense is not being realistic of the status of the team right now.

Basically, this first preseason game shouldn't have changed your too attitude much about the skins, good or bad - and that is not good, if you were looking for improvement like I was.

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while i dont think it is time to start the absolute panic mode, i am worried. defense looked improved, thats for sure. but, as people have have said in this thread already, things dont look too great. last year i was worried b/c we looked like a good team that was lost in the preseason in a new playbook. this year we dont look like a good team.

and, for the 'its vanilla' 'blah blah its preseason' people, i started the following thread last preseason. many others did the same, and a lot of people got jumped on for it.


im not nostradamos. im not joe gibbs. but im worried, and if you throw it all up to just being preseason, just look in the rearview mirror atl ast year.


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I know the skins offense did'nt exactly look like we thought it would, but I for one am not willing to put away the Kool-Aid just yet, because a lot of teams looked bad this weekend. Case in point, the Colts first team offense failed to score a point, and in the Saints Hall of Fame game, they looked horrible. Now I'm not saying that the Skins offense is as good as the Saints or Colts, but I am saying that most offenses are rusty at the beginning of the preseason, because they have to get their rythym and timing back. Thats why we play preseason games folks.:doh: And also, defenses are ALWAYS going to look better than the offenses are, because all they have to do is react and hit somebody, because the offenses are so scaled back. I for one, was impressed at Jasons ability to come back and hit some beautiful passes to Randle El and Moss, while facing constant pressure, and I think as the preseason goes on, the offense will start to get it going, and when we get Samuels and Portis back, we will be fine.

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I know the skins offense did'nt exactly look like we thought it would, but I for one am not willing to put away the Kool-Aid just yet, because a lot of teams looked bad this weekend. Case in point, the Colts first team offense failed to score a point, and in the Saints Hall of Fame game, they looked horrible. Now I'm not saying that the Skins offense is as good as the Saints or Colts, but I am saying that most offenses are rusty at the beginning of the preseason, because they have to get their rythym and timing back. Thats why we play preseason games folks.:doh: And also, defenses are ALWAYS going to look better than the offenses are, because all they have to do is react and hit somebody, because the offenses are so scaled back. I for one, was impressed at Jasons ability to come back and hit some beautiful passes to Randle El and Moss, while facing constant pressure, and I think as the preseason goes on, the offense will start to get it going, and when we get Samuels and Portis back, we will be fine.

This is the kind of general and generic (but perfectly fine) post that should have just been put in an existing thread like the one it has been merged into. If you have a specific and unique slant or topic, then start a new thread. :)

There are also other existing "don't panic" or "positive" general threads still in the first two pages of this forum. :)

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Colts starters moved downfield and scored a FG on their only series of the game

And Ware had zero sacks going up against a rookie LT. And the supposed defensive rookie of the year and late 1st round steal(whom New England desperately wanted) Spencer was invisible. :rolleyes:

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Ok, so I don't want to be a "the sky is falling" chicken little type after 1 preseason game. But quite frankly, the offense looks as inept as it has always looked since Gibbs returned. Every season and preseason we look for signs of improvement in the offense, but none seems to be forthcoming.

Worse, Gibbs has been quoted as saying that how they perform in the preseason is important this year, and one of the reasons the Skins did poorly last year at the beginning of the season was the pitiful preseason. Gibbs wants to see us win games and do well in the preseason (we did not win this game by the way, just because we scored a couple of fluke TD's at the very end). Here we go again, apparently.

What was up with the offensive line giving up 4 sacks? I keep hearing the following excuses from fans, "we are just running a vanilla offense and don't want to give anything away, the Titan's defense was playing like it was regular season". Well guess what, we better start playing like it is regular season and it matters. With Saunder's offense I would expect to see us running up the score trying different plays and scenarios, instead we get the exact opposite. I'll go on record right now, until our offense starts to produce some yards and TD's, whether it be in preseason or regular season, then we stink on ice. The Skins need to put their money where their mouth is and start producing a productive offense.

Take it easy :refill:

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