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I think it is time to start panicking, here's why...(merged)


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Amen. Case in point, I watched a little bit of the Dallas's first game. Their offense looked sharp. Dallas has a lot of talent but I would potentially expect them to take a step backwards with a new HC. I still expect them to take a step backwards. I would just like to see the Skins take a step forward on offense for a change. Aside from Gibb's 2 second season, they all seem to be steps backwards. I chalked alot of this up to Brunell, and last season being the first season to absorb Saunders system.

No more excuses, Redskins. It's time to man up.

You are exactly right. And even if they aren't steps backwards, they aren't forwards, and sitting still wins few games in the NFL. I know our coaches will do all in their power to right this ship. I don't doubt that they care. I just hope it works. With all my heart I hope.

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Deja vu all over again. These look like the same posts from last after the first preseason game. But the question is, who's right? The pessimist or they optimist?

If our 1st string offense doesn't at least score twice in our second preseason game, than I think its time to worry. If our starting front four don't register a sack, than we need to start changing something.

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:applause: yeah the dallas one in 2005 with santana's 2 amazing catches? i dont think gibbs came into the game thinkin im gonna tell my players not to score untill around 2 minutes left in the game. and blocked kicks are flukes IMO and they happen more often than you think

I wouldn't necessary call those fluke plays I do know where you going with this though :D

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Deja vu all over again. These look like the same posts from last after the first preseason game. But the question is, who's right? The pessimist or they optimist?

If our 1st string offense doesn't at least score twice in our second preseason game, than I think its time to worry. If our starting front four don't register a sack, than we need to start changing something.

I agree with that. Those should be focal points this offseason and if they can't get it done, there needs to be some answering to for someone.

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Am I the only one that saw nice down the field, touch passes that MB hasn't thrown since 1999?

A few pre-season sacks are not going to make me run for the bomb shelter.


What I didn't like, on defense, three of the newbies making all the highlights, while the vets seemed invisible.

hopefully, the others will not want to be shown up and start getting meaner.

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You have got to be a troll, RIGHT?

Which team do you really root for, surely, not the Skins.

What about the teams that lost over the weekend? Do you think their are threads like yours on their team's web site?

Get REAL and why you are at it, GET A LIFE.

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You have got to be a troll, RIGHT?

Which team do you really root for, surely, not the Skins.

What about the teams that lost over the weekend? Do you think their are threads like yours on their team's web site?

Get REAL and why you are at it, GET A LIFE.

This can't be a serious post, can it? Are you a Cowboy in disguise trying to cause a rift in the family? Be honest now. :D

To answer your two questions: yes. No doubt about it.

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With Portis and Moss being two players who broke franchise records in 2005, I seriously doubt the offense really sucks. Yes, Gibbs overall numbers are down in his 2nd stint, and it may be determined that hiring Saunders was a huge mistake, but with the talent we have, and continuity with the offensive coaching staff, I am fairly optimistic about the unit heading into 2007.

Yes, we played like poop at times, and the line play was horrible, but our best player AND best linemen didn't play in this game. Just a hunch, but I think the O will look a little better come game one of the regular season. Just a hunch, though.


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Don't know how much you can really LOOK into this first preseason game. We can make different points all day long. My thoughts are this will be a good team. Superbowl contenders? No. Do I hope so? Yes. Playoff contenders? Maybe. Its a 50/50 shot. Its gonna come down to how fast Campbell can pick up his position and our line can protect him. How many people stay healthy. etc.... The list goes on. Haven't mentioned the defense yet.

Bottom line, How well will the players mesh,stay healthy, and stay motivated? Lets just do our part and root for our team. The WASHINGTON REDSKINS

Just think what a great defense can do, it got the Bears to the superbowl!!!

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I just think when we have had such a mediocre/losing tradition so long here we need to take advantage of any opportunity to turn that around. We are not the Colts or the Patriots. We cannot afford to sleep walk through another preseason because in the past that has led to us sleep walking into the season.

JMO but we should take the preseason as an opportunity to get our players used to winning/dominating. Plus, since all the teams supposedly take the preseason so lightly we wouldn't have to work to much harder to get ahead.

...and I don't care to hear about the possibility of more injuries, because we are dropping like flies when we play these "vanilla" games.

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I fail to see how losing 3-0 at the half is a reason to panic(FG scored only after a 40 yard punt return and a 3 and out).

Oh no, our offense looked inept! Our defense meanwhile held the titans to NOTHING. So how is being down by 3 points a reason to panic? Ever play any sports...

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I fail to see how losing 3-0 at the half is a reason to panic(FG scored only after a 40 yard punt return and a 3 and out).

Oh no, our offense looked inept! Our defense meanwhile held the titans to NOTHING. So how is being down by 3 points a reason to panic? Ever play any sports...

I agree completely. The offense moved the ball decently (although the running game was a little rough, but we didn't have CP or much of Betts), and the D was playing with a chip on their shoulder again. Plus, everyone is picking against us and that always makes me happy. When no one picks us we tend to do a lot better.

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