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I think it is time to start panicking, here's why...(merged)


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panicking after the first preseason. Why bother playing the rest of the games?!?! :doh:


We should be concerned about things we saw in the preseason, but we shouldn't be doom and gloom. People don't know how to analyze circumstances for why things happened the way they did.

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Ok, so I don't want to be a "the sky is falling" chicken little type after 1 preseason game. But quite frankly, the offense looks as inept as it has always looked since Gibbs returned. Every season and preseason we look for signs of improvement in the offense, but none seems to be forthcoming.

Worse, Gibbs has been quoted as saying that how they perform in the preseason is important this year, and one of the reasons the Skins did poorly last year at the beginning of the season was the pitiful preseason. Gibbs wants to see us win games and do well in the preseason (we did not win this game by the way, just because we scored a couple of fluke TD's at the very end). Here we go again, apparently.

What was up with the offensive line giving up 4 sacks? I keep hearing the following excuses from fans, "we are just running a vanilla offense and don't want to give anything away, the Titan's defense was playing like it was regular season". Well guess what, we better start playing like it is regular season and it matters. With Saunder's offense I would expect to see us running up the score trying different plays and scenarios, instead we get the exact opposite. I'll go on record right now, until our offense starts to produce some yards and TD's, whether it be in preseason or regular season, then we stink on ice. The Skins need to put their money where their mouth is and start producing a productive offense.

"What a waste of my time!" I mean, "this must be the dumbest post EVER!" Didn't some idiot named skinsfan51 post the same thing in another thread? Yeah, he did, and...oh...THAT'S ME!

nneece, thanks for the very well thought-out and logical thread. As in my thread, don't worry about the head-in-the-sand fans who can't look beyond their hopes to see what has really taken place in D.C. over the last four years. You and I both hope that changes and we both hope we make the Super Bowl, and I'm sure you love Coach Gibbs as much as I do. And no, you and I didn't forget the playoff season in '05 either. But keep saying the obvious. Someone needs to. :applause:

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All I can say is... WOW... Just WOW.

I have never seen so many chiken little post in one area!

First off, just relax. There is no need to panic... yet. I am assuming that the chiken little posts are form fan that are not totally savvy with this game. Let me tell you first hand that the main reason the O-line and offense did not produce was for a few key reasons.

1. The Titans were running a full regular season defense. They were running line stunts and fancy blitz packages.

2. We were runing what some call vanilla. We did not adjust anything for protection. We just asked guys to show what they have. If you noticed, many run plays were called that did not go anywhere. That was not due to horrible O-line play. We were running against 8 man fronts all night. Again, no adjustments at the line.

3. There were also some rookies playing with the first team O-line and I thought they did admirably against the full face defence that the Titans showed.

Now, on to the positives... JC ran one hell of an offense for a guy running for his life. His drop back was good (though I thought he could have stepped up in a few situations to buy more time), his throwing motion is much tighter and his poise is still unshakable. That kid took spme hard hits, but IMO, he never looked rattled. I would like him to beter protect the ball when he is hit. And I would like him to remember that he is 6'4" and that no one on our receiveing corp is taller than 5'10".

I also would have liked to see Cooley more involved in the game.

Our defense was lights out awesome across the board. First, second, third stringers... what ever. They completeley and totally man handled the Titans. Fletcher seems well worth what we paid. Landry looked really good too. That hit in Collins really shook him up. You could see the pain in Collins face as he crawled back to the sideline. McIntosh looks like a complete different player from last year. Springs was spot on and showed me that he could be good this year. That play on the "almost" lateral to scoop it up and run was a good. Bets of all was the run D. Our tackles looked tight and they were collapsing the middle all night. Now our ends needs to step it up a little.

In closing... Sit back and relax. This game did not even closley resemble a single game from last years pre-season.

And if after all this you still think the season is over. Drop me a PM and let me know what you want for our season tickets. I will be glad to have them.

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Well as much as some of you may want to patronize or mock the thread starter...there are a lot of other teams out there in the NFL, and their first team looked sharp and moved the ball well in their first pre-season game.

The Skins always look like a work in progress every season that ain't quite there, one good play, followed by a bad one. After watching the game again a day later, it wasn't quite as bad as I initially thought, or felt as it was happening, but definitely has a ways to go.

Amen. Case in point, I watched a little bit of the Dallas's first game. Their offense looked sharp. Dallas has a lot of talent but I would potentially expect them to take a step backwards with a new HC. I still expect them to take a step backwards. I would just like to see the Skins take a step forward on offense for a change. Aside from Gibb's 2 second season, they all seem to be steps backwards. I chalked alot of this up to Brunell, and last season being the first season to absorb Saunders system.

No more excuses, Redskins. It's time to man up.

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Ok, so I don't want to be a "the sky is falling" chicken little type after 1 preseason game. But quite frankly, the offense looks as inept as it has always looked since Gibbs returned. Every season and preseason we look for signs of improvement in the offense, but none seems to be forthcoming.

Worse, Gibbs has been quoted as saying that how they perform in the preseason is important this year, and one of the reasons the Skins did poorly last year at the beginning of the season was the pitiful preseason. Gibbs wants to see us win games and do well in the preseason (we did not win this game by the way, just because we scored a couple of fluke TD's at the very end). Here we go again, apparently.

What was up with the offensive line giving up 4 sacks? I keep hearing the following excuses from fans, "we are just running a vanilla offense and don't want to give anything away, the Titan's defense was playing like it was regular season". Well guess what, we better start playing like it is regular season and it matters. With Saunder's offense I would expect to see us running up the score trying different plays and scenarios, instead we get the exact opposite. I'll go on record right now, until our offense starts to produce some yards and TD's, whether it be in preseason or regular season, then we stink on ice. The Skins need to put their money where their mouth is and start producing a productive offense.

I don't see how the Collins drive was a fluke, but the fumble recovery in the last minute - maybe. Even if you took the fumbe recovery by westrbook away it would be 7-6 WIN! Say what you want to be negative, but i will take the positives out of this game. Aka the defense is looking better, we can stop the run, Santana Moss made a great play in his limited time and another decent play for the first down, when campbell has time he can throw the ball well (did you see the pass to randle el when it was 3rd and 3 for a 20 yrd gain), our punter causes fumbles(i swear i think he is spiderman in the offseason), and unlike last preseason WE WON! I will take that momentum when i can get it

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Oh wait, we start keeping score on September 9th.

We see where we need improvement, and we'll make adjustments. We can officially freak out if we don't see improvement by the third preseason game. But that shouldn't happen if our HOF coach is worth his weight in salt. We'll see strides in the right direction...

And if we lose the rest of the games, sit back have a :beerglass, and remember they start counting on 9/9...

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Oh wait, we start keeping score on September 9th.

We see where we need improvement, and we'll make adjustments. We can officially freak out if we don't see improvement by the third preseason game. But that shouldn't happen if our HOF coach is worth his weight in salt. We'll see strides in the right direction...

And if we lose the rest of the games, sit back have a :beerglass, and remember they start counting on 9/9...

We need to see significant strides between now and the season opener. That has not been the MO in the past- the preseason has pretty much been a preview of the regular season. Our offense seems to have no rhythm, even when you take into consideration that it is a preseason game. We need to find some.

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Its very reassuring to have people remind me of our 4th ranked running attack last year. Will you remind me of our record last year with the 4th ranked running game? Oh yea - 5 and 11.

No time to panic - but things didnt look to good on Saturday.

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i am so tired of the super fickle fans in here. it was the first F-ing game! and it was pre-season!!

example: the year ryan leaf was drafted the chargers went 4-0 in preseason and ryan leaf was the number one rated QB in the NFL. they went 1-15 in the regular season and we all know what happened with cryin ryan.

but seriously, i hope you fickle sumuma****es all jump ship, leaves more beer and pizza for me and the REAL fans who stick by their team no matter what..

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Neither of our starting RBs, our strength of offense, played. The line looked shakey, i'll agree with that, but our D is back and we won a close one. Isn't that the difference between a winning and losing season in most cases. Not bad for a preseason game. I don't expect our offense to really hit stride until the second half of the year anyway.

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You realize that games are won and lost on "flukes" all the time right?

:applause: yeah the dallas one in 2005 with santana's 2 amazing catches? i dont think gibbs came into the game thinkin im gonna tell my players not to score untill around 2 minutes left in the game. and blocked kicks are flukes IMO and they happen more often than you think

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Its very reassuring to have people remind me of our 4th ranked running attack last year. Will you remind me of our record last year with the 4th ranked running game? Oh yea - 5 and 11.

No time to panic - but things didnt look to good on Saturday.

Now don't go getting all logical now! You're sure to get disrespected for it! :D :doh: :rolleyes:

Even though you're right! :applause:

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