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Halftime review -- Woe is Jansen.


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I agree pretty much completely. The tackles seemed to play very poorly(one of them has an excuse), but overall Campbell was decent, one catch, and one slightly better thrown ball away from a good outing(8-14 140 yards). Hard to judge the running game with Cartwright in there.

The defense was a nice change of pace from last year. I really did not like the long completions on 3rd down that reminded me so much of last year, but surprisingly you look at the end of the half and, only 110 yards allowed. Thatll give us a shot in every game. Fletcher was a monster out there, and the DTs looked good. I still have worries, but it was a good first step for the D.

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Randy Thomas was playing. The first 2 run plays were directly behind him.

You're going to have to try a little hard to find excuses. But I have no doubt Redskin fans will dig deep and come up with some of the best.

Thank you Mr. negativity. I don't think people are so much finding excuses as they are just being optimistic as am I. I remember last pre-season, and I don't remember any glimmer of hope other than just people saying "it's the pre-season" and "we're running vanilla plays." But I like others saw some positives tonight. There were negatives as well, but the things that were negative look very fixable, instead of a lack of talent like last year. You can't make me believe that with the "entire" O-line intact, we won't look better than we did tonight. I know the game of football, and everything has its checks and balances. A pro-bowl left tacke missing can change the aspect of a game just as it did tonight. A first time starting left guard who's been a career right tackle also increases chances of error as a unit. Not having Clinton Portis decreases our ability to pass. But most of this and the other stuff I saw tonight is coachable, well except for Wade being able to play interior o-line, and can be expected to improve.

I just think we have things to be excited about and some things to work on. I don't thnk Titans' fans are sitting around complaining about how bad their offense was with Vince Young riding the bench, and I'm not either with Lloyd, Portis, and most importantly Samuels riding ours. So if anybody wants to doom and gloom for the next week, help yourself, but Monday at work I'll be able to confidently say to the naysayers and Cowboys fans, 'I'm not calling Superbowl, but don't sleep on my Redskins this year.' :cheers:

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As far as Campbell goes, he still has problems with the out patterns. Yeah, he hit a nice one to ARE, but the rest were off. He's either high, wide or low with most of them. He's fine going long, but if he wants to be legit he has to make the outs.

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Art is completely correct about Jansen. He got housed/schooled if you will.

The scariest thing about the whole "Jansen playing poorly tonight" thing is, he was not even facing some of the top talent that is going to be coming his way soon.

Some of those plays where he was actually being bull rushed back into the backfield are going to be pretty embarrassing for him when the team gets together for the film session.

Oh, for those who are now just passing everything that looked bad off as it simply being a preseason game, give me a break. Isn't this when we are suppose to find and evaluate the bad? If we had a perfect night, would you have simply brushed it off and said that it was merely a preseason game?

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Art. My question is this. Is anybody, including you, going to call Joe Gibbs out on this Jansen issue. I know all about Joe Gibbs hall of fame stuff and superbowls, but that doesn't mean he knows everything and sure doesn't mean he isn't stubborn and set in his ways.

Isn't anybody going to call out Joe Gibbs and blame him for the problems on the offensive line and ask him POINT BLANK about Jansen. "Why don't you replace a guy who obviously cannot block". Its really that simple. Arch couldn't cover so he got cut. Jansen can't block so he should get cut. Am I missing something here. Does somebody get a free pass just because everybody THINKS he's good due to some urban legend.

Jansen has NEVER made a pro bowl yet Bugel and others seem to have a man crush on Jansen. I just do not understand this. Wade is simply better and Wade is a natural tackle....as demonstrated by tonights performance. Why are they leaving Jansen in and taking Wade out of the picture for right tackle. I just don't get it I guess. But the other teams must love it.

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ok yes, the line sucked tonight.....in fact, it was abysmal, but its just the first game of preseason, give them time. if i see no improvement by the end of preseason then jansen needs to go, but imma give him time to get up to speed. does nobody remember how our line housed people last year?

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One of the questions I wanted to ask Jansen, but just didn't get the opportunity tonight, is 'How are the hands?'. I don't know that its a factor, but he's had major recurring problems with both hands, including as you all remember, having to play for nearly an entire season with broken thumbs. I've wondered for awhile if it wasn't something that continues to bother him.

I didn't have the benefit of seeing a lot of slow-mo and replay tonight, but I'll check it out once I'm home. It would be a huge concern if Jansen isn't up to snuff, with no guarantee Samuels will be back to 100% on the opposite side this year.

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Art is completely correct about Jansen. He got housed/schooled if you will.

The scariest thing about the whole "Jansen playing poorly tonight" thing is, he was not even facing some of the top talent that is going to be coming his way soon.

Some of those plays where he was actually being bull rushed back into the backfield are going to be pretty embarrassing for him when the team gets together for the film session.

Oh, for those who are now just passing everything that looked bad off as it simply being a preseason game, give me a break. Isn't this when we are suppose to find and evaluate the bad? If we had a perfect night, would you have simply brushed it off and said that it was merely a preseason game?

Kendall, the guard for the Jets + switching Wade to RT sounds like an awfully good idea.

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Jansen wasn't the only one on the line that struggled. It seemed like a total O-Line debacle tonight! I'm not worried though. Bugel's lines always start out this way. When Samuels comes back you will see a good rythem hopefully by the 3rd week, and more production out of the line.

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Jansen wasn't the only one on the line that struggled. It seemed like a total O-Line debacle tonight! I'm not worried though. Bugel's lines always start out this way. When Samuels comes back you will see a good rythem hopefully by the 3rd week, and more production out of the line.

Man i hope your right. It seems strange that our biggest strength from last season which produced the 4th best rushing attack in the league would completely fall apart. But what about the Defense from the unit we saw in 05' to the crap we saw last year? Seems like it fell just as quick. Obviously injuries absolutely killed us in 06'. Its hard to base your expectations for the season on the first meaningless game. We had better hope samuels has a full recovery and gets back to form quickly.

Besides that line, i cant find anything else to gripe about, and im not even sure our o-line is going to be a problem. I am thinking insert Samuels, problem more or less solved as long as Wade can perform his job adequately. Depth is another issue, but Heyer didnt look totally ****ty for an undrafted rookie. Campbell can hit receivers when he is given time, with no problem. That pass he hit Moss with was almost perfect, and Santana made the adjustment as he always does and caught up with a ball that was a little deep. I love seeing that though. That and the pass to El were something i hope we see a lot of. We had better get our running game going and pick up where we left off last season (sounds odd saying that).

Defense impressed me. Im not sold on it just like im not sold on O-line. I think we showed something though. That linebacking core is going to be very exciting to watch. Fletcher looks like a miniature Sean Taylor. Flying around the field and drilling the ball carrier. Even when he was halfway across the field he would get there to make a tackle or seal the deal after Rocky or Marcus got to the ball carrier. A lot to be excited about, a lot to be worried about. Thats what makes this game so captivating i think.

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Jansen wasn't the only one on the line that struggled. It seemed like a total O-Line debacle tonight! I'm not worried though. Bugel's lines always start out this way. When Samuels comes back you will see a good rythem hopefully by the 3rd week, and more production out of the line.

Actually, it really only was Jansen. I mean we could harp on Heyer, but the guy is a rookie and he wasn't constantly getting pushed back on every play. Jansen sucked. There is absolutely no way around it. I think I mentioned last year that he was our weakest link. Last night, it seemed like he was hearing the snap count twenty seconds too late. I still have the image of him basically standing up and getting shoved in the gut stuck in my head.

Seriously though, I can't understand how he could suck this bad. That was the worst I've ever seen a Redskins offensive lineman perform, and I was around for the Spurrier and Norval eras. If Coach Gibbs really wants to make a statement, he should cut Jansen and eat the cap space (not serious, but solely because of contract considerations). That would get the attention of our OL.

BTW, I'll bet Heyer would make for an awesome RT and getting Kendall for a 5th or 6th rounder would be great right about now.

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I seriously don't get the criticism of JC. On that first fumble, I'm sure Campbell wasn't expecting a down lineman to come at him unabated. There's a reason it's called the blind-side. It was a fundamental failure by Stephon Heyer (who still shows a lot of promise) that caused that fumble, not any wrong-doing by JC. On the second fumble, it was mostly Cambell's fault as he didn't step up in the pocket. Although, our line didn't exactly give him a comfortable pocket to work with. He was hit hard, but still managed to re-enter the game as though nothing happened.

Other than the fumbles, he had one errant pass to ARE (btw, if ARE had adjusted just a little bit, it would have been catchable). Everything else was either spot-on or at least catchable. This guy is really really impressive as a passer to tell the truth. JC is light years beyond any Redskins QB since Brad Johnson in 99' (Ramsey will always suck). With Samuels back, Wade adjusting, and Jansen getting a vitamin B12 shot in the ass, I look forward to seeing the damage JC can inflict upon the league.

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Jansen is old , oft hurt and his abilities have been steadily declining. This will be his last year.

Sounds harsh for a guy who can be considered a "True Redskin". He is tough and he does try and is a locker room leader, but he struggles more often than not now. Plus he's wears out the ref's arms with all those holding penalties.

Thanks for the great years Jon, see ya at the "80 Greatest Redskins" presentation.

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Jansen was getting blown up all night.

I will give him the preseason to get his groove back ebfore I will start ROASTING HIM!!!

So he better get it together quick and stop worrying about B Mitch!! :laugh:

Maybe he needs both of his thumbs broken again.

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Honestly look at the offense Ramsy played in.

Gibbs never gave him a fair shot.

Ramsy would often put up big numbers and play big too.

There are things we, as fans, can never know about a player that the people who coach him do know. They are the intangibles we never really get to see or fully understand, but which do exist and do ultimately decide a player's fate. Ramsey was a gunner. He had exciting moments because of that arm and the ability to make some throws one or two guys in the league could make.

His problem was he never had any other thing. The reason Gibbs and Spurrier never took to him is because as hard as they tried to get him to develop touch or efficient reading of a defense, he failed. You even heard Jansen talk about this, and Jansen is Ramsey's best friend. Jansen spoke as to how Gibbs needed Ramsey to trust the offense and throw where receivers would be before they broke and he couldn't get over that.

Last night we saw Campbell fumble on a play. We don't know who's fault that is, but, it could well have been entirely on Campbell. Campbell could have been responsible for going hot on that play and never saw it. It's that type of play you never get to know about. And it's that type of play that keeps coaches and players from bonding while we as fans wonder why not.

That's what Ramsey's problem was. It does not appear to be the problem for Campbell yet, but, we're still on the upward slope for him.

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Jason Fabini was beaten like a drum as well when he was out there. The combination of rust from not practicing due to the goin no doubt was part of this. But at 33, and having gone in a year plus from being a starter for the Jets, to backup on an average Cowboys line, to being waived in the offseason.................

you really have to question now whether Fabini is an NFL player at this point.

with more practice time to get reps, we should see a better player next week.

if not you would have to think a move for a veteran backup may be in order.

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Last night we saw Campbell fumble on a play. We don't know who's fault that is, but, it could well have been entirely on Campbell. Campbell could have been responsible for going hot on that play and never saw it. It's that type of play you never get to know about.

Campbell said it was his own fault. He was supposed to check back, but he never did.

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Campbell said it was his own fault. He was supposed to check back, but he never did.

I understand and believe that's the case as well. Those plays should never happen and typically do fall on the quarterback. It's just few understand that from the outside looking in.

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I understand and believe that's the case as well. Those plays should never happen and typically do fall on the quarterback. It's just few understand that from the outside looking in.

Yes, those plays should and do happen. It's nearly impossible to account for corner blitzes - which are rare to begin with - unless there's a back left in in pass protection.

So yes, it's on the quarterback to be aware of that possibility and to pick up on it... not the offensive line.

It doesn't take a genius to know that the offensive line isn't responsible for the outcome of corner blitzes.

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I understand and believe that's the case as well. Those plays should never happen and typically do fall on the quarterback. It's just few understand that from the outside looking in.

Yeah, I at first figured it was Heyer's fault, but I don't know if he was even playing on that down. I think Heyer said it wasn't his guy to block, but he probably could have done something more to help out. He might have been talking about another play though.

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