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Favorite standup comedian bit

Spaceman Spiff

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Not to be confused with simply favorite standup comedian...but tell us your favorite part of one of their shows.

Even better if you can find it on youtube.

I'll start with...

"...send them somebody like me, I'll walk out there. Send them somebody who says, hey, we just drove 700 miles with your food, and it occurred to us, there wouldn't be any world hunger if you people would live WHERE THE FOOD IS!!! YOU LIVE IN A ****ING DESERT!!!"

http://kinison.com/video/files/latenight_1985-11-14_250k.wmv - not the video I wanted of it, but its still decent. It's a Letterman performance from 1985.

I can't find much video from Dana Carvey's 1995 special that was on HBO but the "naked time" bit was hilarious where he compares his little kids to old men.


Anyway, lets hear yours.

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Mike Birbiglia

here's an explanation:


Used to follow up a joke in order to accentuate it.

Derrived from the use of the term by comedian Mike Birbiglia, who was playing on Busta Rhymes' similar use of his own name after his rhymes.

"I like drinking coffee in the morning, but if I reach a point in my life when the best part of waking up is the Folgers in my cup, I don't know if I wanna wake up. Mike Birbiglia!"

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I saw Harlan Williams on stage, easily the funniest stand up I have ever seen.

He was talking about stuff women use to stay looking young. He then stated, "I bought some of that anit-wrinkle cream. That **** don't work, my balls are still wrinkled."

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Coffee by Denis Leary.


Another one was by a guy named Brad Trackman. Video isnt online because he isnt that popular. I saw him at the improv, he was opening for some other donkey.

Basically the bit was about how picking up a chick in a bar is like cracking a safe.

"You have nice eyes............21 to the left."

"Those are great shoes.......14 to the right."

It was great.

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