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Thanks I'm gonna e-mail the reps for a sample of Purple Wraath.

I'm using White Flood and Green Magnitude right now. You will not be disappointed with the White Flood. Gave me exceptional pumps, and really did help with keeping the focus all the way through a heavy session. I did notice that after a while I did build up a tolerance with it. But all in all its great stuff and doesn't taste to bad.

I'm so pumped to get to the gym tomorrow so I can give it a try. I've been struggling getting out of bed the last couple of days because I've been dragging ass. Cutting out carbs is harder than I expected and I'm trying to stay away from stimulants to avoid the crashes and headaches. We'll see how it works for me in the morning. :applause:

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Alrighty then. Getting back into the swing of things, slowly but surely. Signed off ES, got up off my butt this evening and went to the gym. Following up on last weeks workout. Place was pretty open tonight. Probably a combination of New Years resolutions already getting broken and the Sundance film festival going on in town. Cool. I can hit it hard with no waiting. Legs and arms. Only 2 sets of 8-10 because it's been awhile since I have done them. :doh: Part of the new workout plan is to do Abs between every set. Which I did. Movement in general could be a problem over the next few days.

Close grip bench

DB curls

Tricep push downs

EZ Bar curls




Will add on sets and exercises in few weeks. I also changed my diet over the past few months. Eating once every 2 hours until after work. Little meals with a couple of snacks in between. Dinner is after the workout with a small shake before bed. This, obviously, has done some things to the old metabolism and I am pleasantly surprised with the results. Definitely has helped keep the wasteline down, (actually shrinking it some), while I have not been visiting the gym as much. My trip to the grocery store tonight after the workout reflected this new diet as well. See what happens now that I'm getting back into the gym. Cardio, well, has to get better. Can't get any worse. Time to get back into the HIIT and some jogging in between the weight days.

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  • 3 months later...
Whats joint mobility?

My joints get stiff all the time and I need to strech them out and would be very interested in knowing what that was.

Right now I'm doing a routine called Super Joints. It's basically joint rotations and stretches that you do every morning. Usually takes me about 20-30 minutes. It has helped me big time with flexibility. I bought the book from here: http://www.dragondoor.com/b16.html

It might seem pricey, but to me it has been worth it. My joints feel like I took 10 years off them.

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P90X - been doing it for 2 months. It's good stuff...especially if you start out out of shape. Also running 3 miles a few times a week. I've dropped 30lbs of wings and beer from last football season. Now I need to drop another 15 or so to make room for next season :)

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P90X - been doing it for 2 months. It's good stuff...especially if you start out out of shape. Also running 3 miles a few times a week. I've dropped 30lbs of wings and beer from last football season. Now I need to drop another 15 or so to make room for next season :)

I've heard that P90X is a kick in the balls. Super tough.

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I've been taking classes for 4 weeks now. I take boxing twice a week, boot camp once a week, and every other week I take what they call a powerup class. Boot camp class is brutal, boxing is fun, and powerup class has a hot trainer.

When they gave me my assessment right when I started, I had 17% body fat. I weighed in at 150 and they told me I have 123 Lbs of muscle/bones. I'll probably get an assessment next week to see if I've made some progress.

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I just started doing P90x and it is tough. I never realized how out of shape I've gotten. I recommend it to everyone.

HIGHLY recommened...definitely worth the money. You never reach a comfort zone because you are always switching things up. I'm on week 9 and I'm still sore every single day. 3 more weeks and I'll be done with round 1. Then after two weeks of hard cardio I'm starting round 2. It's definitely not an informercial gimmick.

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HIGHLY recommened...definitely worth the money. You never reach a comfort zone because you are always switching things up. I'm on week 9 and I'm still sore every single day. 3 more weeks and I'll be done with round 1. Then after two weeks of hard cardio I'm starting round 2. It's definitely not an informercial gimmick.

For those of you doing P90X, are you also following their diet plan or are you just using the workouts?

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Finally getting the consistency back in the workouts. Tuesday was the upper body, (heavy day), tomorrow will be a heavy legs and arms day,(see if the knee is healed up enough for that). Weather will be getting better so jogging will be back in play again.

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HIGHLY recommened...definitely worth the money. You never reach a comfort zone because you are always switching things up. I'm on week 9 and I'm still sore every single day. 3 more weeks and I'll be done with round 1. Then after two weeks of hard cardio I'm starting round 2. It's definitely not an informercial gimmick.

You don't have to be sore every day to get in great shape... :2cents:

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