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Workout thread


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For those of you doing P90X, are you also following their diet plan or are you just using the workouts?

Yes...I've stuck to the diet about 95% of the time the past 9 weeks. I usually only stray away from it for special occasions (and beer). It's a good diet...but it takes some time - writing it out, prepping, etc. But you get out what you put in.

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You don't have to be sore every day to get in great shape... :2cents:

I'm not saying you do...just saying that this works. And I started way out of shape so that probably has something to do with me being sore daily.

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So when i first posted in this thread i talked about using a calorie counting workout, and it worked pretty much just as well as any other workout i ever tried. I maybe gained a pound here or there, and just got "toned."

However i started a new workout program that i have been doing since March 25 that has worked at an exponential level. I have raised my body weight from 170 to 185lbs. Have added at least 70lbs to all of my critical exercises ( pec flys, bench, shoulders, triceps, quads, etc.)

At first i would drink a whey protein shake about 30min before drinking a NOexplode mix. Then about 30min later run a mile to the gym, workout, then run the mile back. Finish with my Creatine loading system, and a protein shake later. I have since taken a step back on the double protein shake combo. But i do this about 5 days a week. So if you want to gain weight, good muscle weight, here is a program you all can use. I have done Creatine loading before, but it never ever worked... so this is a first.

My main goal has been to increase muscle in the upper chest, to create that "line" of separation between the pecs. So far i have definitely gained alot more muscle there, but i still dont really have a line yet. Does anyone have a good workout for the top of the chest that will get that definition im looking for?

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For those of you doing P90X, are you also following their diet plan or are you just using the workouts?

I am on week 2 and doing the diet plan. Not as hard to do as I thought.

You don't have to be sore every day to get in great shape... :2cents:

That was not the point he was making. P90X is about never allowing your body to plateau. If you do push ups every day for 6 months do you think you are going to be sore after a few days or weeks? No. This is because your body is getting used to it. P90X does the exercises in a way to never let your body get used to the actions, you don't plateau. Its goal is to help you get into better shape than you would by doing the same thing every week. You may get into good shape, but you will plateau at some point and not get much, or any better.

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What I do every other night is:

Stretch for about 10 minutes

Run 1 mile on treadmill

Bench press machine, high reps, I start with about 140 pounds, do as many reps as I can until I can't do any more, take off 20 pounds, do as many as I can, repeat until I can't do it any more.

Ride exercise bike for 10 minutes

Curl freeweights, 40lbs 3 sets 15 reps each arm (not great @ curls)

Run 1 more mile

Stretch for 10 minutes

go home, attempt to watch an episode on a futurama DVD, fall asleep

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10 minutes of stretching... 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical machine)... more stretching

3 sets of 12 reps dumbell exercises, chest, shoulders, arms

2 sets of crunches (I freakin hate those)

More stretching

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Thanks man, good info

BTW - current research goes against there being any benefit to static stretching before exercise. The static stretches shown are best after you have worked out and will help with recovery.

If you feel you need to stretch before exercise, get the muscles warm first with ten minutes of cardio and then stretch by using the same motions as you will when exercising, i.e. leg drives etc.

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BTW - current research goes against there being any benefit to static stretching before exercise. The static stretches shown are best after you have worked out and will help with recovery.

If you feel you need to stretch before exercise, get the muscles warm first with ten minutes of cardio and then stretch by using the same motions as you will when exercising, i.e. leg drives etc.

didn't know that... I guess it doesn't really hurt to stretch beforehand though, does it?

Got any good upper-body stretches?

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didn't know that... I guess it doesn't really hurt to stretch beforehand though, does it?

Got any good upper-body stretches?

Static stretching increases flexibility and lengthens the muscle, and causes a temporary loss in power (20 minutes approximately) ... usually not what you want before you exert yourself.

Beforehand you should do dynamic stretching. Some ideas are here:


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