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Just got back from the gym. Thought I'd give a little bump to this thing to see how things are going with others. As for Monday's and tonight's workouts,(upper body on Monday, arms and legs tonight),........ Ouch. :lift:

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I've actually been able to dedicate myself to the gym and have only missed going on my off days. Things have been going well and for the first time in a very long time I'm seeing some major results.

My man boobs are all but a thing of the past. I don't even have to tighten them up, they pretty much stay hard now. Here's what I've been doing to accomplish this. Read an article on line about pulling your shoulder blades together when benching and keeping them there through the entire rep. This isolates the pecs and helps take the shoulders and lats out of it. I've been doing this and my bench keeps going up so I'm pretty happy using this form.

Day 1: Chest> Flat barbell bench 5 sets, try to get as close to 10 reps a set (250 X4 on last set)

Incline bench 3 sets

Cable cross-overs 3 sets

Dips 3 sets to failure

Decline (sometimes) 3 sets

For the first time in my life I'm seeing some major changes in my back. I've never had any type of muscle tone that I've noticed. Now I'm starting to knot up all over the damn place. I'm really starting to love this crap. Actually seeing results is one hell of a motivation. Here's what I do on my back days

Day 2: Back> Dead lifts 4 sets (repped 225 8 times on my last set the other day)

Lat pull downs (wide), 3 sets to the front, none of that behind the head crap for me

Lat pull downs reverse grip (close) 3 sets

Seated Rows 3 sets

I've always had decent shoulders, strength and size but I'm starting to see a transformation in them as well. No stridation yet but definitely putting on size; all my damn work T-shirts are getting too damn tight.

Day 3: Shoulders> Barbell military press, 4 sets to the front of course (205 4X last set)

Hammer strength incline shoulder press, 3 sets

Lateral raises, 3 sets

Don't know what their called but you hold the dumbells in front of you and rotate your elbows out and up to the side, 3 sets

Shrugs, 3 sets

Hate legs, hate legs and hate legs. Funny too because in High School that's all I did. They just hurt too damn bad two days later, especially when we run PT four days a week.

Day 4: Legs> Squats DEEP(my ass almost touches the floor), 4 sets (205 8X final set)

Leg extensions, 3 sets

Leg curls, 3 sets

Calf raises, 3 sets

Day 5: I call this my auxillary day. I hit anything I feel I might not have gotten a good workout on during the week and hit my arms as well. Pretty focused on my chest right now so it usually involves at least 3 sets of flat bench, w/dumbells. The rest of the day goes like this.

Bi's>Straight bar wide grip, 3 sets

Dumbell hammer curls, 3 sets

High Cable curls, 3 sets

Tri's>Pull downs with the rope, 3 sets

Skullies, 3 sets

Dips (without leaning forward), until my arms quit on me

Sunday and Monday I let my body rest. As I stated in a different thread right now I'm taking Purple Wraath by Controlled Labs (2 scoops a day), Glutamine with MSM (1 scoop a day), Optimum Gold Standard Protein (2 Scoops a day). For my weight loss I'm taking the ALRI Tri-lean system, 10lbs in two weeks with no crash. I'm just passing my half way point so I have three months left to keep hitting it hard. Barring injury I should be able to reach my goal of 200lbs body weight, 300lb bench, close to 300lb squat and 350lb dead lift. If I can accomplish all of this while toning up and getting rid of my gut I'll be extremely happy. The Air Force has gotten pretty serious about PT so I don't want to jeopardize making rank because I'm out of shape. So far so good. :applause:

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Yeah so I'm going to start cutting next week and for 2 more weeks after that (before college starts) and I should lose at least 3 pounds. I am going to be in "active rest" next week, meaning I am not going to lift but I am going to run 6x (3x HIIT and 3x long distance) and then get back into a run 4x/circuit training 2x phase for the two weeks afterward. I am going to go on Gil's Hibachi diet and eat salads, lean meats, and nonfat dairy with some complex carbs in the form of whole wheat bread here and there.

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Ok... I started my insane workout program on June 12th. Some of you may remember it was around this time that i was just getting over a relapse in the bottom of my spine ( which resulted in like 2 months of laying down and doing nothing due to the pain, followed by facet, cervical, and thoracic facet joint injections). At that point i decided to push my workouts to a more serious note, taking notice that when im playing sports or working out i seem to be fine. So here is pretty much a log of what has gone down since then.

I ork out 6 days a week, with once every two weeks, an extra day off. Each workout has started and ended with a mile run. Then followed by a 35-40 min set of laps in the pool. On odd days i have been working out the chest, pectorals, shoulders, and triceps. Every other odd day has been exhaustion day. With each week involving different ways to work these sets of muscles.

( dumbells, machine, bench, pulleys, cords, stability ball).

On even days i work on biceps, back muscles, lats, and forearms. Also switching different setups to achieve muscle growth and reduce muscle familiarity ( if thats a word ). After either of these workouts are done. I start into my ab routine that lasts about 35 min. Each routine involves crunches, bikes, stability ball exercises, medicine ball exercises, and the ab wheel. This is then followed by weighted back extensions.

So far as of July 31st ( 49 days ), here are my results:

Weight: 164.5 ~ 171

Mile: 7 min ~ 6:30 min

Bench: 110 lbs ~ 170 lbs ( max of 2 after sets)

Triceps: 85 lbs ~ 140 lbs ( ability per sets of 10)

Lats: 110 lbs ~ 170 lbs ( ability per sets of 10)

Biceps: 35 lbs ~ 60 lbs ( sets of 10 on a curling bench )

Shoulder Extensions ~ 10lbs ~ 20 lbs ( ability per sets of 10 )

Abs: Not quite sure how to guage this, but i can safely say that i have tripled my ab strength

Back extension: 0 lbs ~ 45 lbs ( ability per sets of 25)

Any suggestions on how to improve more?

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I love this workout. Since you have posted it I've seen huge gains in both bench and squats. Doing those lifts twice a week I think is more effective atleast in my case. Having something to follow has been huge.

Glad you like it. I thought it was very effective and you're right, having the numbers out there ahead of time seemed to give me more confidence and make me more consistent.

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Hmmm. Interesting workout this ultimate bench one. It's not that different in ways than what I'm doing now. The body parts on certain days is different, but the general premise of keeping simple is there. I may try this as a change up to what I'm doing now when this particular phase of workouts is over.

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I am averaging about five miles a day on the 'ol treadmill and a couple hundred crunches a day. I try to go to the gym at least four times a week, but most weeks I end up going five or more.

I either do four miles or six miles a day (depending on how much time I have) and try to get 25 in a week.

I have also been eating quite a bit better and surprisingly (sarcasm), it really makes a difference. I feel a lot better since I have gotten into somewhat of a routine and I lost about 25 pounds in about the last month.

Also, thank God for 24-hour gyms. I am never on a "normal" schedule, so I end up going anywhere between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. I roll out of there somewhere between 2-3 a.m. most nights.

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Just did the dumbell workout I do on moderate days. Now I've got to get into the other part of the working out thing,(reads above post). I've been lazy on running this year. Need to get back into it this high altitude training in a big way.

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Ouch. Made myself pay for skipping a workout this week by doing both heavy days tonight. Went better than I thought too. Strength progessing nicely right now, (though I credit that to changing my diet some. More protein and some more carbs). Though I think tomorrow I may be just a tad sore. :whew:

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Did chest workout today. I have only been doing chest once a week, now I am moving it up to 2 a week and doing different workouts with that muscle group. The dumbell flat and incline flyes seem to work the best. On Sunday I will do chest and back. Eating at Glory Days tonight put a finish to that workout.

I read a good magazine, Muscle Fitness, a Joe Weider publication. They have a lot of good articles on different foods and the best times to eat them, as well as different workouts that you can incorporate into your regime. This magazine basically help me lose 60 lbs, and help me gain muscle. Just skip most of the ads, the magazine is full of them.

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Shoulders today.

Did the hammerstrength machine that is leaned back a little bit (not straight up and down like military press) but when you press it stays in line with your shoulders. the most I've ever put on it was two plates per arm until last week. Did 120lb's per side last week and this week my workout partner and I got a little crazy and just started adding weight. When it was all said and done we were pressing 150lbs on each side. 300lb's! I know this isn't a true military press but 300lbs is still a hell of a lot of weight. Damn shoulders are getting pretty big now, all me DCU tops are getting tight across the back of my shoulders and I'm having to roll the excess pants waist over my belt to keep them up. Funny thing is I've only lost 15lbs total but I'm putting on decent size.

3 Months left before I go home. Shooting for a 300+ lb bench, 300+ lb deadlift and 300lb squat. Even though I haven't maxed in a few weeks I'm right around 275+bench, 250 deadlift and 250 squat.

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Good work and good lifts. Always a charge to hit alltime highs and such. Though be careful and watch out for the plateau thing. One of the things I have noticed, (with myself and others), is that it's easy to get caught up in the progress and workout even harder or at least longer than you would normally. Purple wrath notwithstanding, watch out for the signs of that dreaded brick wall, (which I hope doesn't happen here. You're doing well and having a good time doing it). Keep up the good work.


That's known as positive reinforcement from one gym rat to the other. ;)

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Good work and good lifts. Always a charge to hit alltime highs and such. Though be careful and watch out for the plateau thing. One of the things I have noticed, (with myself and others), is that it's easy to get caught up in the progress and workout even harder or at least longer than you would normally. Purple wrath notwithstanding, watch out for the signs of that dreaded brick wall, (which I hope doesn't happen here. You're doing well and having a good time doing it). Keep up the good work.


That's known as positive reinforcement from one gym rat to the other. ;)

Appreciate it PCS, just changed up the routine last week because we were starting to dread going to the gym.

Used to do legs at the end of the week and never wanted it to come because they hurt so damn bad, now we do them the first day. Worked out well though, get them over with and look forward to the rest of the week. Also went from barbell to mostly dumbells and threw in some new machines just hit the muscles differently.

What I'm most worried about is finding the time once I return home. It's easy to find the time while deployed but with two little ones and a newborn once I return it's going to be a chore finding the time.

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Appreciate it PCS, just changed up the routine last week because we were starting to dread going to the gym.

Used to do legs at the end of the week and never wanted it to come because they hurt so damn bad, now we do them the first day. Worked out well though, get them over with and look forward to the rest of the week. Also went from barbell to mostly dumbells and threw in some new machines just hit the muscles differently.

What I'm most worried about is finding the time once I return home. It's easy to find the time while deployed but with two little ones and a newborn once I return it's going to be a chore finding the time.

Figured I was stating the obvious, I tend to be the nagging kind of gym guru, (do as I say, not as I did. Ouch). No worries on WHEN you get home. Find yourself about 45 mins or a little less a few times a week, and you'll be fine imho. Besides, with 3 kids, you're getting a good workout already. :whew:

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Update for the past week

Flat bench: Repped 115lb dumbells 6 times on my final two sets

Squats: Repped 255 6 times final set

Deadlift: after repping 300 four times decided to try 350 and locked it out no problem.

Shoulder press: didn't do as well today as I did last week, 300 on the hammer strength machine 3 times

For PT yesterday I split us up into two groups and we did Indian runs for 1.5 miles. Felt great afterwards and it was a great team building exercise for us. Day before I ran two miles in 18 and some change. Didn't really push it but I'm pretty sure I could shave a couple minutes off of that if I wanted to. Dropped another 5 lbs last week, down to 223. Still have about two and half months to get to 200 or stay around 210/215 but get rid of these damn love handles. Gut's disappearing in the front but the love handles don't want to budge. God forsaken genes!

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Update for the past week

Flat bench: Repped 115lb dumbells 6 times on my final two sets

Squats: Repped 255 6 times final set

Deadlift: after repping 300 four times decided to try 350 and locked it out no problem.

Shoulder press: didn't do as well today as I did last week, 300 on the hammer strength machine 3 times

For PT yesterday I split us up into two groups and we did Indian runs for 1.5 miles. Felt great afterwards and it was a great team building exercise for us. Day before I ran two miles in 18 and some change. Didn't really push it but I'm pretty sure I could shave a couple minutes off of that if I wanted to. Dropped another 5 lbs last week, down to 223. Still have about two and half months to get to 200 or stay around 210/215 but get rid of these damn love handles. Gut's disappearing in the front but the love handles don't want to budge. God forsaken genes!

One thing I found that works for the handles are side-bends with 25lb dumbells. I got up to about 190 recently (a combination of muscle gain and some fat gain) so I'm doing some cutting right now, trying to get to 175-180 or so. I'm sitting at 183 and I've got rid of the handles and like you, my gut's starting to disappear.

The best thing I've discovered for cutting is lots of cardio and doing more sets and reps and cutting back on heavy weights (all along with diet of course). I've never really jumped rope before but damn man, I feel like that is the single biggest and best change I've made to start cutting. I do a few sets before and after I lift now and it's working wonders.

Also, I think that along with the cardio, decreasing the weight that I lift with is helping control my appetite because I would always be hungry and eating when I was doing heavy lifting with little cardio, because I guess your body craves more food for energy when you life heavier weights.

Anyway, I'm about to try the Purple Wrath, I'm almost out of the NO Explode...can't wait to check it out.

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