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The Fart Thread (enter at your own risk)


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I was sitting in class and I could feel a nice sized fart forming in my innards. I was holding it but suddenly I sneezed and let out my fart. It was simultaneous. "Achoo Brraaap". It was pretty embarrassing. People around me gave me the same look Homer in my sig is giving.

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our d-coordinator where i coach is about 5-11, 350 lbs. he yells constantly, and has some serious potty-mouth. but he's funny as hell.

one time last summer, during the first week of two-a-days, we're all sitting in the coach's office between practices. this guy rips an enormous fart, and immediately his expression changes.

now, if i squirted, i would do my very best to be inconspicuous, walk out, and do what i had to do with no one knowing. not this guy.

he stands up, and says "i think i just **** my pants." he then walks directly in front of another coach, bends forward and asks "did i just **** my pants?" he had a brown squirt line right down the crack of his ass.

he just walks out, gets in his truck, and comes back about 30 minutes in to the 2nd session w/ a new pair of shorts on.

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This is probably the best thread I've seen on any messsage board. I have two stories to add. When I lived w/ my ex I'd have to get up earlier than she would for work. I'd let out the gas that built up over the night right before getting out of bed. Than on the way out of the room turn on the lights, she would pull the cover over head and dutch oven herself. Suprisingly it worked several times.

Don't ask where we got the idea for the next one but it could be considered the nastiest smell ever. In college we would fart in an empty gatorade bottle cap it back up and put it in the freezer. After a week we had a buddy open it up and smell it...... he came close to puking. That lead me to learn one of the most valuable lessons in life. Don't ever smell anything when someone asks you to..... just asking for trouble.

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I had a boss, when I was in the Navy, that used to fart in the shop and laugh about it. So, one night, I went out and had lots of beer and hot shots, ate hot fingers and at breakfast I ate a bunch of boiled eggs. When we got to the shop for work, I let it loose and cleared the shop out for 30 minutes. It was so bad I was not immune to it. He never farted in the shop again.

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our d-coordinator where i coach is about 5-11, 350 lbs. he yells constantly, and has some serious potty-mouth. but he's funny as hell.

one time last summer, during the first week of two-a-days, we're all sitting in the coach's office between practices. this guy rips an enormous fart, and immediately his expression changes.

now, if i squirted, i would do my very best to be inconspicuous, walk out, and do what i had to do with no one knowing. not this guy.

he stands up, and says "i think i just **** my pants." he then walks directly in front of another coach, bends forward and asks "did i just **** my pants?" he had a brown squirt line right down the crack of his ass.

he just walks out, gets in his truck, and comes back about 30 minutes in to the 2nd session w/ a new pair of shorts on.


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The other day...a lady farted in the hall...this is no exaggeration..it took us over 2 hours to get the smell out of the hallway, we tried to close the firedoors, but it didnt help.


Ah, man. Firedoors. I'm dyin' here.


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I don't know if this is funny, weird or just sick. But I never have to set my alarm clock to get up in the morning. Every morning I fart at the same time and after that fart I get up and start my daily routine. And it's not just a poot either, it's of the variety of peeling the paint off the walls. 6:30 on the dot every morning.

My girlfriend swears I have a trumpet for an *******. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  • 2 months later...

OK I got a couple of stories to add.

It is kind of funny that this thread has come up since last night my girlfriend told me I fart in my sleep and wake her up in the middle of the night. I told her I am probably just gettin comfortable in the bed and it needs to come out.

When I was in college my roommate and I were both football players so we both kept pretty much the same schedule. So it seemed like every night one of us would have gas from the crappy food they gave us. So we would grab the lighter, hop on the floor and light the farts. Our GF's couldn't belive it. We also MADE them fart in front of us since we didn't think girls farted.

I had a ex fart in my apartment so bad that it made me leave my own house and brought tears to my eyes. I have never smelled something so rank in my life. I was dry heaving. I told her that she had 2 hours to air out the house while I went and looked at some booty. :D

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I don't know if this is funny, weird or just sick. But I never have to set my alarm clock to get up in the morning. Every morning I fart at the same time and after that fart I get up and start my daily routine. And it's not just a poot either, it's of the variety of peeling the paint off the walls. 6:30 on the dot every morning.

My girlfriend swears I have a trumpet for an *******. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I'm kind of the same way. I don't fart at exactly 6:30 like you do, but I have to fart once no matter if I have gas or not.

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our d-coordinator where i coach is about 5-11, 350 lbs. he yells constantly, and has some serious potty-mouth. but he's funny as hell.

one time last summer, during the first week of two-a-days, we're all sitting in the coach's office between practices. this guy rips an enormous fart, and immediately his expression changes.

now, if i squirted, i would do my very best to be inconspicuous, walk out, and do what i had to do with no one knowing. not this guy.

he stands up, and says "i think i just **** my pants." he then walks directly in front of another coach, bends forward and asks "did i just **** my pants?" he had a brown squirt line right down the crack of his ass.

he just walks out, gets in his truck, and comes back about 30 minutes in to the 2nd session w/ a new pair of shorts on.

This got me laughing so hard I'm crying. I pictured Luther from the TV show "Coach" doing this. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I just want to know why our own farts smell like a filet mignon searing on the grill and everybody else's smell like cooked cabbage?

Everyone loves their own brand. :laugh:

God, beer farts are the worst. I am farting pretty much constantly, but im fearful that the next one may not be air ifyaknowwhatimean. Ive spent all day with that possibility hanging over my head, im totally stressed out. :laugh:

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For my best story I must go all the way back to when I was ten years old. My cousin and I were hanging out in his room listening to music or whatever. Of course, we always had a sort of competitition to see who could fart the loudest and longest (we also developed the ability to fart at will). Well, I thought I had a big one that night, one that would propel me into the Fart Hall of Fame. I let it bubble up a while, and then, when I felt the time was right, I started to try to push it out for maximum depth and length of sound, and ended up expelling a good-sized log in my tighty whities. My cousin told me later that my expression change to utter confusion. All I could say was, "miscalculation." We both guffawed until we couldn't breathe, and then laughed some more. From then on, all we'd have to say to each other to get each other rolling was, "Miscalculation."

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