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The Merged x115 Adventures Of The Fashion Police Weekly aka THE Uniform Thread


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Ever??? I'm sure. Who cares?

We will probably be wearing the burgundy tops for 3 of the next 4 home games (except Dallas). That will be a cool change of pace. I would imagine that we'll keep wearing the white pants every week for the rest of the year.

The white-top / burgundy pants is one of the greatest uni's in all of sports. ...Burgundy jerseys at home??!! Ugh, no thanks. Is Marty coaching us again?


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Bruno recently interviewed fans on Redskin fashion. Here are some of his quotes:

"How about the white jerseys: keep them in the ghetto or train to Auschwitz?"

"How about Jim Zorn: do you wish him a benign tumor or a malignant tumor?"

(re: white on white combo) "You had 9/11 where you had a massive attack on America and then you have this, its like a mini-9/11."

"Look at the evil people in the world: Jason Campbell, Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin. What do they all have in common? Mustaches!"

"Is it a coincidence that all the good people have long hair? Like Troy Polamalu, Jesus, and like hippies and you know Rod Stewart."

"Do you think if the Redskins wore the burgundy tops and white pants in the 1930's World War II would have even happened?"

Edited by E33Green
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The white on white is classy. However, I would like to see the classic white top, burgundy pants again. Please, NO GOLD PANTS we are not a college team.

What does that even mean? Gold pants = college team? Please do tell your logic on that one.

Last I checked, Green Bay, Pittsburgh, and historically the REDSKINS have gold pants and are indeed NFL teams.

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Im watching the Titans-in their all blue-finish off the Colts-they way we're waiting for the Skins to finish off an opponent.

The all whites are from Gibbs II. I'm all for a new look to herald in the Zorn era. White on Burgundy is always cool-but I'd like to see B on B.

But as long as the players like what they and WIN-who cares?


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I like the white on white. Not sure why people think it looks bad.

I'm not sure why it's popular among a few, but those yellow R helmets from last year are UGLY. UGLY! Worst uniforms.

But if we HAVE to change something, we should just change up the burg jerseys to these: http://www.footballfanatics.com/NFL_Washington_Redskins_Jerseys/Reebok_NFL_Equipment_Washington_Redskins__Number_24_Shawn_Springs_Burgundy_Alternate_Replica_Footbal

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From www.theredskinsblog.com earlier this year

Along those lines, Gibbs seemed to prefer the white jersey with the burgundy pants. Some players have claimed to prefer the burgundy jerseys with white pants. Any idea how things will go this year?

We’ll be wearing the white jerseys with the burgundy pants at home until, I think, the Pittsburgh game. After that, burgundy with white pants. Coach Zorn thinks it will help with the heat. For away games, we’re at the mercy of the home team — like Dallas always wears white at home, so we always wear the burgundy in Dallas.

Anyone know if this is still going to happen? Thoughts on jersey/pant combinations?

It will be weird to see the burgundy top at home. The Skins wore em at home during Marty's year in 2001 and wore dark jerseys at home in Spurrier's first year (but that was 70th anniversary).

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I sent an email to Coach Zorn asking him NOT to have the team wear the burgundy jerseys during the Dallas game.

I told him Dallas must NOT be allowed to wear their white jerseys in OUR HOUSE!!!

I also told Zorn that like Gibbs, I preferred to have our white jerseys at home also.

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Greetings ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for joining us here for this special Redskins Uniform fashion event brought to you by the Official Extremeskins fashion department. A celebration of fashion during this, the 100th merge. :silly: I know we all are excited to be here and are ready for this exclusive premiere showing of Redskins Uniforms that show off the very latest in exciting pro football fashion. If a player wants to be seen in a football uniform that makes a statement on any football field, whether it be the regular season and sunny or the post season and stormy – the ones you are about to see will do it. We know you can't wait any longer, so let's get started.

If it's wonderful Spring day with the sun shining high in the sky and running around in real turf is the plan, then look no farther than what Casey Rabach is wearing today. That's right. The always versatile white top with the burgundy pants that are accented with the sporty,yellow and white racing car stripes down the sides that just make you go vroooom. Matching socks go along with this bright and cheery uniform and a pair of black, white, or for the more daring player, black and yellow or even gold cleats can complete the ensemble. No worries ladies and gentlemen, we haven't forgotten the helmet. It's just so versatile and goes with everything.

Now if it's the bright sunlight, heat, and humidity they're trying to beat, then Chris Cooley is wearing the answer. The white pants and, remember that versatile white top? Well it's back in this white on white ensemble that's sure to open eyes behind those sunglasses on those sunny summer days or brighten things up on those hot summer nights. To complete his outfit, Chris is wearing the basic black cleats that never go out of fashion. Talk about a fashion risk. You go guy!

As we head into autumn with all it's fall colors, what could be better than what Cornelius is wearing today. He's sporting the white pants with those burgundy and yellow racing stripes and that gorgeous burgundy top. This top with the white and yellow stripes on the sleeves is perfect for those beautiful fall days with all it's fall like colors. It just screams Fall is here.

Now for those special occasions, when the player wants to look in the mirror and feel good at what they see, this throw back uniform being worn by London Fletcher is it. This uniform, with its dark top and gold pants, you'll notice those stripes make the scene again, is the perfect example of high fashion without being too formal. London is wearing the white cleats with this amazing outfit, but for the really special occassions, you can't beat basic black. And as with any special occasion, one must accessorize and can there be a better way to do that than this wonderful helmet with the spear on it? We think not.

Now if the player doesn't want to feel quite that formal, then there is always the more casual, but even more daring throwback uniform that Jason Campbell is sporting right now. It combines the white top and yellow pants with that wonderfully bright yellow helmet with R on it for a casually formal feeling that is truly a sight to see.

Thanks for coming to the show and we hope you have enjoyed yourselves as we have shown off the very best and latest in Redskins uniforms fashion.


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It looks like we'll be wearing burgundy jerseys @ home this week...I know this because the offense was wearing burgundy jerseys in practice today and Zorn had said earlier in the year that the offense wears the current week's game jersey color in practice. This may be the game we finally go burgundy on burgundy!

i know i know its not a big deal to most people but i enjoy the little things! HTTR!

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Zorn has repeatedly said that during the first half of the season we'd be wearing our white jerseys at home, and during the second half we'd switch to burgundy (but back to white next week simply to spite Dallas).

This week would be the week that initiates that change.

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