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Anything MMA, except thumb wrestling


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Go look at comment threads around the MMA media world.  The combination of McGregor fan boys and overall casual fan fights has me convinced that people legitimately think McGregor has more than a fluke flash KO chance in a rematch.  


Things I read:


"All this Khabib dude did was sit on him for 3 rounds"


"Too scared to actually fight"


"McGregor defended well on the ground"


"Khabib didn't even work for submissions, fight should have been stood up multiple times"


I mean for crying out loud, sometimes I don't understand what people are watching or what they think MMA is.  So many casual fans just want to see two guys stand & bang and anything else they consider "not fighting"


I know MMA as a sport, isn't for everyone, entertainment-wise, but if you are going to watch it, at least pretend to understand what you are watching.

Edited by NoCalMike
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Most casual (meaning they just watch highlights) MMA fans that i know just want to see boxing with smaller gloves, the occasional kick and more dynamic KOs and can't stand the grappling aspects.  It's like hating basketball because not every play results in a showtime dunk, but having an opinion anyways.  


These people also think that all UFC fighters are "thugs" which, I can't even. 

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2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Most casual (meaning they just watch highlights) MMA fans that i know just want to see boxing with smaller gloves, the occasional kick and more dynamic KOs and can't stand the grappling aspects.  It's like hating basketball because not every play results in a showtime dunk, but having an opinion anyways.  


These people also think that all UFC fighters are "thugs" which, I can't even. 


Same.  You also have people who think if the fight hits the ground that a submission should be locked in within one minute or the fight should be stood up. There is just no fundamental understanding of the give-take going on.

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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Most casual (meaning they just watch highlights) MMA fans that i know just want to see boxing with smaller gloves, the occasional kick and more dynamic KOs and can't stand the grappling aspects.  It's like hating basketball because not every play results in a showtime dunk, but having an opinion anyways.  


These people also think that all UFC fighters are "thugs" which, I can't even. 


2 hours ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


Agreed.  That's got to be the next fight.  But you know they're going to rematch and take advantage of all of this hype and controversy.  The UFC doesn't even take itself seriously.  They aren't worried about the sporting world doing so.


Its been pretty interesting watching Dana transform into everything he used to rail against. He has become exactly what he hated about boxing



I mean this sincerely, MMA has the dumbest collective group of fans of any sport. The truly great analysis and comments are so hard to find, that its often not worth looking.


I pretty much checked out of MMA outside of a specific fights or fighters, and I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought I would.

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42 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:



Its been pretty interesting watching Dana transform into everything he used to rail against. He has become exactly what he hated about boxing



I mean this sincerely, MMA has the dumbest collective group of fans of any sport. The truly great analysis and comments are so hard to find, that its often not worth looking.


I pretty much checked out of MMA outside of a specific fights or fighters, and I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought I would.



I may be one member of that collective group. I still watch every event. I tend to ignore Dana and focus on what goes on in the octagon. Ignorance is bliss.

Edited by Chachie
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4 minutes ago, Chachie said:



I may be one member of that collective group. I still watch every event. I tend to ignore Dana and focus on what goes on in the octagon. Ignorance is bliss.


I understand completely


I hate that the UFC is an incredibly watered down product. Their quest to put on as many cards as possible means that guys who have no business being in "big show" are getting prominent spots on cards. The gap between high level MMA and what we see most cards is growing.


there might be a total of 6 or 7 legitimately good fighters combined once you get to 205lbs and above

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The UFC sells itself on striking. As much as they won't admit it, look at their highlight packages, promos, run downs, etc etc....it is very skewed towards guys who stand and bang, regardless of how sloppy and awful it is.  This has created a generation of MMA fans who don't even really enjoy and/or appreciate anything but stand up.


When I first started getting into MMA, the UFC was just starting, a high school teacher would bring in events he taped and let us watch them at lunch.  I didn't really understand what I was watching at the time, but I enjoyed it.   For me the pinnacle of the sport is still when PRIDE was around and thriving.  You had a viable #2 promotion in the world that didn't just rely on castoffs from UFC.  PRIDE built their own roster of fighters who were just as good if not better.


When PRIDE folded, and a lot of their battle worn and over the hill fighters signed to the UFC and faded, I sort of knew the writing was on the wall as far as "MMA" went and figured it is now the UFC show.  Sort of like WWE/Vince McMahon, they control the market share, they get to write the rules and history and the narrative.


Bellator is fun, PFL can be good at times, but the majority of viewers don't watch those, they solely watch UFC and pretty much eat up whatever Zuffa/Dana White are selling.

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7 minutes ago, Chachie said:

A local indicator of the declining interest in the UFC is the recent inactivity of this thread. It took Conor vs. Khabib to get you guys talking again. ?


I think it is also due to UFC's overkill on show output. Hard to maintain the level of excitement when so many cards are being put on.  I still mainly watch all the cards, but don't always chime in. 

21 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

Bellator has 3 really interesting prospects who could legitimately be great down the line:


in between signing the broke down legends and veterans, Bellator has managed to grab some of the better prospects in MMA away from the UFC


I'd say Mousasi is Top 3 in his weight division in all of MMA.  UFC really lost out when they let him walk.

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11 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

I'd say Mousasi is Top 3 in his weight division in all of MMA.  UFC really lost out when they let him walk.



Big time. Dude's never happy though. Impossible to please as an employee. I'm not saying Dana tried hard enough but I'm also not sure there's an "enough" for Gegard.

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I once was a huge fan of the UFC but the last several years haven't excited me much and I haven't watched regularly in a long time. However I am a CM fan so he temporarily brought me back to the UFC this week. I know that the "purist" don't like CM. He is no Royce Gracie. I know morally good people really don't like CM. His actions are at times appalling and his mouth is brutal. There is a lot not to like about the guy. 


To the casual fan there is a ton to like about him. CM brings excitement and unpredictability where ever he goes. CM is must watch. The UFC desperately needs more charismatic characters like CM if it wants to keep growing. Truth is there will always be an audience for the purist fans of this sport. But your only going to set records when the UFC gets a little more like professional wrestling. I'm sorry but if you don't think them rematching is good for the UFC you don't understand this business. CM is a cash cow, where he goes people follow. Dana knows this so he puts up with nonsense because in the end he is a business man with a goal of making as much money as he can. 


As for CM he is completely one dimensional, can't wrestle or have any background in that. Take him off his feet and he's easy prey. I bet CM loses the rematch if there is one. You can't teach someone grappling for his entire life and expect a guy who worked on that for a few months to compete with him.  You can't teach that overnight and when your fight features this style clash without a lucky punch the shooter is going to win.


CM is a good powerful striker but his best asset that no one else brings is himself. And after that fight his opponents best asset is what he did after that fight. People know his name now. Only the die hard purist knew who he was before this fight. Now people want to see him get his ass kicked and the roles to reverse. CM was the arrogant out of control heel before this fight. After this fight he is a babyface and his opponent is the heel. People loved CM as the heel and now will love him as the face. Its a different fight now. 


CM used to be about his two titles, that was years ago. Now CM is about his whisky and his persona. So he lost. Big deal. Mike Tyson lost 5 times. Everyone loses except Money Mayweather. Even though he lost, even though he isn't going to win the rematch, and even though this fight was boring for the most part I guarantee that in his next fight the match will sell out and do even better ppv business then this one did. It will be exciting. That's what matters. CM puts asses in seats and until he can't do that anymore he will still get booked and people will still follow him. Even in his defeats it is exciting to his fans. That's a value to the sport that seems to be overlooked here imo. CM is good for the UFC


Oh and the fighter who said he balls were hot as to why he took off his pants, that was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time

Edited by bobandweave
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I don't dislike Conor. 


At the end of the day he brings the fight and is always in there to finish a fight and not get a decision. 


It's really more Conor fanboys that annoy me more than Conor himself.  Whenever he he has lost the list of ridiculous excuses pile on.


Edited by NoCalMike
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I got into MMA through my spouse, so I'm stuck watching most cards whether I want to or not. My wife edits footage for the UFC sometimes and used to hit the road with the crew for Embedded. She's met Bisping, Saint Preux, all kinds of fighters, and has some pretty strong opinions on not only the sport but fighter personalities as well. 


The fight that really got me into UFC was Lawler/MacDonald 2. Who wouldn't want to keep watching after that? TJ/Barao 2 was another. The UFC has fallen off a bit even since 2015, but I persist because of my favorites (TJ, DC, Joanna, Khabib, etc.)


It's a great sport but a disgusting league run by a craven cue ball who thinks it's cool to cut footage of fighters being physically and mentally scarred into promo material. 

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I thought Gus won the first fight.  Jones mounted a good comeback to make it very close, but I thought by the time Jones re-established himself Gus had done enough to win if it went to a decision.  Wouldn't call it a robbery or anything.


I honestly am not sure what to expect from Gus in 2018 (borderline 2019 by the time this fight happens) He has been in some wars and hasn't looked like the same killer that straight up took the fight to Bones a few years back.

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