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To his credit, it does seem like he's taken this WWE run very seriously.


Which is far more than you can say about his TNA run.

So, remember how you & I were geekin over Austin vs Brock when Heyman did the podcast? Now with Brock going on Austin's show, wonder if gets brought up again or completely squashed. 

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So, remember how you & I were geekin over Austin vs Brock when Heyman did the podcast? Now with Brock going on Austin's show, wonder if gets brought up again or completely squashed.

I'd bet money it comes up, but just for show. They'll do a little dance, get folks salivating and then leave it. I think there's 0.00% chance Austin wrestles again.

However, that doesn't preclude an Austin run-in at Wrestlemania.

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Everyone thought Brock would fight undertaker again at Wrestlemania but now the blowoff is at Hell in a cell. Which means Brock needs and opponent for Wrestlemania. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Brock on the Austin podcast escalates a feud to Wrestlemania. If there is money to be made, Vince will book it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, remember how you & I were geekin over Austin vs Brock when Heyman did the podcast? Now with Brock going on Austin's show, wonder if gets brought up again or completely squashed. 


I doubt Austin cuts a promo on him, though it would be awesome if he did.


I keep coming back to this: I fully expected to hate Flair's podcast. It is currently the only one I listen to. He had Michael Hayes on this week, and - of course - it was wonderful.


I could listen to Hayes talk like Terry Gordy all day. Of course, the Freebirds on GCW is pretty much what made me a wrestling fan so I'm heaving biased here.


There was a fascinating little discussion that is kind of a litmus test for what kind of fan you are  It's also an explanation for why Flair was so good. They were obviously both at the first David Von Erich Memorial Card. Flair wrestled Kerry in the main event. The Freedbirds had a match with Kevin, Mike and Fritz. There's a semi-famous spot in the match where Fritz - who was about 165 years old - had two of the Birds in the claw. (I honestly can't remember which ones).


Smart marks have always kind of hated that match and that spot because it was the Birds selling for 185-year-old Fritz and 165 pound Mike.


Hayes loved it, because it was a packed stadium popping. At this point, I think I tend to side with Hayes idea of anything that makes 40,000 fans happy (without totally killing the product) is good even if it gets only 1 star. Fritz could do anything he wanted because he was Frtiz and this was Texas and those fans believed 100 percent that he could whip anyone even if he was 195 years old.


Anyway, the other neat moment is Flair saying how he watched this cluster**** where everyone bled and the clawed was used 16 different times. And he realized that he really needed to just have a match with Kerry - who was apparently stoned as usual. (Though I've seen this card and it's one of the few Kerry matches I've seen where he appears sober). He decides they can't end on the claw and tells Kerry to use a backslide. Which of course they have to practice because Kerry has an IQ of 28.


The leads Hayes to talking an hour-long match he and Flair had where Flair called for a backslide and Hayes said, "What's a backslide? I just kick and punch, man."


Hayes is this weird combination of totally arrogant (which is kind of deserved because no one ever drew bigger in Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia than he did) and completely honest (he knows he couldn't actually wrestle but was a heat machine anyway).


Also, I really wish I had attended Jim Crockett's bachelor party in Raleigh and Flair's 40th Birthday Party in Baltimore. Those sound like fun nights.

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Everyone thought Brock would fight undertaker again at Wrestlemania but now the blowoff is at Hell in a cell. Which means Brock needs and opponent for Wrestlemania. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Brock on the Austin podcast escalates a feud to Wrestlemania. If there is money to be made, Vince will book it.


Oh, the money is there. Austen's last match in a 100,000-seat stadium in Dallas? Just give Vince all the moneys.


I don't think Austen could pass the physical though.

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And then I just saw this.


According to The Wrestling Observer, despite Steve Austin publicly shooting down the rumors of a possible match between him and Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32, there are those in WWE who still feel Austin and Lesnar will shoot some type of major angle during their live podcast on October 19th.

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I don't see Austin wrestling ever again. That's not to say there won't be some angle set up with Lesnar, but it won't be for a match. You might see a special guest referee situation at Wrestlemania. So that'll give him a big entrance, and I'm sure they'll find a way for him to stun somebody.

So Kerry really had a 28 IQ?

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So Kerry really had a 28 IQ?


That might be generous.


Everything I've heard about the Von Erichs is that they were nice guys were never going to join Mensa when they were sober. And that they tended to only hurt themselves when they weren't sober, which was pretty much all the time.


I'm sort of obsessed with WCCW. If you look at a 1984 WCCW card, it had better production values, a better looking tv venue, more appealing wrestlers, and better action than 1984 WWF. The only thing that WWF had over them was Hogan and Pipers' interview skills....and McMahon's vision. And the fact that not everyone on the WWF roster was a suicidal cocaine addict. (Just heavy cocaine users).


Fritz was clearly smart enough to get on national cable and put on these massive arena and stadium shows. But he couldn't see that all his sons were drug addicts heading for disaster.


People joke about early WM shows now being depressing because of all the dead wrestlers. That's 30 years later.


Major WCCW cards had huge death counts a decade or less later.

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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World Class was maybe the only promotion Vince didn't go after in 1984.  The Von Erichs appeared in WWF Magazine and on All American Wrestling.  Even when the Freebirds briefly went to the WWF, Vince still allowed them to work World Class shows.  I've read that Vince approached Fritz Von Erich about being partners but Fritz turned him down.


I had heard there was going to be a 30 for 30 on the Von Erichs at one time.

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There was that short about them they showed on Sportscenter a while back. I guess that was technically under the 30 for 30 umbrella.


Yeah, I think it was one of the 30 for 30 shorts. The last time i went to watch it though, it had been pulled from the ESPN website. Not sure why. 

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I know you guys are in love with Sasha, she's very easy on the eyes, but I can't stand that they let her win practically every match.

Well, she goes back to NXT and keeps doing the job to Bayley.

I think it's refreshing to have a budding star people are behind actually win their matches on a regular basis. WWE seems to have a problem with that concept. If history is any indication, they'll cool her off soon enough tho.

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I actually think they're handling her well... Honestly, I look at the women's division and Sasha stands out to me as the woman with the most charisma and "it". Paige and Charlotte aren't far behind. Nikki Bella actually is in that class, too, which if you told me that two years ago I'd laugh at you.


The rest are all kind of "meh".


Nattie could be much more, but they handle her like crap. Alicia Fox isn't my cup of tea. Brie needs to work on her in-ring game and promo skills, Becky Lynch could be solid, but they have her playing sidekick right now (she should be a heel), Naomi is decent but meh... Tamina doesn't do a whole lot... And that's the whole WWE women's division at the moment.

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