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A truly unbelievable, uplifting story (merged x2)


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Autistic team manager shows skills on floor


Associated Press

GREECE, N.Y. - Jason McElwain had done everything he was asked to do for the Greece Athena High School basketball team - keep the stats, run the clock, hand out water bottles.

That all changed last week for the team manager in the final home game of the season. The 17-year-old senior, who is autistic and usually sits on the bench in a white shirt and black tie, put on a uniform and entered the game with his team way ahead.

McElwain proceeded to hit six 3-point shots, finished with 20 points and was carried off the court on his teammates' shoulders.

Here's a video of some of his shots (just click on Low or High under his picture):


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I live in Greece. Great story. The kid is a little **** though. I've played basketball with him before and he talks like it's his business, running his mouth to no end. You make a basket he's all excuses, he makes one he's in your face letting you know.

That said, this is a really, really great thing for him. I may not like him, but that's an outstanding accomplishment. And all personal feelings aside, the kid isn't a bad player, not quite sure why he wasn't on the team other than the fact that the coach didn't see passed the disability and made him a manager despite the fact the kid has talent.

Worst part about it is he's from Athena, my high school's (Olympia) arch rival. :P

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awwwww!!! what a great story!!!! :applause: I volunteer at a special ed class during 2 of my classes and 2 of the kids there are autistic....i love them!! they're so sweet.......but they don't understand anything and don't know who anyone is...:(

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