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Jeez, I'm stuck at home, can't go anywhere.  Give me filth. 

Give my husband some.  I loved him more when he was a porn whore. (I didn't write that to rhyme, but I'm sure Beal will fit it into a song...just give me some cred in the cover somewhere, LOL)

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1 hour ago, ixcuincle said:

Married men, there are opportunities to click, scroll, look, and indulge in internet filth every moment of the day. But remember, the score card of your self-control comes not in the public moments but in the private ones. If she's not your wife, get off her profile. If she's not your wife, don't click that thumbnail image. If she's not your wife, don't watch that video. Every time you give in to lusting after another woman you give up your genuine ability to tell your wife that you love her. A man who guards his eyes, shields his heart. But a man who entertains his desires, also entertains his demise. Stand strong men.


Good advice for anyone in a monogamous, committed relationship.

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9 minutes ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

I thought I failed my physics exam. I did average. I guess I have to sacrifice a small animal or something now. 

More like you need to sacrifice a little bit of what ever is causing you get to get average test scores.  Tighten up, bro.

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5 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

Dude likes the attention, that's what it smells like. Disappointed he's only doing the 80s.


Oh, definitely, that much is clear. He also has that projection thing going on, after trying to pump up that fail thread of his in the Stadium. Also very defensive, even when just tweaked (which is my calling card). Yes, he needs this. I'm a bit curious to know why, all of a sudden he's doing this. Seems very random. There have been many chronic thread starters over the years here, and they were all bat **** crazy in one way or another. Guess we'll see if he eventually snaps and does like that one guy who threatened to riddle everyone with AK-47 bullet holes



2 hours ago, youngchew said:


Around here in the RTT, we call it "Wednesday."






It's a Savage World

1 hour ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

I thought I failed my physics exam. I did average. I guess I have to sacrifice a small animal or something now. 


The Super soldier serum

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Man, my department meeting was going so well until the very end, where the girl who just finished out her final 2 weeks showed up.  She had a list of complaints that were so ****ing retarded and petty.  On top of that, this girl is one them people who ignores core-work in order to do things that get her attention.  She'd frigging ignore the animals in the name of making pretty notecards to replace our old notecards.  Oh, it just TICKLED some people.  Meanwhile, the animals and I are getting hosed on the reg.  So glad she's gone, but so pissed that she tried to make my department seem upside-down when we've been handlin' BUSINESS as of late.  I wanted to call her out so bad, but literally sat there biting my tongue and massaging my eyes.



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22 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

Being the drunk I used to be, I've used more cabs than I can ever begin to count.  (Went almost 5 years in my mid-30s not driving, so Marta and cabs got a lotta dough.)

Never threw up in one, got in some political arguments, learned a lot from a little old lady that picked me up a lot for work, and the "civil libertarian" always tried to be at the train station at XX time to get me home (we had good conversation).  I guess as a service worker, I'd advise getting some regulars, good clientele, and word of mouth gets around...the good people with good friends request you.

And while Uber is the name people know best, I've heard better things about Lyft, like Doc is saying...I haven't used either, so no first-hand knowledge here.


22 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

The crazy ranting chick I mentioned in here was an Uber driver. Also her car was a mess. Had a cluttered front seat area.



wait... you two know each other?

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4 hours ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

I don't think porn is healthy. 

I woke up 15 mins later than usual. I no longer have time to cook my sausages and eggs ?







if you are COOKING them... no wonder you don't think pron is unhealthy

















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48 minutes ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:


We had one of those, I was glad when we threw her back to Michigan.  She was anti-everything, and was "home schooling" her children to keep from vaccinating them...kicked dogs, never played with them, thought it was cool to bleach the walls in the playroom IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY....uumm, no.  Either love on the dogs, or gtfo.  My job was one of the "janitorial" types,(I did the full work in the boarding room and restrooms/sales floor) but holy cow...you couldn't get me out of the playroom when I was done...every single parent of those dogs loved me, because I even loved on dogs I didn't like very much, and I became the "small dog guru".:ols:

Btw, Elvis and Jasmine are leaving today, and with pink eye, I can't go see them off.:(

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3 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Blackboard was so big, can't count the number of proposals that came through in the late 90s, early 2000s. Never used it though, so can't comment on its effectiveness.



A lot of our customers (mainly colleges and universities) use this as a CMS to integrate with their college course management servers that students and faculty use.  It's supposed to be on fleek from a user standpoint, but the GD server back-end is ridiculous.  Constant Java compatibility issues and now the upgrader is completely CLI with support side saying they are trying to get a handle on it themselves.  I'm fine with CLI from dealing with our linux servers, but the upgrades are now complex for the sake of being complex, which I've never been a fan of.  I'm sure some Unix guy (which you can install on, too, but can't use MySQL - come the F on) was like "this seems like a good idea" then shoved it down everyone's throat, after having GUI tools forever.

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I def don't think porn is healthy. At least not when  viewed with an insane amount of regularity. I know when I completely stopped watching around 3 years ago exactly, it changed everything. Made sex twice as good, and led to even better convo with women. Can't really explain how.


Even after I started watching again, it isn't really as glamorous as I remember, watching it as a horny 12-14 year old. After awhile, you generally know how a woman moves and what she sounds like when aroused, and most porn is anything but. It's actually hilarious. I still think of it fondly when I discovered it back in the day.

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Used to watch porn with my ex.  Was very interesting seeing what she had a thing for, namely office pom pom and girl on girl.  Remember watching one where it was a dude going in for an interview, and the black lady was asking him how bad he wanted the job. We were actually laughing about it : )


There's a place for it, but beating your meat for 6-7 days a week is not one of them.

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Madden 17 now thinks I ended a game in my franchise mode with ANOTHER tie... now I'm 7-0-2 instead of 9-0...is this just madden 17 starting to get glitchy after I've been playing it nonstop since it came out? This has only happened when the game has been on for more than 3 hours at a time (like for example I left my game on pause for 45 minutes to eat lunch, then finished my game 3 hours later, so in total left it on for 4 hours). 


Could that be the problem? I honestly don't remember this happening with any other madden games...

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19 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Used to watch porn with my ex.  Was very interesting seeing what she had a thing for, namely office pom pom and girl on girl.  Remember watching one where it was a dude going in for an interview, and the black lady was asking him how bad he wanted the job. We were actually laughing about it : )


There's a place for it, but beating your meat for 6-7 days a week is not one of them.


I recall hearing the dude in the Jodi Arias tapes, talking to her, saying he wacked like 4 times a day. That's the type of stuff where quality of living gets impacted. Jut not normal. She was a crazy psychopath, but I highly doubt he had no part to play in how things escalated between them


I think the type of porn watched can greatly influence ones thought process. Like the nasty drop everything and screw, demeaning  porn, where guys with little female contact learn to think that is normal behavior

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