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I have no idea why but some reason I turned that game on right as Whiteside started getting his burn. That was about as close to watching other men being made into someone's **** on a basketball court as you'll ever see. And Hubie sounded like he popped a pill and was trying to rub one out courtside watching it.

That was like watching NBA Street. Incredible. Just dont get consumed by the Miami nightlife and keep grinding.

Lawd weve been a barren wasteland since Zo and Shaq. Brings a tear to my eye.

I still see Dexter Pittman and Joel Anthony in my nightmares though. Gonna be awhile

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Obviously I met her on Tinder Taze lmao but if it makes difference we recognized each other because she is in one of my classes.

Excellent, at least you know of each other from a class prior to Tinder.  Lay off the jokes, ask her about her interests, etc.  Take the wheel and steer the boat man.  Take it slow, let it develop.  And don't sweat her if she doesn't respond immediately or want to do something right away.


When I met my wife and got her digits, I tried to set up a date two or three times, first time was she had to go visit her sick aunt in the hospital.  Second time was she had to spend time with her little sister and then go see her aunt in the hospital.  


To be honest, I thought I was being played.  So after the second "excuse" I was at a local store/gas station and this one hot blonde chick, in daisy dukes (God growing up in NC in the country had its benefits lol) with an ass that went on for days was there too (she was a year behind me in school).  I started macking on her, she got in my car, we chatted, told her that when I got off work I'd call her and she was going to sneak out and meet up with me.  


That very night at work, my wife and one of her friends, out of the blue came to my work and she had dinner with me on my lunch break.  That was that.  I completely forgot about the hot piece of ass.  I ran into her about a week after it went down, she was all over me, asking me why I didn't call her and wanting to hook up.  I was like, I forgot, sorry.  


Be patient, don't force things.  If she is really into you, it still can take some time.  Don't be played (i.e. waiting around and her continuously making plans and canceling, etc.), but don't over think things.


Oh, my wifes aunt was really sick in the hospital too.  And her mom, well, yeah, she would go on to tell her that she needed to spend time with her and her sister cause they lost their father a year before I met her and were big on family.  So everything is not always a lie/excuse :)

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Comic geek moment. Somehow end up watching a few clips from The Avengers and a few other super hero movies. Scroll down,(against my better judgement),to read a few comments. It's amazing how few people know the origins of the characters. Yeeeesh. Of course,it's amazing how inflexible people in my age group can be too. Yeeeeesh again. 

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Obviously I met her on Tinder Taze lmao but if it makes difference we recognized each other because she is in one of my classes.

He was in the back left corner and she was sitting in the front right of a 2,000 person auditorium. He could see her using dem glasses. 5,000x magnification. 

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After I got laid off from my first job (which I hated anyway) and waiting to start my next job, I used to meet my best friend for lunch in Fairfax. For some reason we'd hit up all the Indian buffets in Fairfax (Bombay Bistro, Minerva, etc.). To this day Indian food tastes like freedom and liberation.


Given the chance, I think I could still eat my weight in Naan.

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Oh yeah, I feel you Elessar and IX.  I can't turn down an Indian lunch buffet when offered. Naan all day, son.  The curries and side items vary from place to place, but seems like they all always have tandoori chicken and butter chicken.  Growing up having an Indian mom, I'm used to all the spicy stuff, but tandoori and butter chicken are good "gateway" Indian foods for the uninitiated.

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Happy slushy/showy/rainy Monday errbody.


First off, spent all weekend cooped up at home with a lame cold. Lot's of reading, Chinese food (My comfort food when I'm sick. Egg drop soup just does the trick for me. Always has, no idea why.), and Netflixing. Although I still don't feel great, it feels good to get back to work just for the sake of getting out of the house.


Second, good luck on your coffee date Moco. Don't think about it too much. Just go be ready to enjoy some conversation. If you feel weird or awkward and all keep the conversation about her. Let her tell you about herself. Being that she's from the area, you'll find some common ground for sure. Just don't pressure anything. Enjoy.


And third, an update on Mousegate 2015...


We got em. Came in this morning to a snapped trap and a carcass under my desk in the corner. Looks like it snapped him and he and the trap went airborn a couple feet.

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That's a pretty limited understanding of what leads people to suicide. A lot of it is mental illnesses like depression. Depression isn't something that one can just "tough it out" and expect to get better. Toughing it out keeps the person alive but that mental state generally doesn't get better on it's own. 


Tough it out has a lot of meanings, too.


Getting help is toughing it out, in my eyes.  I had buddies in the army choose to end their lives rather than face the lifelong impacts of what we endured.  I don't understand it.  I got help (somewhat) and I know others who went through WAY more than I did who are fine now.  Putting others through the pain and torment of your departure is a cowards way out (again, in my eyes)


Getting picked on in school, being a loner, daddy touched me, etc. just doesn't compute to me why you would want to end it.  There is nothing for you but either nothingness (if no hell exists) or eternal torment (if hell does exist - depending on your beliefs) after suicide.  Or you can ruck up and be a shining example for others in your shoes to follow.


Life is so awesome, even through the dark times - you gotta find what drives you.

Sorry that my post came off as "I'm a hammer and all I see is nails" but I'm not very touchy feely on this topic.  Be a man, face it and do what you have to do to get by.  There are a million mental health professionals out there who exist to help, also clergy.  Find one. 

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And third, an update on Mousegate 2015...


We got em. Came in this morning to a snapped trap and a carcass under my desk in the corner. Looks like it snapped him and he and the trap went airborn a couple feet.


LMAO all I heard go through my mind is "Tango down".  "CLEAR!"


Good stuff bud.

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My wife has counseled a lot of suicidal teens particularly, a few adults. Not saying suicide is the answer but if you don't know where to get help the nothingness, the darkness is (misguidedly) a more appealing option than wondering whether you're going to get beat or raped again that night. It's easier said than done to find mental health help—it assumes that you know where to get it, how to get there, how  to pay for it. Going to a teacher, coach, principal, clergy for help—an authority figure—if you have some form of abuse from an authority figure at home it's not easy. Victims develop deep seated trust issues. Hence why they feel hopeless—if daddy, who is supposed to love and protect me from all things can do this to me, what more will a stranger subject me to?


Life IS awesome, but when you have no safe haven things can get pretty dire. 


Maybe the reason you could handle it better (or any person) is that they had a better support network or a better home life growing up. 


Mental health is severely misunderstood. Instead of judgements ("cowards"), seek understanding. Heck, even the Catholic Church no longer deems suicide a mortal sin. They understand that depending on the case, mental state matters and the person may not be in control of their thoughts. 

Crazy flashback dream I had last night. Was back in 1st grade, playing kickball at PE. I was launching them

Then got picked up by my mom, listening to Mary J's "Real Love" on the radio.

As a soccer player, I have a huge beef with kick ball—the use of well, a kick ball. The soft rubber helps it reach terminal velocity much sooner. Play with something with the consistency of a soccer ball and it could be a contact sport.

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The path of suicide and even moreso the possible mental illnesses that lead to it are seriously misunderstood by the majority of the general population and much like addiction, handled poorly. Even the most seasoned professionals in the fields that study them understand that we've only barely scratched the surface on really understanding them. Another problem is the tremendous societal stigma that they carry. I believe that we're making strides, but there is still a long way to go in understanding the causes and how to treat mental illness and eliminating that stigma.

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