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I have extra fanhood ties to him since I watched him as a Gator too. But even then he was unpredictable in regards to whether or not he could stay on the field. He IS a monster when he can stay healthy. He always reminded me of what Sleepy Davis was SUPPOSED to be if he could stay out of his own way. Lame as it is, at least Reed misses games because of injury. Fred did out of straight stupidity and immaturity.

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I got an uplifting story for MoCo. Well I don't know about uplifting. Just want to show, we all go through some ****.

So there was this girl I was trying to holler at. Hard. Sexy girl, Pakistani. I was fresh out of prison on house arrest (12 months, record as far as I know). Anyway, long story how I swung it (longer than I'm gonna swype on a phone), but ankle monitor on, I was able to swing going to her birthday party at some club downtown. I risked two-plus years back in prison to go to this girls bday party.

You think I ever got that?

Was just reminiscing with someone about past stories like that, that one came up and made me think of MoCo. Thanks for letting me share.

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After the first date MoCo will be outside her bedroom window and call her and be like "I love watching you sleep"


But the way MoCo will say it . . . let me set the stage . . .


They're having a nice conversation at their second coffee date. There's a pause in the convo and Moco looks at her over his glasses and says, "I love . . ." She pops up, bracing herself for the sudden wave of awkwardness that's about to wash over her. "I love watching you sleep," he says finishing his thought. The wave she was expecting turns into a breathless chill. 

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Okay I spent 5 minutes coming up with another ice breaker. "Don't you hate when old people complain, its like don't you have other things to worry about like if bananas are too hard for your teeth?" Oh or "So I saw a article on yahoo today about waiters giving dating tips. How about you worry about my glass always having water in it how about that?


Okay after typing those out I won't use them...those are things that I shouldn't say until I know someone better okay

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Lol Honestly...


"Hi, how's it going? My name is ______."


Is usually a pretty good icebreaker. There are some others for after that...


"So where are you from and what brought you here?"

"I like movies and video games. What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"I like hamburgers. How about you?"


And the list goes on and on of things that might be better to talk about than the frequency of sharts in your current seat.

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And the list goes on and on of things that might be better to talk about than the frequency of sharts in your current seat.



From personal exp the normal list tends to make me a boring person after 30 minutes and then they never respond to me ever again. So that is part of the urge to be "special" or "odd"

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