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Correct me if Im wrong, but it looked like Logan's forward progress had stopped, he had one guy pulling back on him and one pushing forward, he was not going anywhere, well before the ball popped out.  I seem to remember us doing that last year and instead of us getting the fumble, they said the play was dead due to forward progress.


I just wish these asshole ****ing officials could be consistent, this is Bush League.


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23 years of losing has me down. I just can't take it anymore. I'm seriously considering becoming a fair weather fan. I won't root for another team, but I'll just stop watching the Redskins until they start winning again. This is ridiculous that we have to watch this garbage year after year.

I know, I sound like a whiny 46 year old. I am. Tired of losing. They owe me some winning after 23 years of ****. I'm serious. I'm tired of be embarrassed to say I root for them. I'm tired of finishing in last. I'm tired of the jokes. I'm tired of other fans laughing at us. I'm tired of being an easy win on other teams schedule.

I'm just tired.

Thinking of putting my Redskin room things in boxes. Just makes me sad. I've gone though enough the last year to bring myself out of a severe depression. I don't need these assholes bringing me down. I'm almost done with them until they start winning again. Call me what you want, I don't give a ****.

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