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kinda scary....

my grandmother, who has been dead for 10 years, came to me in my dream last night and was talking to me. Never had something like that happen to me before, so I'm kind of freaked out. I dont really believe in ghosts or anything, but she always claimed a former priest would come to her and warn her about events about to happen (9/11 being one). I just hope nothing bad is about to happen and that is why she showed up to talk to me....I havent thought about her at all recently, so it just came out of the blue and had nothing to do at all with what I've been working on the past couple days with final exams

So in the dream...I told my grandmother to tell everyone I said hi...and she said she would tell my dad and Hunter hi. I have no idea who Hunter is.

Well, fast forward to a couple days ago....a MSP officer died - his last name is Hunter.

Pretty ****ing creepy. I have no idea though if my dad knew him or not, but the coincidence is freaky.

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It wasn't just anyone it was an Assistant DA who shot himself... It's no big deal how many lives are ruined until it's someone involved in lawmaking decisions...

Yeah I didn't mean to put it like that, but what I was TRYING to say was that if it was just some 45 year old who lived in his mom's basement, the show would probably still be going on...

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Just watched a girl that I went to church and high school with backup dance for Nicki Minaji and Britney Spears on the Billboard awards. She was the only white girl out of the 8. Haha, good for her.

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I dont' know what Cowboys fans have to bandwagon on, their team has not been relevant since 1996

Should not rock that star on the back of their car with pride, what do they have to brag about? Several .500 seasons, a few playoff appearances, and an epic choke job as a #1 seed?

No reason to show any kind of support towards that trash franchise

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That's a stupid answer. And its stupid for anyone to use the N word too.

Agreed on both counts.

I asked some of the black players on my team if they even knew what the N word meant... They said, "yeah, it's like saying 'man' to each other, but only black people can use it"... It caught me completely off guard that they had no idea. Not one of them knew it. When I explained it to them, they understood why I hate that word.

I understand that the way of the world is to be PC, but, I think the origin of that word is something that should be taught to young people. It was shocking to me that they didn't know what it actually meant. They really did think it meant 'man'. They are so desensitized to it that they use it like water without knowing its meaning. I'm still shocked about it.

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I cant tell you how great it feels to be sitting at work and not have a fear of something needing to be done now that I'm finished with school...I can focus on things now....the weight is lifted.....it feels awesome having that burden lifted


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thanks again *******

---------- Post added May-23rd-2011 at 09:27 AM ----------

What type of macbook should I buy and what should I make sure to have on it?

How much memory? 4gb?

How much hard drive space? 250gb? cant I hook up a cheaper external hard drive instead?

Should I get anything preloaded on it or can I just download torrents like everyone else?

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Faggot = n-word?

---------- Post added May-23rd-2011 at 10:30 AM ----------

Agreed on both counts.

I asked some of the black players on my team if they even knew what the N word meant... They said, "yeah, it's like saying 'man' to each other, but only black people can use it"... It caught me completely off guard that they had no idea. Not one of them knew it. When I explained it to them, they understood why I hate that word.

I understand that the way of the world is to be PC, but, I think the origin of that word is something that should be taught to young people. It was shocking to me that they didn't know what it actually meant. They really did think it meant 'man'. They are so desensitized to it that they use it like water without knowing its meaning. I'm still shocked about it.

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Why is the IT lady for my office so lazy? She sits near me and people will come to her to ask about problems with their computers. She will sit there while they try to explain for 10 minutes what's not working. It seems to me it would be much more efficient and helpful if she just walked over to their computers and they actually showed her what the problem is.

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Why is the IT lady for my office so lazy? She sits near me and people will come to her to ask about problems with their computers. She will sit there while they try to explain for 10 minutes what's not working. It seems to me it would be much more efficient and helpful if she just walked over to their computers and they actually showed her what the problem is.

Is she fat?

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