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I'm watching this documentary right now called Cocaine Cowboys, about the cocaine trade and ensuing drug war in Miami in the early 80s....maybe the most compelling documentary I've ever seen.

Pretty unbelievable stuff in this.

And a lot of it takes place within about 20 minutes of me.

Make sure you check out Cocaine Cowboys 2. It's about this lady that was a big coke dealer in Miami back then. I forget her name but they called her the Black Widow because she put hits out on I think two of her husbands after they pissed her off. She was big time. It's not nearly as good as the first imo, but it's still a very good watch.

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Not that one. You're talking about this one.



One thing I've always hated is how you coach your defense to play more technically sound, ie. wrapping up instead of going for the big hit/strip, yet your opponent still bounces off of you. I hate that ****

I usually play more aggressive, but I ended up playing it safe for most of the game.

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Why do you need the NFL anyway, you can watch Russell Wilson play for the love of the game

I honestly don't know what I'd do without the NFL, man. Its like crack. Nothing like getting up on a Sunday morning, making last minute touches to the fantasy team. And then getting ready for the Redskins on the HD set. I would probably have some severe withdrawals if they canceled the season.

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 01:51 AM ----------

For me personally, it would be no different than what I choose to watch between February-August. I'd adjust, find other shows to watch. As much as I love the NFL, it doesn't run my life, so it will not be the "End of the world" for me.

They can argue amongst each other all they want, you won't see me lose any sleep over it. They don't give a **** about us anyway. They know that as much as we'll ***** and moan, we'll all come back like crackheads looking for our next fix once they've reached an agreement. I'll wait.

There's always college football anyways.

College football is not even close to the NFL, dude. And never will be. And you can't just find something else to watch, in regards to the NFL. Its not that simple. There's nothing that can replace that.

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 01:52 AM ----------

The best candy bar ever is the new Snickers Peanutbutter. Its like eating a Reese's and Snickers at the same time. AMAZING!

I'm gonna have to try one of those. I have a hard time believing something is better than Reese's.

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 01:54 AM ----------

I don't usually add people from forums on Facebook

Except for one person

That's right


If I were on Facebook I'd probably add him, too. That is a good dude. He just happens to have very poor taste in NFL teams.

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 01:57 AM ----------

The NFL has vastly superior athletes, actual defense, isn't littered by a thousand irrelevant bowl games every year and has playoffs. What am I missing? Yeah college football rivalries are older but so what? Bears-Packers, Skins-Boys etc. are plenty good and with plenty of history. The "emotion" thing is hysterical too. We all saw Bart Scott after the Jets beat New England. People really think the vast majority of NFL players don't play with passion and pride and because they love the game? College kids don't get paid...what do you call free tuition and an unbelievable amount of perks for four years? Not to mention illegal benefits most players at top programs obviously get.

College basketball, sloppy as it is, I can understand because the tournament ***** on the NBA Playoffs and there's no parity in the NBA anyway. I can easily see the NCAAB > NBA argument though I don't 100% agree.

College football though, just don't see it.

/end rant

and yes, that is just my opinion, not fact at all.

All good points. But I'm surprised no one has listed the BIGGEST reason why the NFL will always be superior to CFB.....Fantasy football.

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 02:02 AM ----------

Busy watching people serve soda on TV out of a futuristic computer soda machine in a Popeye's in Chantily, Virginia


The future is here

Will reply later to that long anti-college football rant


Damn if I had cable you know I'd be watching Food, Travel and HGTV all day


I can't speak for Food or Travel channels, but I absolutely love watching HGTV. They have some really good shows there. House Hunters. Property virgins, etc I like that Holmes on Homes guy, too. Good stuff.

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Bubble, I like college football just as much as I like the NFL, for many of the reasons Spartacus mentioned. You don't, that's fine. I never tried to compare/contrast the two anyways, dude, so I don't really get what your point is, nor do I care.

Just because you'll pull your hair out over the possibility of no NFL, doesn't mean that I wll, and yes, it is that simple for me. I have other interests. I will not allow those greedy jackasses to hold me hostage. I have a passion for college football. so, like I said, I won't lose any sleep. And as far as your " Biggest point" is concerned, I don't give a **** about Fantasy Football, so it's a moot point to me. Have fun curling up in a fetal position, and gnawing away at your cuticles. ;)

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Bubble, I like college football just as much as I like the NFL, for many of the reasons Spartacus mentioned. You don't, that's fine. I never tried to compare/contrast the two anyways, dude, so I don't really get what your point is, nor do I care.

Just because you'll pull your hair out over the possibility of no NFL, doesn't mean that I wll, and yes, it is that simple for me. I have other interests. I will not allow those greedy jackasses to hold me hostage. I have a passion for college football. so, like I said, I won't lose any sleep. And as far as your " Biggest point" is concerned, I don't give a **** about Fantasy Football, so it's a moot point to me. Have fun curling up in a fetal position, and gnawing away at your cuticles. ;)

Spartacus is a good dude. And I usually agree with alot of the things he says. But, in this case, I can't. I don't even think its close. He made alot of good points. But I think he's mostly biased, because he attended a football--crazy school like Florida St. If I went there I'd probably have the same views he does. And I will say this, there's no question the atmosphere at a college game is a million times better than any stadium in the NFL.

As for fantasy football. Well you might not be into it, but I can promise you, you are in the minority there. I just started playing it the year before last. And I'm wondering why I ever waited this long to join the frenzy. Its incredibly fun. And it sort of relieves the pain of watching the Redskins each Sunday. I used to get really bummed with all the losing and whatnot from our club. But since I've started playing, I have a whole different view of Sundays.

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Since I consider my football knowledge to be above average, I think I'd be good at it. I usually give a lot of advice to my friends/coworkers. I've just never cared much for it, oh well.

And sure, Spartacus may be a bit biased, but he he's right in regards to the rivalry aspect in both sports. I actually had a long and drawn out response to Sticks' post a couple pages back, but decided against it in the end. Both sports have positives and negatives. Regardless, I love both of them.

*On a side note, Redskins-Cowboys is dead outside of the DMV, and has been dead for awhile. Why? Because One team has been a perennial cellar dweller for the majority of the last ten years, while the other is still living in the past, and constantly fails to live up to overhyped expectations.

They can't hold a candle to Pats-Colts, Steelers-Ravens. Why? Because one matchup pits two HOF QB's against each other, while the other pits two consistently great defenses against each other in a modern day gladiator battle. No contest.

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I've watched it a dozen times. Definitely one of my favorites. Miami was a warzone back then.
Make sure you check out Cocaine Cowboys 2. It's about this lady that was a big coke dealer in Miami back then. I forget her name but they called her the Black Widow because she put hits out on I think two of her husbands after they pissed her off. She was big time. It's not nearly as good as the first imo, but it's still a very good watch.

I'll have to check out Cocaine Cowboys 2 when I get a chance. The Black Widow was Griselda Blanco, the crazy "Godmother" from the second half Cocaine Cowboys.

I've been meaning to watch Cocaine Cowboys for awhile, since I saw "The U" 30 for 30 documentary last year, and then when I moved to Miami, not only for the history part of this city but also because Billy Corben, the director, gets a lot of publicity in this area for local film stuff and for being a Miami grad and doing work related to the Hurricanes (like The U).

I always knew Miami was closely tied to the drug scene, but I didn't know how much of Miami was literally built from the ground up due to the coke trade. Even crazier (for me anyway) was how local a lot of the trade and murders featured in the film went down in relation to where I am all the time- International Mall (then Pan-Am Mall), 107th Street, 8th Street, etc.

What somebody needs to do is make a documentary about what's been going on in Juarez or with the Los Zetas cartel. The Mexican drug war is full of material to show people what's really going on.

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Billions of dollars flowed into Miami from the drug trade. It was unreal. It wasn't as rosy and slicked out as shows like Miami Vice would want you to believe (obviously). Those guys were crazed psychopaths, who literally put the fear of God in people.

Both of my parents got to see it, living in that area together from '79 to late December of '95 when we moved to Maryland. My mother was born and raised in Wynwood.

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Billions of dollars flowed into Miami from the drug trade. It was unreal. It wasn't as rosy and slicked out as shows like Miami Vice would want you to believe (obviously). Those guys were crazed psychopaths, who literally put the fear of God in people.

Both of my parents got to see it, living in that area together from '79 to late December of '95 when we moved to Maryland. My mother was born and raised in Wynwood.

Yeah, that guy Jon Roberts, who they interviewed a lot and was one of the head dealers in Miami who initially started the trade with the Medellin cartel, estimated that he probably made (and spent) close to 50 million dollars over the course of his career. And he was just one runner.

One of the craziest parts of it was the rapid increase in murder rate (going from something like the low 200s a year in 1976 to over 600 a year by 1982), and the increase in cocaine related deaths- by the early 80s, it was 2 people dying of cocaine overdose per week! And to combat that, the Miami-Dade police were hiring officers to increase patrols, but they were so desperate for more officers that they were hiring without even doing background checks just to increase the numbers!

That's ****ing crazy.

My dad used to come down to Miami every winter from about the late-60s to the late-70s, but once the drug stuff started up he just decided it probably wasn't the best place to be around anymore and stopped going.

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Everywhere was crazy in the 80's. My first wife was Mexican, from L.A. Her brother's grew up in the 80's. I've heard the craziest stories. DC was just as crazy. Talk to any old head around here about it. For example, I'm looking at murder rates by year. In 1990, with a population of 1.03 million, Miami-Dade had 231 murders. In 1990, with a population of 600k, D.C. had 480 murders. (I realize there is more to the Miami scene than Miami-Dade Co. I'm just making a point.)

It started with cocaine, unemployment was sky high at the beginning of the decade, social services were cut by the government throughout the 80's, and then crack came in to light the fuse. It was a perfect storm of bad ****.

I think Miami was different though in that it was more of a war between real money and real powers, while other places was more the struggle for corners and niches. Miami then vs Mexico today is a great comparison.

Here's the link for crime rates by year and city/state: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/ Interesting to look at. The trends and everything. One thing I noticed was that in the last few years, Miami seems to be the one place where the murder rate is going up again. What's up with that?

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Everywhere was crazy in the 80's. My first wife was Mexican, from L.A. Her brother's grew up in the 80's. I've heard the craziest stories. DC was just as crazy. Talk to any old head around here about it. For example, I'm looking at murder rates by year. In 1990, with a population of 1.03 million, Miami-Dade had 231 murders. In 1990, with a population of 600k, D.C. had 480 murders. (I realize there is more to the Miami scene than Miami-Dade Co. I'm just making a point.)

It started with cocaine, unemployment was sky high at the beginning of the decade, social services were cut by the government throughout the 80's, and then crack came in to light the fuse. It was a perfect storm of bad ****.

I think Miami was different though in that it was more of a war between real money and real powers, while other places was more the struggle for corners and niches. Miami then vs Mexico today is a great comparison.

Here's the link for crime rates by year and city/state: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/ Interesting to look at. The trends and everything. One thing I noticed was that in the last few years, Miami seems to be the one place where the murder rate is going up again. What's up with that?

Yeah, DC, LA, and New York (among other cities) had some really crazy **** going on in the 80s as well.

But as you said, I think the biggest thing with what was going on with Miami versus these other cities was that it:

A) was the first real emergence of key Latin American cartels building major networks within the United States before branching off elsewhere in the country, and

B) the city itself was being sustained and then later actually re-built through money from the drug trade of these cartels

While most other parts of the country were in recession, South Florida was being kept afloat and even thriving until the violence became too out of control, and even after the drug crackdown, major parts of downtown Miami were built up from drug money that had already been pumped into the economy. LA, DC, Chicago, New York all had or still have parts of the city that were ravaged by the "war on drugs" of the 80s and that are now trying to be re-modeled and turned over. Miami on the other hand still has the drug boom's fingerprints all over it and as they say at the end of Cocaine Cowboys, it's almost like a proud history at this point, a badge of honor for the city.

Miami before the federal takeover really does present an interesting overall parallel to what's going on with Mexico right now.

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I love DC but I'm really considering moving out of here as well. I'm thinking of applying at graduate schools down South. On the topic of criminals in Florida, they are always looking for Forensics specialists there and I *think* Florida has the best employment rates for Forensic specialists. Depending on how good the graduate programs are, I'm really considering it.

I'm tired of this weather, especially since I don't rely on a car but on metro for most of my transportation.

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I love DC but I'm really considering moving out of here as well. I'm thinking of applying at graduate schools down South. On the topic of criminals in Florida, they are always looking for Forensics specialists there and I *think* Florida has the best employment rates for Forensic specialists. Depending on how good the graduate programs are, I'm really considering it.


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I really do hope to return to the Washington, D.C. area. It's not only a hot bed for news, but it's still a place I consider "home." Much of my family is still there, I really like the D.C. culture, and every time I go up to visit, I feel like I I'm at home.

The traffic sucks, the people can be mean, and everything is expensive as hell; but damn it, it's my hometown!

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I love DC but I'm really considering moving out of here as well. I'm thinking of applying at graduate schools down South.

I'm tired of this weather, especially since I don't rely on a car but on metro for most of my transportation.

If I can find a better paying job in the Miami area in the future, then I'm moving back. The reason we moved here was because my father got a job at the Pentagon. at the time. He's retired from the Air Force since then. After living here for a little over 15 years, I think I've seen enough.

Although I love the job that I have now, at some point I'm considering joining law enforcement in some capacity. After doing crime scene cleanup in the past, and being somewhat exposed to that type of environment, I think I'd be good at it, and deep down, I think that's what I've always wanted to do. .

---------- Post added February-12th-2011 at 01:57 PM ----------

^^^ :rotflmao: at the Ted Thompson pic

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