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This site is a joke.


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I think he's talking about his Bulls site. I don't have the URL on my work computer. I think it's something like "YourChicagoBulls.com" or something like that. Zeb put a lot of work into it; it's pretty cool.

Oh, Bulls.


just kidding... ;). I thought he meant Redskins site.

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

So you, at 20 years old, lack the capacity or the "time" to use the search function?

Ok; even if that's true, then you can easily restrict yourself to not starting new threads. Problem solved.

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

Right, because I'm sure that your just so damn cool that every second of your day is taken up by the throngs of gorgeous women that throw themselves at you at all hours of the day and of the night...

I understand your dilemma, I mean, doing a search takes all of 45 seconds to do; time is money, right?

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

This is the same guy in life that doesn't have the time to wait in line on the Beltway for the Dulles Toll Road exit. Everybody else that does wait in the line just has to suck on it and like it when he zips up and butts in line because, well, he just does "not have time" to the follow the rules. Man, I wish we had a "Ban" feature on the Beltway.


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We need more people like that booted. I'm glad he's gone... and I hope it lasts more than 10 days. And I'm glad the site is scrutinized for people that don't understand the rules. Otherwise, what would separate this from a message board on Yahoo??? Mods... keep up the good work!

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

This is funny. You have just enough time to post, validating your life is very hectic, but not enough time to read. Uh, why bother?

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And so we can taunt the banned guy making us all feel better about his misfortune in his absence. Kick 'em while their down. That's our site motto.

It's always been the ambience of sensitivity and nurturing that attracted me, boobie, and lava..um, larry, to this site and to professional football originally.

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

Seriously, If you dont have the time to post something intelligent, that hasnt ben run into the ground, THEN DONT POST. I hate going through threads that are about something I read and contributed to a week ago. The only reason you post something new is because you want to make a point that about ten people before you have made already, and you want direct feedback on your stale comment, well save the time you spend making pointless old threads and use the search function... :doh: Not enough time to use the search function, but pleanty of time to look like a donkey.

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

So, if you take the extra minute to use the search function out of consideration to the quality of the site, and respect to the those who made it what it is so we can enjoy the results of their challenging and time-consuming labor, you don't have a life?

How about this: If you have a life that allows you to to have the time get your ass to a football web-site to post, and even start a thread in the first place, you actually DO have a life with the time to use the search function.

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in fairness to the guy who started the thread people who have a life do not have time to use a search function. people need to relax

well when there's 10 LaVar threads on the first page, time is moot

you got time to post, you got time to at least scan the first page

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In parting I want to say **** you Art. You gave me no reason why you closed my thread. Hope to see the rest of you at the Redskins parade. But some the people here take themselves to seriously. All you do is manage a website, get a grip. Peace.

I hope a bird poops on your nose. And you stub your toe real bad.

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Boobiemiles is a freelancer.

What kind of cap hit are we going to take when he is cut?

Do we replace him in the draft or do we try to sign a guy from the Broncos board?

More importantly should I start a new thread for this thought?


Y'all need to lighten up on him. Don't you all know that:

When Boobie gets the ball, Boobie gon score....

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