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This site is a joke.


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I just posted a thread. now I know people might agree with my opinion, but I feel that if I took the time to post it, then people should have the oppurtunity to respond. In parting I want to say **** you Art. You gave me no reason why you closed my thread. Hope to see the rest of you at the Redskins parade. But some the people here take themselves to seriously. All you do is manage a website, get a grip. Peace.

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Read the rules; all will be revealed.

I just posted a thread. now I know people might agree with my opinion, but I feel that if I took the time to post it, then people should have the oppurtunity to respond.

No, you should have taken the time to use the search function and posted in the multitude of threads already dealing with your very thread topic.

In parting I want to say **** you Art. You gave me no reason why you closed my thread.

See above.

Hope to see the rest of you at the Redskins parade. But some the people here take themselves to seriously. All you do is manage a website, get a grip. Peace.

Wrong. Nearly all of the people who work for the site have full time jobs and give generously of their time to manage this site. So, in fact, you are wrong and you need to get a grip, not be *so* sensitive; then learn to read the rules and use the search function.

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I just posted a thread. now I know people might agree with my opinion, but I feel that if I took the time to post it, then people should have the oppurtunity to respond. In parting I want to say **** you Art. You gave me no reason why you closed my thread. Hope to see the rest of you at the Redskins parade. But some the people here take themselves to seriously. All you do is manage a website, get a grip. Peace.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Boobie, I did give you a reason. I said there was a thread on that very topic on the board and to find it and to post there. Can't be MORE clear. So, you get two days off for cursing at me and making me weepy, and 8 more for lying. See you in 10.

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He did give you a reason why he closed it. You started off your thread talking about the Around the Horn discussion about trading Lavar and Ramsey, so he told you to post your thoughts in the existing thread about that discussion. We don't need every single member of this site posting a new thread about their thoughts on the Lavar drama. There's plenty of other stuff to talk about, but we can't because the first page or 2 of the Stadium is ALL Lavar threads that are all saying the same 2 things.

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I kind of agree. Im not saying the mods take themselves to seriously, but some people on here think they are Joe Gibbs or something. They think because they have 5000 posts they somehow know more than someone with say 1 post. On the other hand Im so tired of Lavar its not funny. :2cents:

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Can't say that I am going to miss boobie. His posts were among the worst. This site is no joke. This site gives everyone a chance to be passionate about the team we love. We get mad at each other and call each other names sometimes but we are here for one reason and people like boobie who can't understand that are better off somewhere else. Peace out dude.

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I kind of agree. Im not saying the mods take themselves to seriously, but some people on here think they are Joe Gibbs or something. They think because they have 5000 posts they somehow know more than someone with say 1 post. On the other hand Im so tired of Lavar its not funny. :2cents:

Well, when you get to 5000 posts,you automatically (through trancedental meditation) become one with Coach Gibbs.


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i was looking for a word, it was an action word, its a pretty new word i think it was developed in early 2002 by researchers at UCLA, so we should cut him some slack, but i just wanted boobiemiles to be aware of it

o·ver·re·act ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vr-r-kt)

intr.v. o·ver·re·act·ed, o·ver·re·act·ing, o·ver·re·acts

To react with unnecessary or inappropriate force, emotional display, or violence.

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I kind of agree. Im not saying the mods take themselves to seriously, but some people on here think they are Joe Gibbs or something. They think because they have 5000 posts they somehow know more than someone with say 1 post. On the other hand Im so tired of Lavar its not funny. :2cents:

I appreciate your point of view as a member with fewer posts. However I have been a member here for almost 2 years and prior to that just a lurker for quite some time.

I think you have it wrong though. I think most of the older members look for intriguing topics or opinions of newer members. There are members here with plenty of posts that arent exactly trolls, but not exactly quality members. They are on that fine line because every now and then they get into a discussion or debate where they have very valid points and views.

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I got to 5000 posts last week sometime... I don't feel I'm better than anyone else here and feel that I can play nice and get along. Some do not.

Edit: I guess I did something wrong... Whoa! I am back down to 4600 posts??? :whoknows: I'm crushed! :nono:

The post count really doesn't mean didly anyway!

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I got to 5000 posts last week sometime... I don't feel I'm better than anyone else here and feel that I can play nice and get along. Some do not.

Edit: I guess I did something wrong... Whoa! I am back down to 4600 posts??? :whoknows: I'm crushed! :nono:

The post count really doesn't mean didly anyway!

It'll climb up once you start feeling superior to people...


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Only a 10 day vacation for **** you?

The other half must have kicked it up a notch in the kitche (and elsewhere) for Art to be so forgiving.

I do have to say boobiesmiles that it would be best that you stop behaving like the first four letters of your nickname.

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Boobie: Art didn't give me any reason why he eliminated my thread. There's absolutely no communication. All I can do is do my best.

Art: In my (X) amount of years on this website, I have probably had more conversations with Boobie than any other poster. Maybe 3 times as much. He knows why his thread was erased.

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