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This site is a joke.


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Boobie, I did give you a reason. I said there was a thread on that very topic on the board and to find it and to post there. Can't be MORE clear. So, you get two days off for cursing at me and making me weepy, and 8 more for lying. See you in 10.

No you didn't.. He still doesn't know what he should be doing. hehehe

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Boobie: Art didn't give me any reason why he eliminated my thread. There's absolutely no communication. All I can do is do my best.

Art: In my (X) amount of years on this website, I have probably had more conversations with Boobie than any other poster. Maybe 3 times as much. He knows why his thread was erased.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Before letting him back in as a starter he should spend some time on the Special Needs squad.

On a more serious note I think this deleting (and if required banning) is a good thing. When I first got off the boat and came here with the other immigrants you could read a long thread that was 2 or 3 people argueing and not conceding any point but at least it was one thread. There have been far too many of the multiple 'if I say it enough people will see I'm right' threads.

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And so we can taunt the banned guy making us all feel better about his misfortune in his absence. Kick 'em while their down. That's our site motto.

When I got my 10 day....I was able to reflect on where I went wrong and understand what this site is all about ....oh yeah and really read the rules...the longest 10 days of my life....hopefully he will do the same.:cool: Atleast I didn't get kicked...:)

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Boobie, I did give you a reason. I said there was a thread on that very topic on the board and to find it and to post there. Can't be MORE clear. So, you get two days off for cursing at me and making me weepy, and 8 more for lying. See you in 10.

See, here's one if not the only area I would have to disagree with the management here. If this were my board, Boobie would be gone for good.

1. Boobie's generally a terrible poster, as stated before. Not worth going to all ends to keep around.

2. Can't follow simple directions, and then can't understand what he did wrong

3. Blatantly disrespectful to someone who was a big part in making this site what it is. If my website ever gets going, Rule #1 will be don't disrespect me. I spent to much time and money in getting it going, I'm not gonna have losers like Boobie cursing me out because I locked their thread. :cry:

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And so we can taunt the banned guy making us all feel better about his misfortune in his absence. Kick 'em while their down. That's our site motto.

Shouldn't there be a smiley in there somewhere?

Someone send this man a nice big pink box of tissues. Make sure they are the kind with aloe on every sheet so he doesn't hurt his little nose when he cries about his thread being locked.


Love it. :laugh:

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See, here's one if not the only area I would have to disagree with the management here. If this were my board, Boobie would be gone for good.

1. Boobie's generally a terrible poster, as stated before. Not worth going to all ends to keep around.

2. Can't follow simple directions, and then can't understand what he did wrong

3. Blatantly disrespectful to someone who was a big part in making this site what it is. If my website ever gets going, Rule #1 will be don't disrespect me. I spent to much time and money in getting it going, I'm not gonna have losers like Boobie cursing me out because I locked their thread. :cry:

We are very mild on the bans here. We want people to be part of this community and give them a lot of latitude. We feel there are valuable things a Redskin fan can rely upon here and even when they deserve worse, we don't give it to them. Boobie has escalating bans to come though :)

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Boobie is Lavar. The parallels are striking. Boobbie/Lavar says, "no one told me why", then Art the "coach" responds, "yes, I did, now ride the pine for 10 days".

Now we need unrelenting new posts debating whether or not Boobie was really informed of why the thread was closed, so we can all take sides a bicker for a week over it. Thus, Bang and Pete will be forced to start 2 new threads that will be stuck to the front page explaining how the site has worked well for so long, and pleading with knuckleheads like boobie to excersice some common sense. Something he is clearly lacking.

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And so we can taunt the banned guy making us all feel better about his misfortune in his absence. Kick 'em while their down. That's our site motto.



Kick, Kick.

Kick, Kick, Kick.

Hell, this is fun!

Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick!

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