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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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6 minutes ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Counterpoint…Cruelty is a feature not a bug for todays GQP.  Abject, ruthless cruelty is essential for any prospective nominee.

He has to pivot to something else. He won’t have the backing and support needed if he’s going to be Trump 2.0. They’ll go with someone else if he won’t pivot. I’m assuming that’s already been figured out though otherwise they wouldn’t be launching their offensive today. 

And no - I don’t think it matters one bit that the liberals (who would never vote for him anyway) won’t forget everything that went on with his FL administration, because the middle is going to completely forget and those are the people he has a chance to earn votes from. 

I also don’t see how Biden approval numbers recover without there being some national tragedy to boost them in the next 2 years. I find it hard to imagine that a person that doesn’t approve of him now, is going to have their mind changed if the republicans have the house (and maybe senate) and Biden is left with little to push agenda items through. 

I also don’t see inflation/economy getting better to help with that argument over 2 years (I think it’s wrong to blame him and dems but - that’s what many are willing to do…)


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4 minutes ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

I feel like some of if y’all are selling Tulum Ted short. Dude will be tanned, rested and ready for 2024!


Ted Cruz and Rubio are definitely going to be in the mix.  They'll convince themselves that some crazy circumstances could happen leaving them as the saviors that everyone will turn to.  It's complete self-absorbed poppy****, but they are extraordinarily self-absorbed people.


Pence will run as the "real" Christian, which isn't a real voting bloc.


We'll get some real wild cards too.  Nikki Haley. Josh Hawley, Tucker Carlson.........The MyPillow Guy.  

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1 minute ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Ted Cruz and Rubio are definitely going to be in the mix.  They'll convince themselves that some crazy circumstances could happen leaving them as the saviors that everyone will turn to.  It's complete self-absorbed poppy****, but they are extraordinarily self-absorbed people.


Pence will run as the "real" Christian, which isn't a real voting bloc.


We'll get some real wild cards too.  Nikki Haley. Josh Hawley, Tucker Carlson.........The MyPillow Guy.  

then trump wins. If they let the anti-trump vote split that way, it’ll be a repeat of the 2016 primaries. 

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5 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

I wouldn’t just anoint Desantis just yet.

No doubt he’s the current darling.

How Will he perform on the national stage. Not every state he campaigns in will be like Florida.


Also, how will he do when actually challenged. The Ring of Fire/ Faron Balanced guy made an interesting observation about Desantis. He doesn’t like to be challenged. You challenged him on anything he gets flustered and angry.

In a gop debate, especially against Trump; how will he do? 


Just because he looks like a king in his home state; he’s untested.

We seen so called stars in both parties flame out in a presidential campaign.


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I actually think Biden would beat Trump again, because it would just be two very old guys shaking their fists at each other all over again.  I don't like Biden's chances against rising GOP stars though.  The Dems really need to get their act together about getting younger people into leadership roles.  Pelosi is 82, Biden 78, Schumer...is up there.   

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7 minutes ago, tshile said:

He has to pivot to something else. He won’t have the backing and support needed if he’s going to be Trump 2.0. They’ll go with someone else if he won’t pivot. 


So, he’s gonna try to out-Ted Ted?  Good luck with that.


Anyhoo, Putin has picked the GQP nominee the last two cycles and he will again.  Bet.

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6 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

I wouldn’t just anoint Desantis just yet.

No doubt he’s the current darling.

How Will he perform on the national stage. Not every state he campaigns in will be like Florida.


Also, how will he do when actually challenged. The Ring of Fire/ Faron Balanced guy made an interesting observation about Desantis. He doesn’t like to be challenged. You challenged him on anything he gets flustered and angry.

In a gop debate, especially against Trump; how will he do? 


Just because he looks like a king in his home state; he’s untested.

We seen so called stars in both parties flame out in a presidential campaign.


Agreed.  Everyone should go watch his debate against Charlie Crist.  Crist was lame in his own right, but DeSantis came off so much different than when he is holding these bully pulpit press conferences in which he can just say "Woke" 50 times in response to every single question.    Sometimes politicians at the state level when the entire legislature is in their favor look a lot different when facing the scrutiny of a national election.  And another thing, the youth vote actually came out hard in these mid-terms, and something else that might get them to show up to vote against DeSantis is him leaning so hard into "Lets get the wokesters"   Almost every issue DeSantis claims is about "wokeism" are things everyone under 30 laughs at when he speaks, if you energize and mobilize that demographic it isn't going to be good for him.

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1 minute ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

So, he’s gonna try to out-Ted Ted?  Good luck with that.

Yeah I don’t see how that works either. 

he’d have to pivot to more statesmen like, traditional winning conservative candidate. Think: bush/Romney/or McCain without the anti-establishment maverick stuff. 

And I think it’s naive to think that’s not possible. I assume he’s a smart politician - even liberals say it. And the segment of voters that are up for grabs cause they’re willing to consider either party (moderates/independents) have incredibly short memories. I think we have seen that time and time again. 

So I don’t think things like him removing out of state residents from the Covid death numbers, for example, is going to matter at all. He has plenty of time to lay the groundwork for being a different character. 

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This **** isn't that hard. Dems need to not slow down looking at '24 at a local then up level. Two concurrent plans. One that is about young women and minorities in the more diverse areas along with the Mark Kelly Veteran "not scary to old white folks" types for the less diverse areas. Get back to the school boards, townships, mayors, state senate, everything. 


Open the Obama School of Speaking for Dem Candidates where they start practicing The soundbite, the elevator speech, and the rally speech. I'm not kidding. Get these people training just like 10th Grade Communications Class here in MoCo Maryland in the 90s. "Here is your topic....... Nuclear Energy.....you are.....for it.......and you have 3 min to prepare before speaking for 3-5min" over and over and over. Debate club style for every region of this country.


Not kidding. 

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5 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


According to Yesterday Tshile, every Trump person you know has moved on to Desantis.  

They did. 

I don’t think they expected trump to be an option again. We don’t usually see a president lose reelection, and then run again. 

Nothing changes about the fact that, from my personal experience, as soon as Trumps political career appeared over they all started lauding DeSantis… 



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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

Not to be a one trick pony but Newsom would eat Rhonda alive in a debate. He drips charisma. Still don't think he (Newsom) runs for 2024 unless Biden opts out early. 


And yes, Newsom has his own issues to deal with too.




The big add is that Newsom got rid of the Guilfoyle who's now attached to Junior. That alone speaks great for him for me.

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22 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Newsom's big baggage is that he once had an expensive meal with friends when he wasn't supposed to be around people?


Gosh, can't wait for that to be commensurate with fomenting an insurrection against the federal government. 


He had an affair with an aide (who was also married to his campaign manager and friend) as well while SF mayor. Plus as Governor, he will likely get blamed for the homeless problems in the State. 




Fwiw I don't think either is baggage as Newsom was/has been upfront about the affair. Additionally, the homelessness problem isn't unique to California nor is it really a Governor issue, moreso I think it's a local issue that needs state assistance ($$$).. 

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Running Cali is hard to mess up as a Dem, haven't they had control of legislature for a while now?  They are used to having a liberal base that pushes the envelope on progressive issues and GOP not being able to stop it.


That's not the same as say Michigan.  What Gretch is accomplishing seems way more impressive, and I don't see no rap songs about Gavin...



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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Newsom's big baggage is that he once had an expensive meal with friends when he wasn't supposed to be around people?


Gosh, can't wait for that to be commensurate with fomenting an insurrection against the federal government. 

He married the creature from the black lagoon…old whatshername.

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