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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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@The Evil Genius


I was just being silly. 


It seems a little complicated as the Air Force Officer is also the Adjudant General of Texas. But there are people looking into it as well. 






Maj. Gen. Thomas M. Suelzer serves as the Adjutant General for the State of Texas. As the Adjutant General, he is the senior uniformed Texas National Guard officer and head of the Texas Military Department responsible for formulating, developing and coordinating all policies, programs and plans affecting more than 22,000 military personnel in over 100 locations throughout Texas. Appointed by the Governor of Texas, General Suelzer functions as the Governor’s principal adviser on military matters and is responsible for the strategic leadership, training, readiness, operational employment and performance of the Army and Air Force components of the Texas National Guard.


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He's still serving as an AF Maj General though, right? I suspect that would trump (no pun intended) whatever roll he has in Texas. I'm sure nothing will come of it, because MAGA, but it's not a good forward facing look.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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I'm not sure the last time I saw someone high like that in the military standing behind someone else who wasn't even a currently elected official.


There at the wrong time, why you there, tho? 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:

I'm not sure the last time I saw someone high like that in the military standing behind someone else who wasn't even a currently elected official.


There at the wrong time, why you there, tho? 

To be a part of Trump’s Dictatorship. The only way Trump can enact his dictatorship is to get control of the military. So he’s recruiting military personnel now.

Edited by 88Comrade2000
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The NY Times is clearly in the tank for Trump.


Dem leaders need to have a meeting with Jill. Tell her that does Joe wants to be the man who lets Trump back in.


Even though Joe is thought poorly of now, history will look kindly upon him. Already, historians rank him pretty high.


Only Jill convince Joe to drop out.



He won’t of course but the only person who will be blamed if Trump wins, is him.

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6 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

He won’t of course but the only person who will be blamed if Trump wins, is him.


Right. Clearly the blame for a Trump Presidedency will lie, not with the millions of people who vote to give power to someone who has publicly confessed to the multiple crimes he's committed. 


Not to the numerous Republicans who have knowingly worked to feed people justifications for said votes. 


Nope. It will lie with Joe Biden for not resigning from his campaign, six months before the election, and passing the campaign to ... somebody. 

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i have no idea what those people digest politically.  And these numbers make no sense:


Mr. Trump is winning 97 percent of those who say they voted for him four years ago, and virtually none of his past supporters said they are casting a ballot for Mr. Biden. In contrast, Mr. Biden is winning only 83 percent of his 2020 voters, with 10 percent saying they now back Mr. Trump


So some how "crime guy" is better than "old guy"?  And somehow this is going to be a Dem messaging issue? But those numbers do not match the voting share Haley is getting.  



Among the 19 percent of voters who said they disapproved of both likely nominees — an unusually large cohort in 2024 that pollsters and political strategists sometimes call “double haters” — Mr. Biden actually led Mr. Trump, 45 percent to 33 percent.  The candidate who had won such “double haters” was victorious in the elections in both 2016 and 2020.



I am going to propogate professor Paul Campo's "Ariana Grande Political Theory" into this thread.  Note, this is from the lead into the 2020 election.


Here’s my new theory, which I hope you like, because it’s giving me some aid and comfort in this dark time.  The Ariana Grande Theory of Politics is this: The large majority — maybe the vast majority — of people in this country know things about politics like I know things about Ariana Grande. I know Ariana Grande is a pop music singer. Can I sing any of her songs? No. Could I pick her out of a lineup of young women pop singers? No. But I do know she’s a singer.  I picked up this very limited knowledge more or less amorphously, by for example seeing magazine covers at the checkout counter at grocery stores in the Before Time, where people are often identified by only their first names and I often have no idea who those people are. I remember reading some story in New York about Pete Whatshisname on SNL , exploring why this strikingly ugly guy was somehow managing to date a series of Super Hot Girls, and she was mentioned. OK, I’m now rapidly approaching the outer limits of my Ariana Grande knowledge.  Basically I don’t know a goddamned thing about contemporary pop music.

Great!  We are so screwed....

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34 minutes ago, Larry said:

Right. Clearly the blame for a Trump Presidedency will lie, not with the millions of people who vote to give power to someone who has publicly confessed to the multiple crimes he's committed.

As my favorite writer put it at the end of his column yesterday discussing the state of play of the cases Trump is facing, particularly the Jan 6 one:


We have a virtuous civic tradition and an increasingly unvirtuous people, and something’s got to give. Until it does, the machinery of law enforcement can only muddle through unhappily, alienating everyone by turns. In the end, in fact, perhaps it’s best that Trump isn’t tried before ballots are cast. Electing an accused criminal would be terrible but electing a convicted criminal and granting him the power to pardon himself would be unforgivable, shattering our national image. Better that we go on laboring under the illusion that the greatest country in the world would never stoop to such things rather than face the hard reality.

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1 hour ago, Fergasun said:


i have no idea what those people digest politically.  And these numbers make no sense:


So some how "crime guy" is better than "old guy"?  And somehow this is going to be a Dem messaging issue? But those numbers do not match the voting share Haley is getting.  


I am going to propogate professor Paul Campo's "Ariana Grande Political Theory" into this thread.  Note, this is from the lead into the 2020 election.

Great!  We are so screwed....


These polls ask carefully crafted questions to get the results they want. It's why I don't respond to questionnaires anymore or polls either. I'm getting requests daily on email and texts, not to mention FB feeds. I don't trust who is sending out these requests anymore considering the Russian incursion.

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55 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Does anyone expect 20 million fewer people to vote for Biden this time?

2016: Hillary 66m, Trump 63m, others 8 m (137m total)

2020: Biden 81m, Trump 74m, others 3m (158m total)


I'm guessing turnout in November will be about 150 million. I think Trump wins the electoral vote, but Biden wins the popular by about 75m to 72m, with 3m voting other candidates. I'd be shocked if Trump somehow managed to win the popular vote.


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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:




Hey, Trump started locking up the Black vote with gold sneakers and an arrest record...Kennedy's trying to do the same, only with a rap record.


If only the Dems had someone younger as their candidate...someone who could connect with Black voters by sporting an afro and wearing a gold toof!

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