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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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And I don't even think 2028 even remotely factors in deciding whether to keep Harris. If Joe and Kamala win in '24 and he served out his second term, Harris would be the front runner for the 2028 Dem nomination, but far from a lock to get it.


Harris' best chance at the presidency at this point is to ascend to the position as VP via Joe retiring. And it increasingly seems that isn't happening before the 24 election.

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1 hour ago, Captain Wiggles said:


In America? Hmm I wonder why that might be. 


Replace Harris with someone similar? You mean another qualified black woman? Yeah I bet she'd get pretty close to the same polling results Harris does. 🤷‍♂️


I don't know the list of qualified balcj women that we'll.  Stacy Abrahams?  


I didn't necessarily mean a black women, could be another minority group.

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I like Stacey Abrams. Highest office she's ever held tho is as a state rep. Probably more helpful as a running mate since she's quite popular in Georgia and could certainly help win it again. She should run for a US house or senate seat at this point. 


Still can't see Harris being replaced. I mean the majority of politicians have ****ty poll numbers these day. Unless there's some kinda teapot dome or Spiro Agnew situation she should be on the ticket.



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Koch Political Machine Vows to Fight to Deny Trump GOP Nomination in 2024


The Koch brothers, whose political machine fuels the most powerful donor network in conservative politics, are declaring that machine will be part of the NeverTrump effort for 2024, aiming to deny former President Donald Trump a third nomination for the White House.

The declaration, released in a recent memo to staffers and activists, never explicitly mentions Trump, but it’s abundantly clear from the tone in Americans for Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel’s message that the grassroots behemoth she leads has no plans of being a passive player in Republican politics when it comes to the White House. “Our country must move past the current political situation—we’ve got to turn the page on the past several years,” she wrote. “If we want to elect better people, we need better candidates. And if we want better candidates, we’ve got to get involved in elections earlier and in more primaries.”



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19 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:

Good. The first primaries should 1. Be in states with the most diverse demographics and 2. Rotate a little easy cycle to engage more states total. 

The Dems may have approved a new rotation but I don’t think they can just move the dates on their everywhere.


Gop controls NH,GA and they aren’t moving those primaries.  Don’t think they’ll allow separate primaries? Not sure how that works since the gop and Dems have had different dates in some contests.



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1 hour ago, EmirOfShmo said:


Koch Political Machine Vows to Fight to Deny Trump GOP Nomination in 2024


The Koch brothers, whose political machine fuels the most powerful donor network in conservative politics, are declaring that machine will be part of the NeverTrump effort for 2024, aiming to deny former President Donald Trump a third nomination for the White House.

The declaration, released in a recent memo to staffers and activists, never explicitly mentions Trump, but it’s abundantly clear from the tone in Americans for Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel’s message that the grassroots behemoth she leads has no plans of being a passive player in Republican politics when it comes to the White House. “Our country must move past the current political situation—we’ve got to turn the page on the past several years,” she wrote. “If we want to elect better people, we need better candidates. And if we want better candidates, we’ve got to get involved in elections earlier and in more primaries.”



Admiring the way the quoted portion contains both:


"The Koch brother's political machine" and 


"The grassroots behemoth". 

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4 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

The Dems may have approved a new rotation but I don’t think they can just move the dates on their everywhere.


Gop controls NH,GA and they aren’t moving those primaries.  Don’t think they’ll allow separate primaries? Not sure how that works since the gop and Dems have had different dates in some contests.




Wherever they CAN, they should do it. Next cycle if they want South Carolina cool. One after that maybe Georgia or North Carolina. The whole process is frustrating. It's not realistic to do something like 10 states at the same time spaced out 2 weeks in between. But for President, its time to listen to more States in bigger chunks. 

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I guess Chris Christie again slammed Trump this morning for giving him covid during 2020 debate prep.


In response, Trump did his usually pejorative tweet/truth, referring to the former NJ governor as "Sloppy" Chris.


But I thought Trump already used "Sloppy" for Steve Bannon.


Recycling nicknames....not a good sign :)

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