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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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GOP donor wants his money back after candidate hires Corey Lewandowski


John Odom, a major Republican donor, has been a top backer of Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Jeff Landry. He’s dined with Landry, talked with him on the phone and attended one of his annual “Alligator Hunt” fundraisers. In all, he’s given $100,000 to his political operation.


But now Landry, the state’s attorney general and frontrunner in the race, has done something that, for Odom, is unforgivable.


He hired former Donald Trump 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski as a political adviser.


And now, in response, Odom is demanding that Landry give him his money back and is “urg[ing] the voters of Louisiana to reject Landry at the polls.”


Click on the link for the full article

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1 hour ago, Simmsy said:

Is this the gameday thread for tonight's debate? I missed the last one, I want to participate in the lunacy this time around 

Yep, this is it, where we get to see:


How fiery will Nikki bw?

How obnoxious will Vivek be?

How dull will thr others be?

How many trillions will Trump claim watched his auto speech?

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3 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Call me when the debates matter. Trump isn't ever going to participate in any of these if he's way up

The entire gop doesn’t matter. It’s over. The gop voters will annoint their master; as their life will have no meaning without him.


Some are running for cabinet positions, some for tv gigs and sone just getting some experience for a future run.


The gop nominee will be Donald the Indicted, Convicted.

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9 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

The entire gop doesn’t matter. It’s over. The gop voters will annoint their master; as their life will have no meaning without him.


Some are running for cabinet positions, some for tv gigs and sone just getting some experience for a future run.


The gop nominee will be Donald the Indicted, Convicted.


Extreme Skins Tailgate.  Come for the laughs, stay for the optimism.

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12 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

The entire gop doesn’t matter. It’s over. The gop voters will annoint their master; as their life will have no meaning without him.


Some are running for cabinet positions, some for tv gigs and sone just getting some experience for a future run.


The gop nominee will be Donald the Indicted, Convicted.


I suspect the one who kisses the ring the most will get the VP nom. And then a long gig on Fox News or whatever channel will sign them after they doomed their political career by being part of the losing Trump 2024 disaster. 

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1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Joe Biden hides in his basement. 🤣


**** yall just showed footage of him speaking at a workers union rally. 


GOP lives in a multiverse of BS.


Second they don't like a reality they can't spin in their favor, they open a portal and move to another one.

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Certificate of need is what prevents medical providers from just setting up shop in wealthy areas and competing for their money. It’s what forces people that want to open up a new shop, to find areas that need their services, and figure out a way to be profitable doing it. 

if you remove certificate of need it’d be great for wealthy people - they’d have way more competition. But it would be awful for poor areas. Without certificate of need I’m not really sure what other forces are at play that would encourage someone to open up shop in a non wealthy area - other than the goodness of their heart. 

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31 minutes ago, tshile said:

The republicans are hard on ending birth right citizenship


It’s be wild if they were able to make that happen. 

Not sure how they plan to get 3/4 of the states to amend the Constitution to make that happen, but then again when has reality being against their bat**** ideas slowed them at all recently?

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6 minutes ago, GhostofSparta said:

Not sure how they plan to get 3/4 of the states to amend the Constitution to make that happen, but then again when has reality being against their bat**** ideas slowed them at all recently?

That’s not the idea. The idea is the constitutional right has a part about “… and is subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the united stated” and that illegal immigrated are not subject to the laws and jurisdiction of the United States. 

I’m not supporting it just explaining it. 

they cited diplomats and how if they have children those children are not granted citizenship. And that’s a thing - they are not given citizenship. 

my argument would be that diplomats are not subject to the jurisdiction and laws of the United States. We know that, it’s well established. But we certainly do arrest and imprison immigrants we suspect of crimes; we try them; and deport them upon conviction 


so I think it’s a stretch to say they’re not subject to the jurisdiction and laws… but it’s not that much a stretch, and they don’t need to amend the constitution, they simply need the Supreme Court to provide a different interpretation. I believe the idea that they are granted citizenship comes from a previous ruling - which means it can be overturned.

i may be wrong about that but I believe that’s the argument. 

Edited by tshile
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