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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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3 hours ago, Jumbo said:

Left them out on purpose after some thought.


As I'm sure you know since I've often posted on it, I'm a big fan and love npr radio programming of all forms. The reason I decided not to list it is nuanced and a newer take for me and I'm too lazy to type it out now. 😁


Still think very highly of the news coverage overall.


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5 hours ago, Jumbo said:

Left them out on purpose after some thought.


As I'm sure you know since I've often posted on it, I'm a big fan and love npr radio programming of all forms. The reason I decided not to list it is nuanced and a newer take for me and I'm too lazy to type it out now. 😁


Still think very highly of the news coverage overall.

Looking forward to a future post.

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Why has Andrew Yang's opinion on anything suddenly become important?  


This is a guy who washed out of my job in five months.  This is a guy who, when running for Mayor of NYC, said that he couldn't imagine living in an apartment with 2 kids during covid so he moved upstate.  Want to know who can imagine living in an apartment with 2 kids during covid?  ****ING NEW YORKERS.

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On 11/13/2023 at 10:50 PM, Renegade7 said:


Black people look right past "That little girl was me" in order to get rid of Trump, pragmatic like that. 


It's not hard to find articles about Hillary struggling to defend her support for the crime bill when she was running for president...the same one Biden mostly wrote.


I'm concerned about Black voter support impact from him being Gay, many are more conservative then would be suggested by so many that vote Dem.


He's getting a stupid amount of experience right now helping out with getting this Infrastructure Bill money where its supposed to go and kicks ass every time he goes on Fox News...he's gonna try anyway and I expect to see more of him going into 2028...


In a just world Pete Buttigieg would be President in January 2029.  It is not a just world.



Edited by Dan T.
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23 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Why has Andrew Yang's opinion on anything suddenly become important?  


This is a guy who washed out of my job in five months.  This is a guy who, when running for Mayor of NYC, said that he couldn't imagine living in an apartment with 2 kids during covid so he moved upstate.  Want to know who can imagine living in an apartment with 2 kids during covid?  ****ING NEW YORKERS.

He seems to be promoting Dean Phillips who I know very little about other than he recently threw his hat in the primary. 


curious if Manchin throws his hat in as an independent. makes an already tough reelection campaign tougher if he can siphon votes away 

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5 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


In a just world Pete Buttigieg would be President in January 2029.  It is not a just world.


Would Pete be a good Veep?  


Or would "undecided voters" be more scared of him possibly becoming Pres, than they supposedly are of Kamala?  

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25 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Why has Andrew Yang's opinion on anything suddenly become important?  


It's not. He's been running his grift now for years. But we're obsessed with bothsidesism and need to find Dems who want to talk about running against Biden. 

“Not that I condone bothsidesism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people.”

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1 minute ago, Larry said:


Would Pete be a good Veep?  


Or would "undecided voters" be more scared of him possibly becoming Pres, than they supposedly are of Kamala?  


Veep would be just about perfect for him.  But there is no way Biden drops Kamala Harris. 


He's young enough that VP in 2028 is feasible, followed by a Presidential run in a future where being gay isn't a non-starter for Troglodytes.

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1 hour ago, Dan T. said:


Veep would be just about perfect for him.  But there is no way Biden drops Kamala Harris. 


He's young enough that VP in 2028 is feasible, followed by a Presidential run in a future where being gay isn't a non-starter for Troglodytes.


Kamala/Pete ticket may sound crazy now, but I'm not buying it will be in 2028. 


Biden has to make time selling his knowledge and wisdom dropping on Harris first so that she's looked at as at least a steady hand as POTUS.


She'll have enough to deal with concerning folks that don't want a woman or minority woman as President and defending someone gay as VP, taking "can she do the job in the first place" off her plate is huge.


I love Obama, but he was a mediocre president that set the stage for our country not electing someone because it would be a first for us anymore (it diluted Hillary being first women president being enough to beat Trump).


The end of the day, the more these two can be seen as being able to do the job and do it well, the better the odds to win over who they need to win over. Some folks will have their minds made up no matter what, that's not who they need to convince, imo.

Edited by Renegade7
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10 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


I love Obama, but he was a mediocre president that set the stage for our country not electing someone because it would be a first for us anymore (it diluted Hillary being first women president being enough to beat Trump).




He's top 15. That's better than mediocre unless more than half have been ****. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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