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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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If folks show up to vote for Biden like they supposed or even DOJ lands a conviction or two on Trump this 2025 Plan reads like nothing more then a wet dream for someone that can't get it up anymore.


Be bold...let it be known anyone that goes onto that head hunting list gets copy pasted onto a watchlist.  The bigger concern isn't Trump trying to get it right the next time, it's refining this plan for anyone that wants to try it next.


I don't even think that's a crazy ask in the context of a government response to mass recruitment to end democracy in our country.


Join the list at your own risk, because we got laws for that.

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Again, it'll be interesting to see who Trump picks as his running mate. My assumption is that he'll pick someone relatively normal (at least by current GOP standards) and not some kook like MTG, Lake, Tucker, or Vivek.


But one would think that the "normie" is going to have an interest in getting elected themselves in 2028, and might push back if Trump tries to go to far with the second-term crazy, fearing the backlash. Does Trump remove the VP and install a loyalist at that point?


Buckle up..................

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6 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Again, it'll be interesting to see who Trump picks as his running mate. My assumption is that he'll pick someone relatively normal (at least by current GOP standards) and not some kook like MTG, Lake, Tucker, or Vivek.


But one would think that the "normie" is going to have an interest in getting elected themselves in 2028, and might push back if Trump tries to go to far with the second-term crazy, fearing the backlash. Does Trump remove the VP and install a loyalist at that point?


Buckle up..................

That Nanashuk guy… that’s my pick for who he is choosing as  VP.


 It really doesn’t matter who he picks. He will have the same number of votes either way. His base is really motivated to vote for him.

It just depends if dems can get enough people to come out and vote also.


it is all about turnout. It will be harder to quell the people who are enthused about him vs the people who will vote for Biden.


 The vice president can’t be fired by the president.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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Trumps VP will be a dick-rider who doesn't want to get shot. 


Is there really a need for someone who doesn't look crazy to fit the role Pence did in 2016?


His loyalist are locked, his goal is clearly more to steal a close election then outright win one.  Why he's avoiding the debates to limit the focused exposure on the bat**** crazy things he's saying.


Remember, he's supposed to be a representative middle finger to everything for most of his base, and there's no need to be subtle about it anymore.

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1 hour ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

The general public only cares about themselves and how their lives are going. Biden’s popularity being this low isn’t just because of gopers/ maga or independents but among Dems also.


It won’t be because that Trump is the opposition candidate ,democracy,  abortion, etc….  I know many believe that those things will drive the election but not really at the presidential level. Maybe I’ll be wrong on that but average American isn’t that smart.


For the vast majority it will be what they feel about which candidate will make their lives better.  Trump is winning that right now.  They aren’t looking at the threat of his next term but how will he make my life better than Biden. Americans aren’t that nuanced. Biden has a year to change their minds. 

It's so sad our country is in such a state that we're willing to forget Jan 6. again I have no problem with democrats but find someone else cause Biden ain't it bro. and I'm not the only one thinking this. the movement is catching fire. People are fed up with bland incoherent candidates 

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16 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

That Nanashuk guy… that’s my pick for who he is choosing as  VP.


 It really doesn’t matter who he picks. He will have the same number of votes either way. His base is really motivated to vote for him.

It just depends if dems can get enough people to come out and vote also.


it is all about turnout. It will be harder to quell the people who are enthused about him vs the people who will vote for Biden.


 The vice president can’t be fired by the president.

There goes that theory. I must've gotten it confused with a first-term president being able to choose a new running mate for their reelection bid, much like Haley was reporting angling to get onto the ticket for Trump's reelection campaign in 2020, and now for people wanting Biden to dump Harris now.


I know the VP selection doesn't usually make a difference, but in the case today, if enough people are afraid of Harris taking over for Biden, I can see a lot of people being terrified of Vivek being first-in-line if Trump prevails next year.

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4 hours ago, tshile said:

You’re talking about the general public. They have short memories and are stupid. 

I hate to break it to you but these are the same people who think the economy is bad, and that it’s Biden’s fault, and are likely to show up to vote more concerned about Bidens current age and how angry they are at the state of the country than anything Trump did 2016-2020


Part of the benefit of all these trials taking so long to get started, and drag out to completion, is it helps keep it all in the current news and makes it harder to forget. 

But never underestimate the stupidity and laziness of 80% of the general public. 

I’ve pointed this out in past, pre-Trump election cycles, but the main flaw of the dem supporters is they r become convinced their ideas/preferences/outlook is the only one that’s right (whether that means morally, critical thinking, etc)


lots of people don’t like lots of things about the democrats platform, or about certain candidates. Not recognizing this is why you lost 2016. I’m not really to make any declarations about 2024, Biden hasn’t started campaigning and we don’t even know who he’s going against yet, but the overwhelming reluctance to be rational and grounded in reality when discussing this stuff is part of the reason you all lose races and don’t understand why. 


Unfortunately there's very few solutions to short memory and stupidity.  Even if Dems came out and said we'll never convince you entirely of our position, so we'll compromise, the goal post will simply move (ACA being a prominent recent example).  I'm willing to concede that it will probably work similarly if GOP proposed compromise too, but I can't really think of a recent example where GOP adopted a Dem policy proposal.


I don't know whether lot of people don't like many things about the Dem platform or lot of people look for things they want to dislike from the Dem platform, but at the end of the day, it's a distinction without a difference.  Whatever position Dems propose, it will be verboten to 40%+ of the voting public.  Insurance marketplace was a sensible policy proposed by the Heritage Foundation until it was highway to socialist hell.  Biden was a fine fella and a Dem you could work with until he got brainwashed by Obama and Hillary.  I mean hell, little Timmy played Tinkerbell and little Mary played Peter Pan for ages in school plays without triggering the fall of western civilization but now it's apparently the dawn of Sodom and Gomorrah.


That leaves the Dems with wins when 1) the candidate has enough force of personality to overcome everything (Obama, to a lesser degree Bill Clinton); 2) brilliant political team (Both Obama and Bill Clinton); or 3) enough people to say anybody but the other guy (Trump 2020).  


It's not the bases' job on any party to be nice to other parties and win them over by compromise and kindness.  That's not gonna work.  That's not how it has ever worked.  And before you say well looking down your nose at them won't work either, sure, I agree.  But it's not like anyone has a solution to short memory and stupidity anyway.

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Maybe I'm on a tangent right now, but this idea of younger votes wanting a younger candidate yet openly rallying around Bernie who is *checks notes* older then Biden makes this whole groundswell of wanting someone younger sound like a joke.


I voted for Bernie in the primaries leading up to 2020, if enough young people did as well they would've gotten their hypocritical wish.  I'm a millennial and want MFA as well, but I know I have to do more then just ***** about it on twitter to get it.

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7 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Biden and Trump are like 3 years apart in age but only one of them is constantly getting calls to be replaced because of their age.


Relevant:  https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/13/opinions/trumps-mental-gaffes-obeidallah/index.html


Opinion: Trump’s mental gaffes can’t be ignored


I don't think I need to post the text, as you might imagine from the headline, it's a list of recent episodes where Trump gets confused about where he is, or who people are, or when things happened.  And it's becoming an every week or every other week thing. 


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1 minute ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I'm not there on replacing an incumbent yet, but the short list is Newsome and Big Gretch. 


Newsome jus feels too easy coming from a state as blue as Cali. 


They tried to kidnap Big Gretch, she'll better understand what she's walking into with the country this divided, imo.

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I don't want to replace Biden as I think time is running out (it would almost have to happen within a month probably?).  But yeah Whitmer would be strong candidate. I don't think Newsom plays that well outside of deep blue base (I may be totally wrong though).

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Just now, bearrock said:

I don't want to replace Biden as I think time is running out (it would almost have to happen within a month probably?).  But yeah Whitmer would be strong candidate. I don't think Newsom plays that well outside of deep blue base (I may be totally wrong though).


Would love to hear from our Cali folks ( @The Evil Genius) but I think Newsome is a supremely talented communicator. 

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8 minutes ago, bearrock said:

I don't want to replace Biden as I think time is running out (it would almost have to happen within a month probably?).  But yeah Whitmer would be strong candidate. I don't think Newsom plays that well outside of deep blue base (I may be totally wrong though).


7 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Would love to hear from our Cali folks ( @The Evil Genius) but I think Newsome is a supremely talented communicator. 


Newsom would be fantastic but right now he polls low outside of the blue parts of California. It could change but I suspect he would be the type that needed a full campaign period to convince people. 2028 seems like the most logical time as his 2 term stint as Governor winds down in 2026.


He'll also be 60 in 2027. Don't sleep on Andy Beshear in 2028 either. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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5 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


One is governor of America's largest state (pop. 40 million).  One was a mayor of a large town/small city (pop. 100,000).  It's not the same thing. 


He's also been DoT secretary and needs to get moved around to beef his resume, Cheney did something similar in the 80s bouncing around cabinet position to cabinet position.


Both have a list of things to get reamed for, Newsome is in a bad spot regarding slowing down housing costs in his state, but he'll still get asked his plan to address as a national problem.  That snatch and grab crime going on in San Fran for better or worse will get thrown in his face.


Those guys are safer defending the top of the ticket then being the top of the ticket right now, imo.

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9 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


He's also been DoT secretary and needs to get moved around to beef his resume, Cheney did something similar in the 80s bouncing around cabinet position to cabinet position.


Both have a list of things to get reamed for, Newsome is in a bad spot regarding slowing down housing costs in his state, but he'll still get asked his plan to address as a national problem.  That snatch and grab crime going on in San Fran for better or worse will get thrown in his face.


Fwiw, housing prices in California are directly tied to Prop 13 and the effects it has on reducing housing stock/turnover. Newsom has been vocal about repealing part of it, but Prop 13 is mostly a sacred cow in the state. 


As for SF crime, that's a local issue and I suspect the Governor of any state would have little oversight on a local issue like that. 


Edit..here's a Prop 13 shenanigan. Say I bought a house 25 years ago for 100k. The prop taxes on that would be based on a value that could not go up by more than 2% each year. So I'd be paying prop taxes on a home valued at 164k whose real value was 800k+. My neighbor, who bought last month, would be paying based on the new value they purchased at (800k+). AND, I can leave the house to my kid and they assume the ultra low value for prop tax base (no reassessment of tax base of home).


Prop 13 disincentivizes home sales.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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4 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Fwiw, housing prices in California are directly tied to Prop 13 and the effects it has on reducing housing stock/turnover. Newsom has been vocal about repealing part of it buts Prop 13 is mostly a sacred cow in the state. 


As for SF crime, that's a local issue and I suspect the Governor of any state would have little oversight on a local issue like that. 


Prop 13 has come up here before and exactly what im talking about.  I'm concerned average voter isn't gonna wanna hear that, and he still needs a good answer. For the larger national problem.


I don't agree with underestimating what's going on in San Fran like it's not happening in other parts of the country, like Chicago.  They closed the Walmart closest to the capitol building Jn DC because of this.


If you have a plan, how's that working in Cali?. Whats the results to defend himself with?

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