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2 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:





They're working on their plan to wait till after the election, then throw out the mail in ballots. 


And for that plan to work, they need for the in person ballots to have a different ratio from the mail in. 

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I actually thought the GOP had changed their stance on that and was trying to encourage early/mail-in voting. 

I understand what you’re saying I just swear I saw them make that shift on it.

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18 minutes ago, tshile said:

I actually thought the GOP had changed their stance on that and was trying to encourage early/mail-in voting. 

I understand what you’re saying I just swear I saw them make that shift on it.

Not according to their leader.


Other establishment Republicans have tried to get them back in mail in voting though. I think even Lara Trump has said they have to mail in vote/vote early.

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48 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:

Not according to their leader.


Other establishment Republicans have tried to get them back in mail in voting though. I think even Lara Trump has said they have to mail in vote/vote early.


100% listen to him, voters who would have voted for him through the mail. Don't worry that there could be a reason why you won't be able to vote on election day. There is no way he can lose!

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4 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:



She had better had him put that pre-nup money in a trust already for her. Since he's appealing the big judgment, the interest is going to go up bigly every day. He'll be a poor man. 




1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:

Not according to their leader.


Other establishment Republicans have tried to get them back in mail in voting though. I think even Lara Trump has said they have to mail in vote/vote early.


It's for the old white Trump cult voters who can't stand in long lines.



Edited by LadySkinsFan
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1 hour ago, tshile said:

I actually thought the GOP had changed their stance on that and was trying to encourage early/mail-in voting. 

I understand what you’re saying I just swear I saw them make that shift on it.

They did, but Trump can’t remember policy and so has kept railing against it. And obviously everyone in the GOP takes their cues from him, even if it’s very stupid politically. 

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59 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

She had better had him put that pre-nup money in a trust already for her. Since he's appealing the big judgment, the interest is going to go up bigly every day. He'll be a poor man. 


I'll let you know if anyone replies. Buzzette actually brought it up. I'm interested in the idea at least. 

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I actually agree with costas. I’ve been saying that stuff for a while. 

but. It’s a day late and a buck short. The time to have this conversation, for the dems, was a year ago. Now it’s too late. 

I still prefer to believe Biden will indeed win.  But it’s an obvious issue, and it’s frustrating how any time it was brought up it just gets shouted down, almost always as a “lol it’s not even an issue” which is was ridiculous. 

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37 minutes ago, tshile said:

I actually agree with costas. I’ve been saying that stuff for a while. 

but. It’s a day late and a buck short. The time to have this conversation, for the dems, was a year ago. Now it’s too late. 

I still prefer to believe Biden will indeed win.  But it’s an obvious issue, and it’s frustrating how any time it was brought up it just gets shouted down, almost always as a “lol it’s not even an issue” which is was ridiculous. 


Of course you do. Rich people generally hate democracy. 😁


I kid..but the idea that Costas is a moderate or whatever is probably nil. He's probably a dyed in the wool republican whose party left him when they swung extreme right in 2015 (or arguably,  the 1990s). 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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10 minutes ago, tshile said:

I love democracy


not such a big fan of people though 




..is tshile gen x too???


Costas is whatever generation came before the Greatest Gen. Dude is like 150 or something. 


Oh and I blame Biden being 81 for this.



Edited by The Evil Genius
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Why does it matter?  Costas speaks like a Trump fan.  "ITS YOUR FAULT I VOTED FOR ORANGE HITLER!!"


I am going to be saying this on a weekly basis to bastads like Maher and Costas.  We have been told "It doesn't matter if he is racist, sexist, indicted criminal.  We like Trump's policies!!!"  Into our 3rd election cycle. 




The double standard here.  My goodness. 

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31 minutes ago, Fergasun said:


I am going to be saying this on a weekly basis to bastads like Maher and Costas.  We have been told "It doesn't matter if he is racist, sexist, indicted criminal.  We like Trump's policies!!!"  Into our 3rd election cycle


I recall a columnist saying that history has a term for Germans who joined the Nazi army out of national pride. Or because their family have always been soldiers. Or because they were pressured into joining. Or because their brother joined. 


They call them "Nazis". 

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Costas should be training his fire not on Biden or the Dem Party, but rather on the fickle-ass voting public.


Someone posted in one of these threads a screenshot of a CNN poll showing that only 16 percent of the respondents felt worse off economically, but I'm assuming the same people, when asked how the US was doing economically, only 16 percent said it was doing good or fair.


As the poster said "make this make sense."


And again, the Biden problem is more of a Kamala Harris problem, as the perception is that she's not up to the task. But good luck asking someone what their problem is with her and expecting a coherent answer.

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Worried Biden and Trump are too old to be president? Calm down, experts on aging say




Age should not preclude either Joe Biden or Donald Trump from serving another four years as president, a group of aging experts said Thursday at a webinar organized by the American Federation for Aging Research.


People age at different rates, and the ill effects of advanced age don’t appear to be having an impact on Biden or Trump, said S. Jay Olshansky, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois at Chicago and research associate at the Center on Aging at the University of Chicago.


“Both in Biden and Trump’s case, we’ve got evidence to suggest … they’re doing exceptionally well,” Olshanksy said. “Don’t believe what you see in the media about loss of cognitive functioning and the like.”


The candidates fly across the country and sometimes across the world. They can be short on sleep and disoriented by time zone changes. And the pressures of a presidential campaign can magnify perceived failings, he added.


“I get a phone call every time either one of them stumbles or says something that’s off kilter,” Olsahnsky said. “They’re going, ‘What’s wrong?’

“I’m going, ‘Seriously, this happens to virtually all of us.’”


Available medical information suggests both candidates are doing fine, he added.


Neither candidate drinks alcohol and Biden has eaten a healthy diet all his life and remains physically active, which reduces his cardiovascular risk, said Dr. Bradley Wilcox, the director of research at the department of geriatric medicine at the University of Hawaii’s medical school.


Neither candidate drinks alcohol and Biden has eaten a healthy diet all his life and remains physically active, which reduces his cardiovascular risk, said Dr. Bradley Wilcox, the director of research at the department of geriatric medicine at the University of Hawaii’s medical school.




Instead of worrying about a presidential candidate’s age, focus on their vision for the future




...what we are faced with is a lot of handwringing about whether the two presumptive nominees, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, are suffering from cognitive decline because they will be 81 and 78 years old when the election takes place in November.


The situation is infuriating because the legitimate issue of whether the United States should be led by a new generation is being obscured by obnoxious stereotypical descriptions of older people. The breathless reports of verbal or physical stumbles by either man lead to speculation one or both is suffering from dementia. Biden being tired after flying to Asia and holding a series of high-level meetings or Trump losing focus after speaking for over an hour are taken as signs they are not physically or mentally capable of the demands of being President.


...there is no physical reason an older person cannot serve as President of the United States despite it being a high-pressure, high-stress position. The question to ask in the United States in 2024 is whether either of these men have the correct policies and vision for a position deemed the most important in the world and how their age impacts the answer.


A critical part of being President is setting an optimistic future course for the nation. Based on his campaign thus far, this requirement casts Donald Trump in a negative light. His agenda is based on revenge and settling old scores. “Making America Great Again” is a slogan focused on the past, not a vision for the future.


And this is where his age becomes a factor. Like too many people of his generation he spends his time dwelling on a distorted view of the past, exaggerating the positive and ignoring negative aspects such as blatant discrimination. His desire to turn back the clock shows a contempt for progress.

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1 hour ago, Ball Security said:

Can it really be cognitive decline if he’s been a moron from the start?

Is there literally any topic, of which Trump can speak on/to, where he doesn’t sound like a complete r’tard?


He doesn’t even function at a pre-school capacity.

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