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12 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


I was one of the people 4 years ago who said Biden should run and lead as a 1-term President without any worries of backlash and without backing anyone in 2024 until the primaries picked a candidate. 


Same. I wanted him to pull a James K Polk and say he'd serve only one term. 


Things change tho. Bidens been quite effective as POTUS. I all for him beating Trump again. Not sure there's a better option and he's already proven he's capable of winning.

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1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:


Same. I wanted him to pull a James K Polk and say he'd serve only one term. 


Things change tho. Bidens been quite effective as POTUS. I all for him beating Trump again. Not sure there's a better option and he's already proven he's capable of winning.


I agree. But a different candidate who is both younger and not morbidly obese against the other guy would be a better strategic move. 


I have no idea who another candidate would be; having 2 years to step up would hopefully have made a difference. Off the top of my head looking at Dem Governors and Senators...... Gretchen Whitmer, Michelle Grisham, Andy Beshear, Mark Kelly, Jon Ossoff.

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26 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Why focus on Biden only? Why give 48% of the voters a free pass for nominating a racist rapist traitor again? 


You're right and it's infuriating that the "liberal media" falls for this **** all the time. They feel this duty to both-sides everything. Yeah, Trump was found liable in a court of law in the case where a woman said he raped her. But Biden is old, and all that stuff Comer says about him that we don't flat-out label as nonsense by now.

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1 hour ago, Captain Wiggles said:


But Americans think Trump is. 👌🤣



Trump held the office before and, despite his annoying Twitter blathering, was headed toward reelection until the pandemic hit and he was incapable of dealing with it from a public relations standpoint.


And then his party refused and still refuses to hold him accountable for the post election BS that happened.


Regarding Kamala, again, I don't know why the perception exists that makes people fearful of her holding the highest office. I think that if Biden had stepped down after the midterms (especially if the red wave had materialized) and Harris took over, she may well have been a good steward over the past year plus. And then I think the GOP mightve been in a predicament.


But, alas, here we are.

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43 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Why focus on Biden only? Why give 48% of the voters a free pass for nominating a racist rapist traitor again? 

Because at this point, it doesn’t seem to matter. 

Trump has been criticized up and down, relentlessly, for 8 years now. (Rightfully so, for those that need that to be said)


Is there something to say, that hasn’t been said? Is there some way of wording the criticism that would change the impact it has to make a meaningful change in how that 48% thinks?


i think you need to accept that criticisms of Biden need to be met with something more than “but Trump…” 


To then try to twist it into the idea that people are only being critical of Biden is kinda silly. Almost everything involving Trump has been heavily criticized here by basically everyone participating. We have multiple threads dedicated to just some of the controversies. 

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4 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Real lefties love Trump.  He wants to destroy the middle class and economic mobility almost as much as they do.


Not this far left lefty,  and for decades. And no one I know thinks that either. We want Trump repudiated so thoroughly that he creeps back to MAL never to be seen again. 



42 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


You're right and it's infuriating that the "liberal media" falls for this **** all the time. They feel this duty to both-sides everything. Yeah, Trump was found liable in a court of law in the case where a woman said he raped her. But Biden is old, and all that stuff Comer says about him that we don't flat-out label as nonsense by now.


That not a liberal media, it's a media driven by profit.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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9 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


Not this far left lefty,  and for decades. And no one I know thinks that either. We want Trump repudiated so thoroughly that he creeps back to MAL never to be seen again. 




That not a liberal media, it's a media driven by profit.

Now I understand your thumbs down for something I said about the press. I agree, 6 companies own 90% of the national media, and they make serious money dividing America

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13 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

But if that's the case, then why are we so surprised that Trump is about to capture the nomination and is ahead in the polls against Biden?


I'm not surprised. I know exactly what kind of country I live in. 


I see this **** almost daily down here in the dirty south. 👇



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Of course many people on the left who are supporting Biden would like a "better" candidate (with many of them differing on what better means and in what ways).


To most from any left leaning pov, Biden has drawbacks. Every dem candidate I have ever seen, inc. Obama, has been seen as having drawbacks to those throughout the entire spectrum of those voting Dem.


But let's get one thing straight. Biden has been governing his ass off. Not saying every issue under the sun has been addressed head on,  or that anyone can't have their dislike for his policies. But he's been legislating like a mofo.


And in the most difficult of times on all fronts. And in spite of a feverishly  opposing party now full of crazy, burn-it-all-down types, and many of the stupidest and most dishonest and demented individuals ever to hold any kind of office.


The list of major legislation Biden's been a key part of advancing is long. He hasn't been lagging in governing, he's been superior at it. 


Again, I'm not suggesting at all everyone, particularly rightwingers,  should be expected to like what he's got done (though much of it has helped citizens of both major political parties and independent). But other than for those on the extreme left and most gopers, it's been of a nature they'd typically want their POTUS to get done. 


Also again, not all of it is exactly what every subgroup on the left wants, and there are matters that he, like presidents on both sides, has not really addressed with vigor, legislatively or otherwise.


Such will always be the case with any POTUS of either party.


Arguing or suggesting he's overall been some avoidant, ineffectual, or incompetent POTUS in terms of passing significant legislation or "leading" domestically and internationally, whether you like the policies or not, is absurd.


Much of these "problems with Biden" dialogues are great in the overall sense, but in the reality that's here and now, barring some truly debilitating health issues, Biden will be the dem candidate, regardless of who ends up as the GOP candidate (though it's trump that all decent people on "both sides" should fear the most by a yuge margin).


For now, barring legal decisions or death, trump will be the GOP candidate. If anyone finds any reason to not vote for Biden, if the only other potential winner is trump, it's an act of extremely corrupted and extremely indecent thinking. 


For someone who chooses not to vote at all, out of thinking neither candidate is worthwhile enough to hold the office, or that the system that produced these two isn't worth participating in at this time, I might think it's an intellectually weak conclusion with potentially devasting consequence, but I can understand they're operating on a principle intending to be one of high, and essential to them, standards.


Still a bad choice.


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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:



In our current scenario, only Yoda is old.  Palpatine is vigorous and super macho, and so what if he ordered all the padawans be murdered, that was like 3 weeks ago so nobody remembers. 

Genocide Yoda. He sent all those clones to die in foreign wars. Say what you want about Palpatine, he brought order!

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2 hours ago, Jumbo said:

The list of major legislation Biden's been a key part of advancing is long. He hasn't been lagging in governing, he's been superior at it. 

add to it all the behind the scenes stuff (fixing agencies that were kneecapped, fixing foreign relationships torpedoed) that the average American struggles to follow or care about because it’s “boring”


if we had a functioning populace the general though would be “I may not like what he’s doing but there’s no denying he’s capable of doing it”


instead the fans of the guy that can’t speak coherently think Biden may forget the purpose of a toilet tomorrow.  

it’s insane. 

Edited by tshile
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Personally, I'm of the opinion that Biden has been the best President of my lifetime (or at least since I was old enough to follow politics at all); and I did not want him to win the 2020 primary.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised, then, that people don't like him.

Certainly some things I'd like to change, like his undying support for Israel's genocide, but that pretty much comes with the territory of being a successful US politician.  Definitely did not like him killing the Railworker strike by unilaterally giving the Railroad companies absolutely everything.  Plus I'd have liked to have seen us give Ukraine better weapons faster.  But good luck ever finding a politician that you never disagree with, especially when you don't fit into either of the two major political parties ideologically.

Edited by PokerPacker
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14 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

But good luck ever finding a politician that you never disagree with, especially when you don't fit into either of the two major political parties ideologically.


My brother told me the same thing long ago. Said basically as much as he loved McCain he didn't agree with his position on not supporting funding for the arts. 


One will never find a candidate they agree with 100%. Unless of course they're in a cult. 😉

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‘Everyone should be scared as hell’: Democrats call for Trump-proofing NATO


Congress needs to take new steps to protect NATO after Donald Trump said he would “encourage” Russia to attack member countries that don’t meet their financial commitments, several Democratic senators said Monday.


The former president’s comments raised fresh concerns among NATO supporters that Trump could still dramatically undermine the pact without withdrawing if he returns to the White House next year. And allies who have reassured themselves that Trump can’t do anything radical if reelected need to be on watch.


“Everyone should be scared as hell,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “Anybody who cares about American leadership, anyone who cares about protecting democracy, anybody who wants to take on authoritarians around the world should be scared to death by the fact that Donald Trump is telling us that if he was reelected president, he would throw our NATO allies to [Vladimir] Putin.”


Lawmakers touted defense policy legislation signed into law in December that prevents any president from withdrawing the U.S. from NATO without approval from the Senate or an act of Congress. Yet on Monday, Democrats acknowledged that the guardrail they threw up would have a limited effect on a president who is opposed to the alliance.


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Biden calls Trump's NATO remarks 'un-American'


President Joe Biden rebuked former President Donald Trump on Tuesday for recently saying that he would encourage Russia to attack NATO nations that he thought had insufficiently spent on defense as part of the mutual protection agreement.


"The former president has sent a dangerous, and shockingly, frankly, un-American signal to the world. Just a few days ago, Trump gave an invitation to Putin to invade some of our NATO allies," Biden said in remarks from the White House.


Biden continued: "He said if an ally didn't spend enough money on defense, he would encourage Russia to, 'Do whatever the hell it wants.' Can you imagine? A former president of the United States saying that. The whole world heard it, and the worst thing is he means it. No other president in history has ever bowed down to a Russian dictator. Let me say this as clearly as I can: I never will. For God's sake, it's shameful, it's dangerous, it's un-American."


The NATO treaty requires that if one member nation is attacked, the other members will aid in their defense. The only time the clause has been invoked was after the 9/11 attack, when the U.S. requested that other NATO countries help with the response.


The president said that Trump views NATO as a "burden" and "doesn't see the alliance that protects America and the world." He said that Russian leaders likely "cheered" when they heard Trump's comments.


"As long as I'm president, if Putin attacks a NATO ally, the United States will defend every inch of NATO territory," Biden said.


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6 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Regarding Kamala, again, I don't know why the perception exists that makes people fearful of her holding the highest office. I


Speaking only for myself, I'm not really seeing a resume prior to Veep. 


Granted, neither had Obama. But Obama earned my vote, through his campaign. Maybe Kamala could have done the same?  

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1 hour ago, PokerPacker said:

Personally, I'm of the opinion that Biden has been the best President of my lifetime (or at least since I was old enough to follow politics at all); and I did not want him to win the 2020 primary. 


I'd say this guy. And the example I'd give would be:




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The potential impact of Trump’s extreme deportation and immigration agenda


On the campaign trail this weekend, Donald Trump made clear that if elected president again, he’d pursue more extreme immigration policies, including mass deportations of millions of people. Laura Barrón-López joined Amna Nawaz to break down the potential impact of Trump’s agenda.


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