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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

As to Dan, he doesn't recall anything when he is asked about anything that spells trouble for him or hey lets focus on the changes he made after the media embarassed him and he had no choice but to make them.


There was a group of Congressman that in my book embarassed themselves by sucking up to Dan giving him soft ball questions to sell himself and for all of those pro Dan questions -- Dan's memory was crystal clear.  :ols:





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Both R's and D's play this game to protect their donors. Dan will be gone soon enough, and we can then focus on the important stuff... Moxie, and all things branding.


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1 hour ago, Kurd Cudins said:

Bruce Allen wasn't voted the least trustworthy team executive because of Dan Snyder. Snyder hired him and liked him because he was such a natural piece of of ****, that it impressed Dan. Essentially creating **** squared.


Yeah, that's the evil part I mentioned...

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3 hours ago, Dan T. said:


Somebody must have destroyed that portrait of Snyder that he had hidden in a closet somewhere.


1 hour ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

Snyder can't even LIE well. Seriously, how do you not recall if you participated in something? Maybe some details would be fuzzy, but not even remembering the event?

It's a classic avoidance technique. You can just say you don't remember and even if proof shows up of what you did, nobody can ever prove you were lying about not remembering it.

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Upon reflection the thing that riles me most in Jerruh's asinine response is his disparaging use of "the woman attorney" as a not so subtle epithet.


If I were a lawyer I would roll up my sleeves and get to know him man to man if he ever dismissively labeled me as "the black attorney".


He's an arrogant, ignorant, misogynistic s.o.b.




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15 hours ago, stoshuaj said:

why would you expect him to do anything other than exactly what his lawyers told him?  You pay lawyers to tell you exactly what do……if you DON’T do what your lawyers tell you to do, then you’d be a doofus.


True, but he could have been a little more artful about it, perhaps. It's quite comical when you read the transcript.

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Digesting that testimony some more, I am betting even more so that the fans booing Tanya might have been the kicker for them.


If I had to come up with a theme of the positive spin he put on everything it was Jason Wright, Ron Rivera and Tanya are amazing lets forget the past and focus on them -- and isn't he great to put together such a wonderful operation now.  But he was gushing especially about Tanya -- how she loves doing this, she will be a godsend to women in the sport, how detail oritented she is, how her and Jason are thick as thieves, on and on and on.


It comes off definitely like hey if you fans hate me fine, I know you'll love Tanya so everything is cool.


In other words, it comes off to me that he totally buys that the fans have no problem with the current operation and will embrace how wonderful it is.  So I think it was really jarring to hear the booing at Tanya. 


I'd also say they way he talks about his mom, sister, Tanya, kids -- comes off like its the most magical family in world in his eyes.  I know everyone loves their family but his descriptions came off to me super over the top.  So I do suspect the fan anger extending past him to other members of his family was very jarring.



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Basically says it's possible the announcement to sell may have been a ruse to smoke Bezos out...but that the lack of a stadium deal could force the owners to vote him out.

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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

“We always joke…”. 

That’s apparently Dan’s go-to when he actually can recall things.  2 or 3 times “we always joke” about such and such.  Even when he says that it sounds contrived and not true, or it’s something he thinks is a joke and nobody else is in on.


Yep.    Among others times he does it was referencing how Jason Wright and Tanya are thick as thieves.


His memory was killer good for the soft ball questions he got from certain Congressman who were IMO at a nauseating level sucking up to him.  You'd think Dan's memory in that context was gifted level special.   Recalling memories from 30 years ago with laser clarity. 


But when it came to anything that questioned him on any level, he had an acute level dementia like a 100 year old on the brink of losing their mind.






On another note, one of my concerns is the counter report presented to the House report -- focused on Bezos and this is a push from him to get Dan to sell.  I didn't read the counter report but saw a summary of it and it felt like it was written by Dan's team.



When the statement was released more than five weeks ago, one source with extensive knowledge of Daniel Snyder’s 23-year ownership of the team expressed concern that Snyder might decide not to sell at all. That same source agreed with our recent suspicion that Snyder might have simply announced his intention to sell in order to smoke out Bezos as being interested, so that Snyder could then claim that this entire “smear campaign” is about forcing Snyder to sell to Bezos.

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5 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Let me just be absolutely clear, if Dan opts not to sell and the other owners opt not to kick him out, that will be a death blow for my fandom.


I will literally become one of these people that only follow to hate, and wish ill will on anyone associated with Dan.


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Listened to that AJ Perez appearance on Galdi.  His main points:


A.  From what he heard Dan's preference is minority sale.  the problem though is getting takers.


B. Owners might pressure him in this upcoming owners meeting


C.  He thinks Dan would be open to selling to Bezos if he is distinctly the highest bidder


In short, Dan isn't in a good place with owners.  The stadium issue is a big problem.  He has to pay off the 450 million loan in like 5 years.   His points feed into the Florio article which is the pressure is on Dan to do it.

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17 minutes ago, rockluc said:

F it, If he decides not to sell at this point my hatred for this whole organization will be peak Vader levels. There will be no chance of redemption for the entire organization in my lifetime. 

He will, there is no other way out for him. He's got everybody against him but his lawyers and some lousy politicians. I'm anticipating the parade you're going to have on the National Mall ;)


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19 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

How can they pressure him at owners meetings he’s too weak to show up to, and instead sends his wife?


Paging MJW, we’ve got an emergency, it’s time for you to end this man.


lol, yeah I am trying to recall the story but thought there was one where a fellow owner told Tanya to get out while she still has some dignity. 



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47 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Given all we know, and all we’ve experienced, the dark side is Dan’s Commanders.


The somewhat rejuvenated vibe I’ve had for this team this season is primarily related to news of him selling the team.  There is no going back for me.

Source: Momentum could be growing to push Daniel Snyder out, if he doesn’t sell

Against that background, the league’s owners gather this week in Texas for a quarterly meeting. Previously, there was a question as to whether at least 24 votes could be mustered to force Snyder out. The source says that, in the aftermath of the release of the dueling Oversight Committee reports this week, momentum could be growing to force Snyder out — if he doesn’t sell...........

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