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The Democrats are Objectively doing a terrible job running the country.

Forever A Redskin

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13 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Wow so this place really leans left I see. 


I guess the president's approval ratings are Russian Disinformation too.

i don’t think it “really” leans left. I think there are a lot more centrists in here thank you want believe, but most of us really think that the republicans are way too far right. 

some of us are ex republicans, the last decade or so changed that because of republicans attitudes to basically everything anymore. 

just look at the way they vote. they don’t vote in the interest of our country. 


i don’t know why I’m responding once again, but I have a feeling you might be a turd looking for the hot take. 

One thing that would change my mind,  of course, would be to have a logical discussion, not hot takes (edit: now that I wrote this, I really don’t feel like trying to change someone’s mind that I really don’t know)

I wrote a lengthy reply to you. What would you do different about our gas price situation that Biden is not currently doing?


i don’t know everything about the oil industry, but I’m not one to just blame the president because he isn’t apart of my party. 

also, I’m not part of the tolerant left…I am not really tolerant.


 One more thing to add: Biden is the first Democrat I voted for. I wished I did it sooner and I plan on continue doing it until the republicans stop playing teams

Edited by Fan since a Fetus
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Well, you lean right, but you haven't really done anything to strongly answer the folks who have engaged and responded to much of your points strictly on policy. 


It seems to me you have showed up and said, "Let's discuss policy!"  and have avoided doing so...

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As someone who was one of the few raging liberals back in 2002 when I started here, I suspect the board has migrated (😁) left because the plurality of racist and/or moron conservatives who used to post here couldn't follow the board rules. Or maybe they grew up and realized they didn't want to be part of that party anymore, especially in light of what damage Maga has done. 


As for libertarians..I still argue that it's only good for 14yo boys who have a hard on for Ayn Rand and no one else. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Every single policy promoted by the current version of the republican party seems laser focused on either making rich people richer and poor people poorer, or on increasing the suffering of the most marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities.  Often both.  


I don't love Biden's approach to a lot of things, but at least he's not that. 

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3 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

It seems to me you have showed up and said, "Let's discuss policy!"  and have avoided doing so...


The modern day conservative cares not for discussions on policies. They care about buzzwords, platitudes, and generalities. Muh Freedums or muh 2nd ammendment or both sides or everything's woke or everyone's a pedo.


There never really is any substance to the discussion. Certainly there's never any proposed solutions by the right. Except abolish taxes, arm every citizen, and everything will be just fine and dandy like sour candy. 

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18 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

I don’t necessarily think the approval ratings are off.  

This is America.



In a weird way, I think this kind of **** marks the biggest difference between the two parties.


I've yet to come across a liberal/Democrat who thinks that Biden is doing an amazing job.  Some think he's pretty good, some think he's adequate, some are outright disappointed in him.  I've yet to see anyone on here or meet anyone in real life that thinks Biden is, like, THE BEST PRESIDENT EVVERRRRRR.


Can't say the same for ****ing Trump supporters.  Look at these ****ing assholes, they really think Trump is great.  And that's the big difference for me...it's not even a small segment of the Republicans that are feeling this way, a lot of them do.  He's got a large, rabid fanbase.  And that's ****ing weird.

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32 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:

Luckily all of data predicts a Republican super majority or damn near one in the midterms. People are fed up. Especially with all the stuff in our schools right now. 


I'm curious, what would you like to see the a Republican majority enact, please be specific since the GOP has not released a position statement, since I believe 2016. 


For schools, what are you fed up about, and/or How do you feel that schools are failing the country? 




I would like to add for transparency, I turned 18 in 2000. I was a registered Republican till about 2008, I'm not a left leaning independent. I changed when I realized that not one republican president actually cared about the deficit or budget. It was all words as the have driven the deficit higher and higher until a democrat president has had to fix it. 

Edited by GoCommiesGo
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4 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


The modern day conservative cares not for discussions on policies. They care about buzzwords, platitudes, and generalities. Muh Freedums or muh 2nd ammendment or both sides or everything's woke or everyone's a pedo.


There never really is any substance to the discussion. Certainly there's never any proposed solutions by the right. Except abolish taxes, arm every citizen, and everything will be just fine and dandy like sour candy. 

Hey, be fair.  The GOP has wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare.  They have a great plan to replace it.  They’ll share that plan any day now.

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2 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I've yet to come across a liberal/Democrat who thinks that Biden is doing an amazing job.  Some think he's pretty good, some think he's adequate, some are outright disappointed in him.  I've yet to see anyone on here or meet anyone in real life that thinks Biden is, like, THE BEST PRESIDENT EVVERRRRRR.


My brother, who's no lib/dem, is the only person I know that thinks Biden is doing an amazing job. He also thinks Nixon and Reagan were great Presidents. And...... voted for McCain in 2008 n Romney in 2012. Soooooo..... 🤷‍♂️

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9 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


The modern day conservative cares not for discussions on policies. 


It's all about owning the liberals and pissing them off.  To their credit, they do a great job.

1 minute ago, Captain Wiggles said:


My brother, who's no lib/dem, is the only person I know that thinks Biden is doing an amazing job. He also thinks Nixon and Reagan were great Presidents. And...... voted for McCain in 2008 n Romney in 2012. Soooooo..... 🤷‍♂️


Why's he thinking that Biden is doing an amazing job?


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37 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Coming off of a pandemic there is naturally going to be an unemployment reduction as people return to work.


Don't really see how anyone could think the economy is in good shape. 


Luckily all of data predicts a Republican super majority or damn near one in the midterms. People are fed up. Especially with all the stuff in our schools right now. 


Do you have kids? That are in school? 


I've asked a few fair questions, but you haven't answered yet. 

40 minutes ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Coming off of a pandemic there is naturally going to be an unemployment reduction as people return to work.


Don't really see how anyone could think the economy is in good shape. 


Luckily all of data predicts a Republican super majority or damn near one in the midterms. People are fed up. Especially with all the stuff in our schools right now. 


If the pandemic is the reason there was naturally going to be an unemployment reduction, why is it not the natural reason for inflation given it caused a lot of supply chain issues?


I actually blame a lot of this on the last 12 years of the feds policy keeping interest rates so low for so long. 

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16 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Why's he thinking that Biden is doing an amazing job?



I think a lot of it has to do with cleaning up the messes left by the Trump. Especially in regards to getting the economy headed back in the right direction. He works in sales n the Trump trade war bs n lack of response to covid was devastating for business. 


I know he likes the  infrastructure deal, judicial appointments, child tax credits, and release of strategic oil reserves, I'm a pretty bigly fan of that stuff too tho.

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25 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

As for inflation, I'm not sure you can blame Biden for pent up consumer demand and/or supply chain problems during a once in a century pandemic. I'm curious to what the GOP says they would have done to alleviate those problem and not sacrifice the most vulnerable populations. 


Don't forget greed and taking advantage of price gouging.

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23 minutes ago, Hersh said:


Do you have kids? That are in school? 


I've asked a few fair questions, but you haven't answered yet. 


If the pandemic is the reason there was naturally going to be an unemployment reduction, why is it not the natural reason for inflation given it caused a lot of supply chain issues?


I actually blame a lot of this on the last 12 years of the feds policy keeping interest rates so low for so long. 


I have a 6 year old daughter. Her as well as my neices and nephews around the same age have all had negative effects from being masked. Slurred speech, enunciation issues that will take time to fix. If you think there hasn't been negative psychological effects that will last their entire lives from being masked I don't know what to tell you.


And I think if they come anywhere near people's kids with the vaccine you're gonna see a huge backlash from parents. As you already see with the support of teaching K-3 kids about transgenderism. 


But honestly I want the left to continue to fight tooth and nail about their "right" to teach other people's children about those things in school. It will go great for them come election time :)


It's already been proven in Virginia that "anyone but trump" doesn't work. And just look at Florida no longer being a swing state. It's now all red save for two counties.


Im glad there are so many that think the Biden admin is doing a fantastic job. Keep thinking that.


Edited by Forever A Redskin
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3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:

With Psaki officially warning america of record level inflation,


Economies are cyclical. Outside the control of government. Especially now. But if you are choosing to blame Biden for high inflation, you must also credit him with record jobs growth, wage increases, and economic growth.


3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Americans feeling it at the gas pumps,


get an electric car and kiss that foreign oil goodbye! ~ tada


3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:


a Leader that is clearly in cognitive decline,


im in the minority here, but I think he has done a great job in Ukraine and it shows his mental acuity.


3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:

and Americans distrusting the media due to their repeated attempts to write off stories as "Russian Disinformation" that later turn out to be 100% true (like Hunter and Joe's business deals on the laptop)


they are being investigated. But don’t confuse yourself. A morsel of truth would be amplified by Russia if they thought it could hurt the United States. Does Russia want a qualified person running the United States? Nope. That’s why they interferes with the election to try to hurt Biden.

3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:


For what it's worth, I'm a libertarian. A free speech absolutist. What's happening to this country is really scary.


You never had freedom from consequence. People choose what they want to buy in a free market economy. Getting mad about getting canceled is anti-free speech. Money talks. Don’t get mad because your money isn’t doing the talking.


3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:


Luckily there are some signs of hope. Like Elon Musk buying Twitter. There are people that care and want to change the course we are headed down.


Elon did that to troll people. Your news is old. He isn’t getting a board seat.


3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:


At this rate our children will own nothing. The dream of owning a home will be very difficult for them. 



people seem happy with life as a service.


3 hours ago, Forever A Redskin said:


They're ruining America.

your topic is about feelings and not about fact.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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I think the gallery should wait a bit to see if the OP puts forth an earnest effort in a good faith debate before doing more in this thread.  I see lot of questions and counter-arguments that the OP hasn't bothered to respond to.  

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20 minutes ago, Hersh said:


Do you have kids? That are in school? 


I've asked a few fair questions, but you haven't answered yet. 


If the pandemic is the reason there was naturally going to be an unemployment reduction, why is it not the natural reason for inflation given it caused a lot of supply chain issues?


I actually blame a lot of this on the last 12 years of the feds policy keeping interest rates so low for so long. 

The education issue is wild to me.  I grew up in a smallish public school system and thought it did a really good job of educating.  My children are in one of the largest public school systems in the country and it’s excellent.  They are definitely not perfect, but I’ve had largely positive experiences.  That said, I recognize that other systems may actually be awful.  But what I don’t see is a GOP solution.  I hear of charter schools.  But I don’t see how they solve the problem.  I’m skeptical, but would listen to a case made for them.  However, the VA governor won on a “listen to the parents” campaign.  VA is ranked very high in public education.  It ain’t broke.

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12 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

This is an idiotic take.  And I have doubts about your claim of libertarianism.

Oh, I suspect it's genuine. 

One of the things right wing media has been teaching people for years is that if you want to swallow (and spout) every delusional piece of propaganda, but you're self conscious about being labeled, then just recite that you're a Libertarian. Who "does his own research". 


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