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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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2 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


Sure we can.  It is a war zone.  Things will explode.  Russia might think or even know we're lying.  Israel does it with Syria.




But we can certainly say it wasn't us.


Even stealth bombers could be used in theory.  There has also been talk about having some US personal as "volunteers" in Ukraine as "volunteers" to give them some air power.


Obama was largely against sending lethal aid to the Ukraine.  Things changed little under Trump.  In the last few weeks there has been an effort to boost their defenses, but not much was actually done.  Generally, their defenses, especially air defenses, were considered too weak (which is one reason why people didn't expect this last too long).




It is very likely that they pretty much need the weapons that are being promised now now.


A direct attack on Russia with US forces would be crazy.  You'd be asking for a nuclear Russian response.


You seem to be arguing that we shouldn't get involved now because we just go out of wars.  That isn't actually a very good reason. 


If we can prevent a larger conflict that the US could be involved in by a limited action now, we should consider it.  (Potentially) more American lives lost in the future for fewer now isn't a good trade because we just got out of Afghanistan.

I really don't know where you are coming up with the positions you are attributing to me. Are you talking about overt or covert actions. My posts were in response to launching missiles and enforcing no fly zones. Those are not covert actions. If you are reading about covert actions then by definition they are not covert. 


My position is that our response to this point is very appropriate to what has happened to this point. And it is not time to escalate. Period. Full stop. Etc.


With regard to additional legal aid. Of course they could use it all now. That is obvious. What I thought was obvious but maybe it isn't is that that isn't going to happen. There are no cargo planes even flying over to air drop materiel. And ground deliveries into an active combat zone is not something that happens over night. 


You say that a direct attack on Russia would be crazy. I agree 100 percent. I just add that a direct attack on Russian troops would be foolish. 


Maybe you can clarify your statement about volunteers.  Are you suggesting that we send combatants into Ukraine posing a noncombatants?

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For the record, I dont support sending in troops at all, and the Ukranians are 10 times as motivated as a bunch of ill trained Russian teenagers, so you dont need to.  But they need supplies and weapon systems capable of dealing with the biggest Russian threats, and most importantly they need intel(im convinced they are getting fed Russian movements and why ambushes have been so effective).  


If you havent paid attention to your history, and to who Putin is and his current rhetoric, he will NOT stop at Ukraine.  This was a first step to test the international community and he took a literal page out of Hitlers book expecting countries to just let him do it to placate Russia.  What he missed is, though he wants to recreate soviet russia in his final years as his final legacy, the world is now global and the global population is forcing their governments to respond more strongly than they would, because when you have a global world you have a personal world, and the conflict hits home for all of us.  Im not sure theres too many of us around this area that doesnt know someone who are Ukranian, or still have family in Ukraine, and have seen the posts on twitter, Reddit, social media from real people living inside of it.  Putin does not understand this, and it will be his downfall more than anything else, no matter how the next week plays out.

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3 minutes ago, Redskins Diehard said:

I really don't know where you are coming up with the positions you are attributing to me. Are you talking about overt or covert actions. My posts were in response to launching missiles and enforcing no fly zones. Those are not covert actions. If you are reading about covert actions then by definition they are not covert. 


My position is that our response to this point is very appropriate to what has happened to this point. And it is not time to escalate. Period. Full stop. Etc.


With regard to additional legal aid. Of course they could use it all now. That is obvious. What I thought was obvious but maybe it isn't is that that isn't going to happen. There are no cargo planes even flying over to air drop materiel. And ground deliveries into an active combat zone is not something that happens over night. 


You say that a direct attack on Russia would be crazy. I agree 100 percent. I just add that a direct attack on Russian troops would be foolish. 


Maybe you can clarify your statement about volunteers.  Are you suggesting that we send combatants into Ukraine posing a noncombatants?


I don't think a no fly zone is a good idea.


And certainly covert actions sometimes leak to the press, especially over time.  Covert actions don't tend to stay covert forever but that doesn't mean they weren't covert or attempted to be covert.  With an covert action, there is always a chance that some how it will not end up being covert.  That's a risk.  Most actions come with risks.


We could do what the Chinese and Soviets did with when fighting is in North Korea.  We did it prior to Perl Harbor with supporting the Chinese against the Japanese.  You send them US people that can help with equipment as "volunteers".


(Not an idea I really like but something that has been done in the past.  I'd suggest using missiles first.)

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I wonder what effect watching modern armored units get obliterated by modern anti tank weapons will have on the future of those vehicles.  The cost of this conflict is piling up and the invaders seem to be accumulating an enormous bill.  I don’t say this to be callous, I don’t value this stuff above lives, but costs change the math for government when deciding to fight or negotiate.  It also changes the shape of what future militaries will look like.


Proxy wars are one thing but seeing the Russian military in a shooting war in Europe is no small thing.  Wars have been lopsided affairs for a very long time, perhaps that time is nearing an end.  I’d bet spending on missile defense will increase after this.  

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10 minutes ago, Destino said:

I wonder what effect watching modern armored units get obliterated by modern anti tank weapons will have on the future of those vehicles.  


Egg heads will keep on trying to make improvements. Like better reactive tank armor. 




Putins army is old and antiquated methinks. His old poodoo tanks are no match for modern anti tank equipment. 

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