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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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8 hours ago, Wildbunny said:


If one country recognize a genocide happening somewhere on the planet, that is their duty to jump right in and make it stop ASAP.


So calling that a a genocide and not doing anything to stop it ASAP is just pointless.

Either you recognize it as a genocide and you have to send in army to make it stop by pounding russians forces. Or you just shut up about it.

I tend to agree, but we all know why we don’t just “jump in and make it stop ASAP.”

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Hundreds of thousands flee Russia and Putin’s ‘two wars’


Nana Grinstein fled Russia because the Kremlin’s new laws punishing criticism of its so-called “special operation in Ukraine” may land her in jail.


Grinstein, a playwright, her husband Viktor, a video editor, and their 14-year-old daughter, Tonya, left behind the hysteria in Russia caused by the war in Ukraine, and the persecution of anyone who dares to say that President Vladimir Putin’s “special operation” is, in fact, a war.


“The world that we’ve been building for years, that seemed unshakable, important and relevant, crumbled before my very eyes like it was made of cardboard,” Grinstein told Al Jazeera from a rented apartment in the Armenian capital, Yerevan.


Arriving in Armenia in early March, the family found that tens of thousands of other Russians had made the journey before them, and they have witnessed the arrival of many more since.

Grinstein and her family fled Russia fearing the very real possibility of persecution for being, to use Putin’s own words, “scum” and “national traitors” – slurs that have spurred a witch-hunt reminiscent of the Stalin-era purges.


The Grinsteins are now among at least 200,000 Russians who have abandoned their homes and jobs because they are disgusted by the Kremlin’s attack on Ukraine and the largely enthusiastic response to the war by their compatriots.


“They want nothing to do with Putin’s sham-Imperial project and don’t want to be associated with his war crimes,” columnist Leonid Bershidsky wrote in mid-March.


“Others [leave] because they cannot imagine living under the Soviet-style autarky to which Western sanctions have doomed Russia,” he wrote.


The post-invasion flight from Russia is the latest but hardly the final chapter of the exodus of millions who cannot stand to live under Putin’s rule.


From 2000, when Putin was first elected president, to 2020, four to five million Russians have emigrated, according to research published by the Takie Dela magazine in October.


Click on the link for the full article

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1 hour ago, visionary said:



Did an adult actually make that threat? What is it about despots and their ministers that inspires them to make the dumbest ****ing threats? It’s like they take words they think are scary, throw them in a hat, and pull them out at random to generate impromptu threats.

It’s the kind of stuff you over hear 1st graders say to each other.




vladamir puto has managed to turn russia into basically the military equivalent of Pakistan. They’re going to bully the neighbors they can, and engage in terrorism to make up for the reach they don’t have while relying on their nukes to keep their more powerful neighbors from thumping them. They’re what Iran would be if they had nukes.


They had no money to modernize their military when stuff was going ok for them, and that was aside from the corruption. They definitely don’t have the money to build stuff from scratch. They have no money for tanks, let alone jets and cruisers. Their only aircraft carrier isn’t slated to return to service until 2023. That **** ain’t happening anymore. They’re going to have to sell it to china. And that’s all before you factor in the material they don’t have and can’t make themselves that no one will sell them.


The clock is ticking down to the moment someone invents the ability to negate their nuclear arsenal and make them almost completely irrelevant.

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Sanctions Are Strangling Russia’s Weapons Supply Chain


A senior U.S. defense official confirmed to The War Zone Monday morning something Ukrainian officials have been saying for a while now about Russia's weapons supplies. Not only is Russia suffering tremendous losses on the battlefield, but its ability to resupply its forces has taken a beating thanks to punishing economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies.


Since the start of its war on Ukraine Feb. 24, Russia has lost thousands of major weapons systems, like tanks, armored personnel carriers, air defense systems, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, ships and many other weapons that have been destroyed, damaged or captured, according to Oryxspioenkop, an independent open-source investigator.


“There has been an effect on Putin's ability to restock and resupply, particularly in the realm of components to some of his systems and his precision-guided munitions,” the official said in response to a question from The War Zone. “They've already faced an issue in terms of replenishing their inventory because of components to some of those systems. And that's already had a practical effect on Putin.”


One example, according to Russian media, is the next-generation airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, the A-100 Premier. Its progress has been stalled due to delays in the delivery of electronic components like microchips, thanks to sanctions imposed on Russia.

You can read more about that here.


The senior U.S. defense official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive issues, would not elaborate further on what systems are affected by sanction-imposed supply chain issues and how badly. However, the sanctions are exacerbating previous Russian supply chain issues, the official said.


“They have huge problems with military infrastructure," Ukraine Brig. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, head of his nation’s Defense Intelligence Agency, or GUR, said on his agency’s Telegram channel recently. In a synopsis of his statements in Ukrainian, the Telegram channel said the problems resulted in the “freezing of the air defense production horde.” The synopsis added that Budanov said many companies have already closed and laid-off workers.


Russia is exhausting its stocks of missiles, according to the April 16 “War Bulletin” produced by the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C. and shared with The War Zone. “Its military-industrial complex has to work 24/7 to replenish them.”


That issue of the War Bulletin claimed “over 20 Russian military enterprises were forced to suspend their activities in whole or in part due to shortage of parts and components, as well as rising prices due to sanctions.” Those companies include the research and production enterprise Vimpel, which produces aircraft missiles, and the only Russian company that makes tanks, Uralvagonzavod, the largest such firm in the world.


Click on the link for the full article

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15 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:


Man, US logistics is just stupid good.  Like it's so wildly unfair.


We pay for it, for sure, but like my gosh.


"Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics.” 


Not a huge fan of General Omar Bradley but this quote is spot on.


Also, anyone unfamiliar with Malcolm Nance who is fighting in Ukraine should look him up. Impressive man.

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On 4/18/2022 at 2:58 PM, Wildbunny said:

To be honest on this fact, calling it a genocide, even if that looks like it brings more to the table than just a word.

I haven't checked if what Macron said is true or not, but it seems to be.


If one country recognize a genocide happening somewhere on the planet, that is their duty to jump right in and make it stop ASAP.


So calling that a a genocide and not doing anything to stop it ASAP is just pointless.

Either you recognize it as a genocide and you have to send in army to make it stop by pounding russians forces. Or you just shut up about it.


And considering history of Russia, that's just how they do war. I doubt you'll ever find someone saying that the plan how long was to kill them all up to the last one of the ukrainians. They just shoot on everything that is moving and don't care about civilians casualties.

He's got nothing more to do than playing semantics, this is rich! Judging by the chart below he better shut up and do something

The russians in Ukraine are just adding another level of pure evil speechless horrors.

I do agree, recognizing a genocide won't help Ukraine but I hope that this is going to lead to much more faster and lethal actions against the tsarevitch.

I'm thinking fwiw about a defensive no fly zone to protect humanitarian help, hospitals, schools, nuclear power plants, and providing more powerful military equipments. They use wagners, we can let 10 times more mercs to help the rotation of ukrainian soldiers

The USA were always been opposed to the gas pipeline dear to Germany and Russia, believing that it will strengthen Russia's ability to use energy supplies to Europe as a geopolitical "weapon". Did we listen ? No and Biden had to step in to make it stop. We can't even fix our own **** in Europe.




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19 minutes ago, FrFan said:

He's got nothing more to do than playing semantics, this is rich! Judging by the chart below he better shut up and do something

Take the chart with a grain of salt. We don't have an habit of talking about such kind of things. Rarely do we disclose what we're sending and how much. Especially nowadays.

Also, I'm not really surprised that we (France) haven't been particularly aggressive on this front lately.


We do have a presidential election coming next sunday and that's a big deal for us (and for Europe too btw). Macron cannot go one way or the other too much right now, because if he's not reelected Marine Le Pen could get us in trouble by undoing what he did. I will expect more from him if he's reelected starting next tuesday. And won't be a big fan of a Marine wins. She's been linked to Putin for too many years to my liking.


20 minutes ago, FrFan said:

The USA were always been opposed to the gas pipeline dear to Germany and Russia, believing that it will strengthen Russia's ability to use energy supplies to Europe as a geopolitical "weapon". Did we listen ? No and Biden had to step in to make it stop. We can't even fix our own **** in Europe.

We can say "Thank you" to german ecologists that put pressure on Merkel after the troubles within Fukushima. They asked for a closing of every nuclear plant and got their wishes. Which led to coal plants, and Russian gas. A few years later when Russia poked Germany by cutting gas, the German doubled down on it and upgraded their gas importation.

Nothing personal against German, but really, just like Brits, they're playing their own card in Europe and see UE as their own playground.


UE has been designed as an economic playground, with no real lead. At some point, I'd like them to push farther and have a true political European lead, with a real fighting army to defend our own rights. Much like the USA or something close to that. That would make us way more important on the international scene instead of the joke we are right now.


22 minutes ago, FrFan said:

They use wagners, we can let 10 times more mercs to help the rotation of ukrainian soldiers

Not sure mercs would help. There's Syrians and Chechens fighting for Russia. Which in itself is already kinda weird, considering the beating they've taken from Putin years ago. But you also have Belarus and Chechens already fighting for Ukrain too... It's getting hard to understand who's really fighting who.

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It used to be horrifically taboo to give away troop locations, even unintentionally w/ geo-location of still images.


Now we are getting in depth break downs of Ukrainian soldier strats like that tunnel tweet above, video of exactly what is happening and where alongside any number of reports and scorecards.


Gotta re-determine where the line is, cuz right now it near non-existant. I'm sure those involved w/ any military would want all the information possible for learning reasons, but some of this stuff should probably not make it as far as it does.

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