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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

Cooked Crack

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I'd say it's pretty light given the whole of it.
And especially his belief he was right, and his ignorant claim of attacking someone with a flagpole without any intent to,, umm.  'hurt' them.

**** him. 



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So I ran into an old neighbor tonight. He does deliveries for an auto parts company here in RVA. Last Friday he went to work - before 7am - and his boss took a company truck to pick up food at a fastfood joint to bring back for the crew. When the dude arrived, he was surrounded by FBI, etc. and arrested. My friend got a call at the store to tell them the FBI had their company truck & they should come by & pick it up. Upon arrival at the truck, he was surrounded by FBI agents with guns drawn. After a few minutes he was released. The manager had been watched for months and was arrested for J6 stuff (patriot front member - not gonna capitalize their ****). I think he was turned in by friends who he showed J6 video. 


This dude has also charged with spray painting crap on the Arthur Ashe Center (with videos of hm doing it) during the BLM protests. A POS white nationalist,


I told my buddy the Feds had been folllowing him for months & even knew the porn he watched. He laughed & said he noticed blacked out window automobiles following him to work & in the neighborhood. He said it was wild to see it go down 





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Jan. 6 'chaos agent' John Earle Sullivan sentenced to 6 years in prison


A federal judge sentenced the Utah man who filmed the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6, 2021, to six years in prison Friday for instigating the mob against police.


John Earle Sullivan, 29, was convicted in November of five felonies and two misdemeanor charges for obstructing the joint session of Congress, civil disorder and carrying a knife into the U.S. Capitol.


Sullivan, a former Olympic speed skating hopeful who rebranded himself as an activist in 2020 under the online moniker “Jayden X,” gambled at trial that he could convince a jury he e was acting as a citizen journalist who put himself in harm’s way to document a historic moment. Sullivan said he began recording civil unrest in 2020 amid the nationwide protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. It was then he incorporated his company, Insurgence USA, in Utah. On Jan. 6, Sullivan was being followed by a photographer, Jade Sacker, who was making a documentary film about the political divisions between Sullivan and his brother, James, who is a right-wing activist. 


Sacker’s footage, which was played at trial during her testimony as a defense witness, shows Sullivan wearing a ballistic vest and using a bullhorn to repeatedly call out support for the crowd. At one point he can be heard yelling, “We’re about to burn this s*** down!” At another point, as a group of rioters including several members of the Proud Boys breaks through a police line, Sullivan shouts, “This is our f***ing house!”


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Man who bragged that he ‘fed’ an officer to the mob of Capitol rioters gets nearly 5 years in prison


A Georgia business owner who bragged that he “fed” a police officer to a mob of rioters storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced on Thursday to nearly five years in prison for his repeated attacks on law enforcement during the insurrection.


Jack Wade Whitton struck an officer with a metal crutch and dragged him — head first and face down — into the crowd on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace. Whitton later boasted in a text message that he “fed him to the people.”


Roughly 20 minutes later, Whitton tried to pull a second officer into the crowd, prosecutors say. He also kicked at, threatened and threw a construction pylon at officers trying to hold off the mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters.


“You’re gonna die tonight!” he shouted at police after striking an officer’s riot shield.


Whitton, of Locust Grove, Georgia, expressed remorse for his “horrible” actions on Jan. 6 before U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras sentenced him to four years and nine months in prison. The 33-year-old will get credit for the three years that he has been jailed since his arrest.


Prosecutors recommended a prison sentence of eight years and one month for Whitton, who owned and operated his own fence building company before his April 2021 arrest.


“Whitton looked for opportunities to attack: In his three documented assaults, he was either a leader or a solitary actor,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

One man was a Capitol Police officer. The other rioted on Jan. 6. They’re both running for Congress


For Derrick Evans, being part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol wasn’t enough. The former West Virginia lawmaker wants to make his path to the halls of Congress permanent.


On the other side of the metal barricades that day, Police Officer Harry Dunn couldn’t stand what he saw as he defended the Capitol and its inhabitants from rioters on Jan. 6, 2021. Ultimately, the Maryland resident watched lawmakers he had protected vote to acquit former President Donald Trump and deny the violence and trauma that led to the deaths of some of his fellow officers.


On Tuesday, Evans and Dunn will make bids for U.S. House seats in their respective state primaries. They come into the election with dramatically different interpretations about what happened that day, and their performance in Tuesday’s primaries in West Virginia and Maryland could hint at whether voters’ opinions about the attack and its meaning have changed over time.


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Conservative scion Brent Bozell IV sentenced to nearly 4 years in Jan. 6 case


A man whose family members were key architects of the American conservative movement was sentenced Friday to three years and nine months in federal prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, which included smashing windows that allowed the mob to storm into the building during the initial breach.


Federal prosecutors sought more than 11 years in prison and a terrorism enhancement for Brent Bozell IV, the son of Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell III and grandson of Joe McCarthy speechwriter Brent Bozell Jr., who was William F. Buckley Jr.'s brother-in-law and ghost-wrote Barry Goldwater's "The Conscience of a Conservative."


But Judge John Bates sentenced Bozell IV to 45 months in prison and $4,727 in restitution Friday. Bates found that the clear language of the terrorism enhancement statute would apply in Bozell's case, saying it's "a little difficult for me to escape" that conclusion. But Bates disagreed with the enormous impact it would have on Bozell's sentence range and seemed uncomfortable with labeling a man with a leadership role in the politically-motivated attack on the U.S. Capitol as a domestic terrorist.


"I’m not sure that label is an appropriate label for the defendant to have to carry with him,” Bates said, noting that while Bozell busted windows that let the mob breach the building and joined the mob as it overtook multiple police lines, his conduct wasn't "meaningfully violent" and he didn't cause any physical harm to officers. Still, he previously found that Bozell was “leaning toward the officers with his head down” and "forcibly" made contact with officers as the mob charged a police line. He also found that Bozell repeatedly lied on the stand about his conduct.


Bates also took the opportunity to indirectly push back on the rhetoric that Republican politicians have been using about Jan. 6 defendants.


“Not for a moment should January 6 rioters be considered true patriots,” Bates, a George W. Bush appointee said. “They’re not political prisoners. They’re not hostages.”


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On 5/2/2024 at 6:22 PM, China said:

Man who bragged that he ‘fed’ an officer to the mob of Capitol rioters gets nearly 5 years in prison


A Georgia business owner who bragged that he “fed” a police officer to a mob of rioters storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced on Thursday to nearly five years in prison for his repeated attacks on law enforcement during the insurrection.


Jack Wade Whitton struck an officer with a metal crutch and dragged him — head first and face down — into the crowd on the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace. Whitton later boasted in a text message that he “fed him to the people.”


Roughly 20 minutes later, Whitton tried to pull a second officer into the crowd, prosecutors say. He also kicked at, threatened and threw a construction pylon at officers trying to hold off the mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters.


“You’re gonna die tonight!” he shouted at police after striking an officer’s riot shield.


Whitton, of Locust Grove, Georgia, expressed remorse for his “horrible” actions on Jan. 6 before U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras sentenced him to four years and nine months in prison. The 33-year-old will get credit for the three years that he has been jailed since his arrest.


Prosecutors recommended a prison sentence of eight years and one month for Whitton, who owned and operated his own fence building company before his April 2021 arrest.


“Whitton looked for opportunities to attack: In his three documented assaults, he was either a leader or a solitary actor,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing.


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So when is the ad blitz of all of this **** that actually happened at the capital interspersed with Trump calling them patriots, promising to pardon them, saluting them while the national anthem plays in the background, etc.?

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During arraignment, Capitol riot defendant defiantly predicts Trump will win election and shutter Jan. 6 criminal cases


A high-level U.S. Capitol riot defendant openly and brazenly predicted he'd be cleared of charges by the reelection of former President Donald Trump this fall.  


John Banuelos of Illinois, accused of firing a loaded gun in a mob while outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, interrupted his arraignment proceedings Monday with blistering criticism for his court-appointed defense lawyer, denunciations of the District of Columbia and vulgarity in his verbal exchanges with the judge.  


When urged by Washington, D.C. federal judge Tanya Chutkan to be careful about what he said open court, Banuelos told the judge, "Trump is going to be in office in six months, so I have nothing to worry about."


Judge Chutkan again told Banuelos to be cautious with public statements about his case. 


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Man Nicknamed ‘Live Wire’ Pleads Guilty, Faces 6-Year Prison Stretch For Capitol Police Assault Plot On Jan 6


A Kentucky man, known online as “Live Wire,” and allegedly linked to a far-right militia group, has confessed to scheming to harm police officers during the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol.


Confronted with an overwhelming abundance of evidence, Dan Edwin Wilson, 48, of Louisville, pleaded guilty to conspiring to obstruct or injure a federal officer, as well as federal firearms offenses for possessing an unregistered firearm, the Justice Department announced Monday.


Prosecutors revealed Wilson’s premeditated plans dating back to winter 2020, using encrypted apps to organize violence. Referring to himself as a “gray ghost ranger” and hinting at militia ties, he discussed bringing firearms to D.C. for potential government takeovers.


Days before the attack, Wilson pledged allegiance to the cause: “I am ready to lay my life on the line. It is time for good men to do bad things.”


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Man insults judge who sentenced him to 12 years in prison for attacking police during Capitol riot


WASHINGTON (AP) — A New Jersey electrician who repeatedly attacked police officers during the Jan. 6, 2021, siege at the U.S. Capitol was sentenced on Friday to 12 years in prison by a judge who called him “a menace to our society.”

Christopher Joseph Quaglin argued with and insulted U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden before and after the judge handed him one of the longest prison sentences among hundreds of Capitol riot cases.

“You're Trump's worst mistake of 2016,” Quaglin told McFadden, who was nominated to the court by then-President Donald Trump in 2017.

Quaglin, 38, joined the mob of Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol. He injured a police officer when he choked and tackled him to the ground. Quaglin assaulted other officers with stolen police shields, metal bike racks and pepper spray. He clashed with police for roughly three hours while wearing an American flag-themed “Make America Great Again” sweatshirt.

“What an outrage. What a disgrace,” the judge said.



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Jan. 6 defendant says judge should be disqualified because he got death threats after riot


A defendant who federal prosecutors described as a "key player" in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol has called for a judge to be recused or disqualified because of death threats.


In a 14-page motion filed over the weekend, Matthew Purdy formally requested the recusal of federal Judge Royce Lamberth. Purdy cited concerns over the judge's impartiality due to his public statements regarding the events of Jan. 6.


"Judge Lamberth has more than met the standard for disqualification and/or recusal as a result of his ultra vires public and other statements which clearly evidence extrajudicial bias and prejudice against Mr. Purdy as a J6 Defendant," the motion said.


The filing pointed to a February story by Reuters that highlighted death threats the judge received after being assigned Jan. 6 cases.


"Judge Lamberth was quoted as saying, 'I could not believe how many death threats I got,' effectively personalizing J-6 cases to his own interests," the document added.


"It is clear from this published article that the January 6 cases, and the subsequent fallout, have changed Judge Lamberth's outlook on the way he conducts himself as a Judge both on the bench and in his personal life."


Purdy's motion also referenced legal standards that require judges to disqualify themselves in any proceeding where their impartiality might reasonably be questioned. It pointed to past cases where judges were removed for less pronounced biases.


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Baseless motion. All of these judges got death threats. 


They are courageous in sitting on the bench and doing their job, which is to conduct trials regardless of who the defendants are and what they are charged with.

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34 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Baseless motion. All of these judges got death threats. 


They are courageous in sitting on the bench and doing their job, which is to conduct trials regardless of who the defendants are and what they are charged with.



He should have said "I'll recuse myself right after Thomas and Alito do the same"...of course saying that would probably lend credibility to their motion lol.

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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Baseless motion. All of these judges got death threats. 


They are courageous in sitting on the bench and doing their job, which is to conduct trials regardless of who the defendants are and what they are charged with.


I still keep fantasizing that when somebody - a judge, a juror, a prosecutor - gets assigned to a Trump case, then the feds immediately ask for a warrant for tap and trace on that person's phone. 


Bubba in Podunk decides its his patriotic duty to call that judge up and make a threat, then two hours later two guys in suits knock on his door. 

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3 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



He should have said "I'll recuse myself right after Thomas and Alito do the same"...of course saying that would probably lend credibility to their motion lol.


You can massage the verbiage. 


The court finds the motion to recuse lacks merit. Without addressing the defendant's specific claim and details, this court looks to the highest court in the land for where to set the recusal bar. If accepting lavious vacations and displaying clearly biased symbols while hearing a related case does not meet the bar to recuse, surely this case does not either. For that reason, defendant's motion is DENIED.

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Mother of Jan. 6 officer Michael Fanone swatted after he called Trump 'authoritarian'


Michael Fanone, a former police officer who was nearly killed by a mob during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, spoke outside the courthouse during closing arguments in Donald Trump's hush money trial Tuesday, calling Trump "an authoritarian" with "a violence fetish."


Hours later, Fanone's mother was "swatted" at her home in Virginia.


On Tuesday, a fake "manifesto" attributed to Fanone was sent to a number of email addresses, including some associated with a high school that Fanone attended for a year more than two decades ago. The "manifesto," viewed by NBC News, claimed that the writer had killed their mother and planned to go to the recipient's school Wednesday and shoot more people. It provided Fanone's mother's home address.


That night, Fanone told NBC News, his mother opened the door to law enforcement in her nightgown, "mortified" to find SWAT team officers at her home.


"How dangerous is it to send law enforcement to an address in which you essentially are describing an active shooter, in which the only person present is a 78-year-old f---ing woman," he said. "This is the reality of going up against or challenging Donald Trump. ... These swatting calls are incredibly f---ing dangerous, especially when the target is somebody like my mom."


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46 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

Swatting should be a felony with a mandatory jail term.

Absolutely. Also calling in a threat to a school? I know these cowards make it hard to trace, but there’s gotta be ways to figure it out, right?

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