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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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Federal Judge Mystified by Last-Ditch Request of Oath Keepers Leader Stewart Rhodes for a Special Master


A federal judge in Washington, D.C., found it “mystifying” that Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes would make a last-ditch request for the appointment of a special master with trial on the horizon.


U.S. Judge Amit Mehta began a pre-trial conference Wednesday after 9:30 a.m. by saying he hoped to address motions filed in recent days by Rhodes, and to talk about jury selection and courtroom space ahead of the Sept. 27 seditious conspiracy trial.


Judge Mehta, a Barack Obama appointee, explained that he denied the request to appoint a special master because he had “no idea” what the purpose would be. He also denied a trial delay, noting the “government has consistently been providing discovery to defendants in this case — for months and beyond.”


The judge, pushing back on Rhodes’ contention that there has not been adequate time to prepare for trial and review discovery, noted that the issue of the trial date has been settled since May.


The request for a special master was filed by Rhodes attorney Edward Tarpley as Rhodes attempted to part ways with attorneys Philip Linder and James Lee Bright — creating a dueling defense lawyers scenario on the docket. As Law&Crime reported Tuesday, Bright confirmed Tarpley is not the lead attorney on the case, but Judge Mehta allowed him to join and he can file his own motions.


In one such motion, Tarpley insisted there simply hasn’t been enough time to prepare for the “most massively complicated case in American history.” He predicted the defense will “be like a little league team facing the New York Yankees” when it takes on the government.


Tarpley further asserted that a special master was needed to help “manage discovery” — discovery his client claims has been sorely lacking.


But Judge Mehta was clear on Wednesday that Rhodes “has been receiving electronic discovery in a way no other defendant has.”


“I reject it out of hand completely,” Mehta said of the notion that Rhodes hasn’t had access to discovery in the months leading up to trial.


Questioning the good faith of the motion, Mehta said the special master request, filed “for no apparent purpose, for no apparent reason a week before trial, is mystifying.” The judge also said he didn’t know what was meant by the request for the special master to “administer digital discovery” in the case.


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Trump's Rambling Jan. 6 Call Interrupted By Chicken Head With 'Fart Noises' Sign


Former President Donald Trump called in to a rally in support of Jan. 6 rioters that was held outside the Washington D.C. jail on Tuesday, attacked the police for defending the U.S. Capitol and indicated support for the insurrectionists.


Then things took a turn for the weird.


As Trump spoke in support of Ashli Babbitt ― the rioter who police shot and killed as she tried to bust into the Speaker’s Lobby while lawmakers fled the assault ― a protester in a chicken mask turned up carrying a sign that said: “fart noises.”


Those who were there in support of Babbitt and other Jan. 6 rioters attempted to block the chicken man with their flags, including a one-sided flag that may have been some kind of towel.

The chicken man, however, kept moving behind them, ensuring his “fart noises” sign repeatedly popped up in the footage.



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47 minutes ago, China said:

Imagine being a mindless mother****er then having a moment of clarity where you realize that you actually are a mindless mother****er and need to let someone else do your thinking for you but because you are such a stupid ass mindless mother****er, the person you choose is Donald Trump.

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All of the main players of Trump election lies and the submittal of false electors in various states know that they perpetrated these falsehoods. The magats didn't know it, well maybe some do. It's fraud upon voters. And they obstructed justice perpetrating these falsehoods. And it's insurrection trying to overthrow the government, and interfering with lawful, Constitutional actions of Congress. These actions call for indictment, prosecution, guilty verdict rendered, and decades of prison and loss of voting rights.

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Things getting heated:


Oath Keepers lawyer and federal judge in screaming match in court over US Capitol riot case


A conversation between a federal judge and a lawyer for one of the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy ended in a screaming match on Wednesday, when the lawyer suggested she would argue at trial that her client deleted evidence after the riot because he was directed to by another lawyer.


Juli Haller, who represents Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs, told US District Judge Amit Mehta that she was exploring whether to argue that the Oath Keepers general counsel, Kellye SoRelle, instructed Meggs to delete text messages from his phone after the riot.

Meggs has since been charged with tampering with documents for the alleged act and has pleaded not guilty.

"How is it today, 10 days before trial, I'm first being told you might advance an advice-of-counsel-defense," Mehta shouted at Haller.

The argument is indicative of the many legal issues that have yet to be resolved before the five leaders of the far-right Oath Keepers militia group head to trial later this month -- the first seditious conspiracy trial stemming from January 6.

The trial will be a major test of DOJ's decision to prosecute the rarely used charge, and the unsettled legal disagreements could implicate how they chose to present their case.
Haller said that she only learned of the allegation after SoRelle, who was federally charged two weeks ago, testified to a grand jury in June. Her testimony has not previously been reported.


Mehta said that the allegation itself SoRelle suggested others should delete messages was not new. "I read it in the newspaper months ago," Mehta shouted at Haller, adding "I'm not buying it" and that "it was in the indictment"

"Which indictment? The first, second, sixth," Haller shouted over Mehta. The two continued to cut each other off, Haller alleging that it was new information and Mehta rejecting her arguments. 


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Mehta's not putting up with the Oath Keepers' BS.

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7 hours ago, China said:

A conversation between a federal judge and a lawyer for one of the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy ended in a screaming match on Wednesday, when the lawyer suggested she would argue at trial that her client deleted evidence after the riot because he was directed to by another lawyer.

Until I read further, I was really hoping it was Rudy. 

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Jan. 6 panel's subpoena yields "thousands" of Secret Service records


The chair of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack said Wednesday that the panel has received "thousands of exhibits" from Secret Service agents in response to its July subpoena of the agency.


Why it matters: Uncovering information from the Secret Service has been a major focus for the panel since testimony during its public hearings in June and July revealed the agency's role in key events on Jan. 6.


Driving the news: Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) told reporters that the materials obtained are "a combination of a number of text messages, radio traffic ... thousands of exhibits."


Thompson said the the materials consist "primarily" of texts from agents on Jan. 5 and 6, but declined to go into further detail because the committee is still reviewing them.

"The tranches we've received have been significant," he said. "It's a work in progress."

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), another committee member, said on MSNBC on Wednesday "it's been a large volume of information that we really pressed hard for the agency to release."


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Exclusive: Mark Meadows complied with DOJ subpoena in January 6 probe


Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has complied with a subpoena from the Justice Department's investigation into events surrounding January 6, 2021, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN, making him the highest-ranking Trump official known to have responded to a subpoena in the federal investigation.


Meadows turned over the same materials he provided to the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, one source said, meeting the obligations of the Justice Department subpoena, which has not been previously reported.

Last year, Meadows turned over thousands of text messages and emails to the House committee, before he stopped cooperating. The texts he handed over between Election Day 2020 and Joe Biden's inauguration, which CNN previously obtained, provided a window into his dealings at the White House, though he withheld hundreds of messages, citing executive privilege.


In addition to Trump's former chief of staff, one of Meadows' top deputies in the White House, Ben Williamson, also recently received a grand jury subpoena, another source familiar with the matter tells CNN. That subpoena was similar to what others in Trump's orbit received. It asked for testimony and records relating to January 6 and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Williamson previously cooperated with the January 6 committee. He declined to comment to CNN.


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Riley Williams, accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop, granted second request to attend Pa. Renaissance Faire


A woman from Pennsylvania who is accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the January 6th riots will be allowed off of house arrest to attend the Pa. Renaissance Faire for a second time.


Riley Williams, of Mechanicsburg, had asked a judge to let her go to the faire this coming Saturday.


The judge granted her request on Wednesday, making this her second trip to to the faire while on home confinement.


She was allowed to attend last month as well.



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Threatening violence again...


Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted


Former President Donald Trump said Thursday the nation would face "problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen" if he is indicted over his handling of classified documents after leaving office, an apparent suggestion that such a move by the Justice Department could spark violence from Trump's supporters.


The former president said an indictment wouldn’t stop him from running for the White House again and repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution.


“If a thing like that happened, I would have no prohibition against running,” Trump said in an interview with conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt. “I think if it happened, I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it.”


Hewitt asked Trump what he meant by “problems.”


“I think they’d have big problems. Big problems. I just don’t think they’d stand for it. They will not sit still and stand for this ultimate of hoaxes,” Trump said.


It’s not the first time Republicans have hinted at potential civil unrest if the DOJ indicts Trump. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham made headlines last month when he said there would be “riots in the street” if “there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information.” Graham’s comments were slammed as “irresponsible” and “shameful.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, without naming the South Carolina senator, said these comments from “extreme Republicans” were “dangerous.”


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‘He Posted His Beliefs on His Sweatshirt’: Man Who Stormed U.S. Capitol in ‘Camp Auschwitz’ Hoodie and SS T-Shirt Gets Jail Time


A U.S. Capitol rioter who wore a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt mocking the genocide of Jewish people during the Holocaust has been sentenced to jail time in connection with his Jan. 6-related misdemeanor.


Virginia man Robert Keith Packer’s hoodie ridiculed the mass slaughter in the style in the style of a summer camp: The crossbones of the skull resemble the oars of a boat, and the slogan “Work Brings Freedom” is the English translation of the German phrase found in signs above Nazi concentration camp: “Arbeit Macht Frei,” meant to mislead Jews and other persecuted groups into believing they would be released, rather than slaughtered by the regime.


The Nazi regime murdered six million Jews during the Shoah, killing roughly 1.1 million in the Auschwitz death camp alone.


Since he was never tied to violence or property destruction, Packer’s single count of conviction carried a maximum six-month sentence, and prosecutors sought a term of 75 days of imprisonment. That is the term that the judge imposed.


U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols, a Donald Trump appointee, noted that the sweatshirt was “incredibly offensive.”


“It seems to me that he wore that sweatshirt for a reason,” Nichols said.


He also pointed to the need to deter attacks like the one Packer joined.


“An exceedingly light sentence here might not deter future rioters,” Nichols added.


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