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The Vaccine Thread

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10 hours ago, Sticksboi05 said:


JnJ is also much lower efficacy against symptomatic disease than the mRNA vaccines, which plays into it. I hope you get back to normal quickly.


The argument against booster is – there is a finite amount of vaccine supply and that will do more benefit going into the arms of people who are completely unprotected here and abroad. As long as places around the globe have completely unprotected populations where this is replicating, it's only a matter of time until more dangerous variants make their way here. Community spread would also decrease if we got more initial shots into arms vs. boosters.


10 hours ago, PartyPosse said:

If that’s the argument, as TMK also mentioned then I’m on board with that 100% and I apologize if my responses came off snarky and omniscient. 


Late to the party but  I really do think we are at a point where the holdouts won't get vaccinated, ever. 


Boosters absolutely make sense for the responsible people who want to continue their high level of protection. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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19 hours ago, tshile said:

I’m not against the booster but I need to do some more looking before I take it. 

my current understanding is this is being driven by the Biden administration. 

not the cdc, or other reputable health agencies. 

I have a problem with that. The whitehouse should be advocating what the cdc/fda put out - not using political pressure on them (which is what a public statement is, cause they could have easily had a closed door meeting on the manner if it was purely concern/interest)

So. Um. Kinda if mentioned all this, this morning while getting ready, and wife sorta verbally smacked me around over it. 

she insists the cdc is and was recommending this and the Biden admin is just pushing the fda to move a little faster. 

so. I don’t know. I can only find stuff on the immunocompromised recommendation. Maybe I’m missing it. Maybe she’s confusing closed door meetings with public releases. I don’t know.


I guess what I’m saying is don’t take my opinion in that post too strong. Look into it yourself. Sounds like I’m wrong ?

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7 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:



Sounds like the 70% part is correct and the rest is not.


Looks like it depends on the definition of "severe symptoms".


From the CDC site:


Nonparalytic aseptic meningitis occurs in 1% to 5% of polio infections in children....Typically, symptoms last 2 to 10 days and are followed by complete recovery.


Less than 1% of all polio infections in children result in flaccid paralysis. 


The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement.


If you count flaccid paralysis as the "severe symptoms", then yeah, it's correct.  If you count meningitis as the severe symptom, that's 1-5%, so higher, but still in lower end of the range.  I think comparable would be meningitis to hospitalization, paralysis to MIS-C (though I think paralysis would be considered more concerning by many.  But given the seriousness of MIS-C, I think it's a comparable at least).


Then 5% of paralysis leading to death in children, so 5% of 1%, so looks like polio has a lower mortality rate than covid for kids.

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53 minutes ago, bearrock said:


Looks like it depends on the definition of "severe symptoms".


From the CDC site:


Nonparalytic aseptic meningitis occurs in 1% to 5% of polio infections in children....Typically, symptoms last 2 to 10 days and are followed by complete recovery.


Less than 1% of all polio infections in children result in flaccid paralysis. 


The case fatality ratio for paralytic polio is generally 2% to 5% among children and up to 15% to 30% among adolescents and adults. It increases to 25% to 75% with bulbar involvement.


If you count flaccid paralysis as the "severe symptoms", then yeah, it's correct.  If you count meningitis as the severe symptom, that's 1-5%, so higher, but still in lower end of the range.  I think comparable would be meningitis to hospitalization, paralysis to MIS-C (though I think paralysis would be considered more concerning by many.  But given the seriousness of MIS-C, I think it's a comparable at least).


Then 5% of paralysis leading to death in children, so 5% of 1%, so looks like polio has a lower mortality rate than covid for kids.

Thanks, I missed that it was 5% of the 1%, not 5% overall.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

So. Um. Kinda if mentioned all this, this morning while getting ready, and wife sorta verbally smacked me around over it. 

she insists the cdc is and was recommending this and the Biden admin is just pushing the fda to move a little faster. 

so. I don’t know. I can only find stuff on the immunocompromised recommendation. Maybe I’m missing it. Maybe she’s confusing closed door meetings with public releases. I don’t know.


I guess what I’m saying is don’t take my opinion in that post too strong. Look into it yourself. Sounds like I’m wrong ?

Honestly, what your wife says lines up with what I had thought prior to your post.  But I didn’t go back looking for supporting references.

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On 8/11/2021 at 6:01 PM, Larry said:

Gotta say, I'm actually getting ticked at stories about vaccine liars getting Covid and changing their minds. 

The only thing that changed, between "before" and "after" is that the liar got sick.  

Which in turn tells me that his previous position as a paid **** shoveler wasn't based on his careful consideration of scientific evidence. It was based on his gambling that well, it probably wouldn't personally hurt me. 

His decision wasn't based on an analysis of the vaccine's risks. Or his calculations on the ethics of doing the public good. It was based on his belief that hey, a raging epidemic will probably let me off with minor consequences. 

What changed, was that he found out that the disease wasn't going to kill thousands of people, but skip him. 


Well this guy hasn't changed his mind:


Klickitat County Sheriff contracts COVID-19, still plans to fight mandates


A Southwest Washington state sheriff who has been especially vocal in his opposition to pandemic restrictions recently contracted COVID-19, was hospitalized and is relying on oxygen.

The experience hasn’t changed Sheriff Bob Songer’s stance, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported. He said this week that he doesn’t know how he caught the coronavirus, but in late July he experienced symptoms including a headache, runny nose and difficulty breathing.


His diagnosis led to a five-day hospital stint. Songer, 76, said he’s back home now and using oxygen.


Songer chalked up his oxygen use to an array of lung issues, including chronic pulmonary issues and being a smoker for 50 years — not solely to COVID-19.


Songer said when he returns to work he will continue to challenge pandemic restrictions that he calls government overreach.


"Bottom line is: I beat it. And I did it without taking vaccinations, without getting my shot, without none of that nonsense," he said. "And that’s my decision. I make that decision. Not the government."


Washington State Hospital Association CEO Cassie Sauer said during a news conference on Thursday that unvaccinated people were filling hospitals throughout the state and officials have been forced to make hard decisions about how to keep beds free.


People who say no to the vaccine are not saying no to medical care once they get sick, which is "deeply frustrating" to hospital staff, Sauer said.


Songer, elected in 2014, has frequently criticized and insulted Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee and public health mandates like social distancing and masks, which have been shown to slow the spread of COVID-19.


Click on the link for the full article

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Majority of Canadians support mandatory vaccines, say COVID-19 a top election issue: poll


As mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for travellers and some industries becomes a point of contention amid the federal election campaign, a new poll suggests a strong majority of Canadians support the issue — regardless of their political affiliation.

The Ipsos poll conducted exclusively for Global News found that 80 per cent or more of those surveyed support mandatory vaccines for healthcare workers, teachers and public servants. Just over 80 per cent said requiring proof of vaccination for train or air travellers was also a good idea.


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The Food and Drug Administration is pushing to approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s two-dose Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, further expediting an earlier timeline for licensing the shot, according to people familiar with the agency’s planning.  Regulators were working to finish the process by Friday but were still working through a substantial amount of paperwork and negotiation with the company. The people familiar with the planning, who were not authorized to speak publicly about it, cautioned that the approval might slide beyond Monday if some components of the review need more time.


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Guy I went to college with and a fellow geographer I respected.  Apparently a Trumper and antivaxxer, dead at 56 with a kid in HS and one just going to college.  Never knew his politics, didn't ever talk about it and thus didn't care.  Till now.  So exceptionally sad that it could have been avoided so easily.

Edited by KAOSkins
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2 hours ago, Califan007 said:



The same people who need "full approval" from the FDA before even considering the vaccine to be safe...


...will eagerly take horse medication even when the FDA tells them it's not safe lol...


Hey don't be so quick to discount this. 9 out of 10 professional horses recommend it! Are you saying the horses are lying to us??

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