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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
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    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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7 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


OK.   the Jack stuff is a different drill.  But as for the coaching...


The hey these coaches have built in excuses because people will blame Dan -- that's his usual line.  When he expounds a bit, he comes off like maybe Dan is to blame a liittle for why this team has not been winning but the coaches deserve the lions share of the blame and undeservingly get a pass.  That's why like I said to me he's the one back door Dan defender among the media.  It's not that I believe he likes Dan.  But its that he's so angry at the coaches here.  EVERY regime.  And they all supposedly make the same mistakes.  Whereas coaches in most other places get it all correct.  Tough for me to take him that seriously.  It's the same stuff every time.

Yeah I understand the Jack stuff specifically. The only part that I really took issue with was the very last part of it accusing Ron of talking behind his back etc

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B. Mitch, the guy who offers zero insight or quality analysis to anything, ever.


I'm not just saying this now, I've been saying this about him ever since he was given a voice in this area.  He tugs on the heart strings of the everyday joe fan, like the dudes who call into sports talk radio shows - basically, the known nothings that offer zero valuable insight about anything.


Let B. Mitch tell it, he's the toughest SOB, who has always outworked everybody, and every coach but Andy Reid is stealing money and they all don't know their heads from their asses, and on and on and on.  This dude is so full of himself and ****.  I loathe hearing this dude speak, and it's a shame because I loved him as a player here.

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Brian Mitchell is living the dream that most of us would kill for: Being PAID to rant on a radio show without any analysis whatsoever. Most of us would have to call in and be given our 3 minutes of air time. Brian Mitchell makes a living off it.

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5 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

B. Mitch, the guy who offers zero insight or quality analysis to anything, ever.



Yeah that's the other part of it.  He doesn't go deep into any anaylsis as for why things in his mind are wrong -- he just says they are wrong and other coaches do it better.


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15 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

Brian Mitchell is living the dream that most of us would kill for: Being PAID to rant on a radio show without any analysis whatsoever. Most of us would have to call in and be given our 3 minutes of air time. Brian Mitchell makes a living off it.

No doubt - sometimes I wonder if he even believes half the crap he talks or he just knows it's his cash cow and acts accordingly.

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53 minutes ago, ntotoro said:


This is the very reason Danny Boy needs to be there. Does he really think the other owners won't bugs in Roger's ears about throwing Danny under the bus while he's out of the country... ? Seriously?

Rodger works for the owners.  Dan is an owner.  Ergo, Rodger (partially) works for Dan. 


The remainder of this post is going to be really, really unpopular because it going to outline the probably outcome which none of us really want.  The outcome we want is Snyder to sell the team.  This hearing is not going to bring that closer.  Here's why:


Howard Gutman on Sheehan's podcast a while ago said that there was almost no chance the lawyers from both sides, Jeff Pash (sp) from the NFL and whoever from the Commanders, will work out exactly what they are going to do, who is going, what they are going to say, etc.  If Dan isn't going, he almost certainly knows Rodger is going to fly cover for him.  That's a guess, but it's a solid one.  


It does Rodger absolutely no good to throw Dan under the bus.  None.  Congress has absolutely no purview or authority to remove Dan as owner.  If the NFL wants to do that, they can do that without Congress. It makes the NFL as a whole look bad if he throws Dan under the bus. They are conducting their own investigation into the financial scandal, and the Tiffany Johnson allegations.


So why would Rodger create more negative spin for an NFL franchise in a revenue sharing agreement?  It's bad for business.  The only thing the NFL really cares about is money.  What they want is for this whole thing to go away so enough people forget about it and go back and buy tickets and Commanders merch.  Because that's good for business.  Dan being in the news is bad for business.  They will do what is good for business.  


Here's what my guess Rodger's talking points will be:


- On the Beth Wilkinson investigation: "We thoroughly investigated the allegations which were initially reported in the Washington Post article.  Beth Wilkinson is an extremely respected investigator.  She was given access to all of the information she needed. We discovered a toxic work environment and have taken steps to remedy it.  The Commanders now have to go through a quarterly audit of workplace and HR policies, and the league is keeping close track.  So far, they have passed all of the audits. We consider this matter closed."


- On whether Beth Wilkinson received the cooperation of the league: "We gave her access to anything she wanted."


- On whether Beth Wilkinson received cooperation from the team: "Yes, they gave her access to what she needed, including all documents and access to al personnel."


- On if there were NDA's which prevented her from doing her job: "The team released some staff from NDAs to speak to Beth Wilkinson, but did not release them to talk to other third parties."  To me, if Congress was going to make a stink, this is where they could really go after Rodger.  Will they?  I don't know.  They should.  This could lead to legislative action.  


- On the conclusion of the Beth Wilkinson investigation: "The Matter in the Beth Wilkinson report has been handled.  The entire leadership of the organization has been changed, we fined the team $10M dollars (one of the largest fines of a sports team ever), and Dan Snyder relieved himself from day-to-day operations.  We believe the matter is closed and has been handled."


- On "release the report."  Beth Wilkinson was instructed by the NFL to present her findings to a group of executives, and there was no written report delivered to the NFL. Again, we have acted on the matter, and consider it closed.


- On the inevitable "tell us what was in the oral report": "That is a private matter due to confidentiality of the participants, we are not able to share."  The follow-up will be "some of the people investigated already testified before this committee, you are able to spill the beans.  Rodger will say again, due to confidentiality, he cannot and will not.  (My prediction is they are going to make him say this about 10 times.  And he will not answer it any of the 10 times.)


- On the Tiffany Johnson allegation: "Ms. Johnson, unfortunately, did not cooperate with the Wilkinson investigation, otherwise we would have had more information at this point.  We have hired another attorney, Mary Jo White, to investigate these allegations, and that investigation is ongoing. I have no more information at this time."


- On the Financial Scandal. "We have asked Mary Jo White to investigate those allegations, and the investigation is ongoing.  I have no more information at this time."


That's it.  Unless the committee wants to press Rodger on other topics, like the reports of sexual misconduct at the Raiders, Cowboys and the Watson situation, I'm willing to bet that's all he is going to say about the Commanders.  (Btw, the committee SHOULD press Rodger on those issues.  I don't think they will, but they should.)


I will say this again for the millionth time: Congress has absolutely no purview or authority to do what we want them to do.  They can't force Dan to sell, they can't force the other owners to force him out.  They can just create a stir.  There are 31 people who's votes matter in ousting Dan.  None of them are in Congress.  They are some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the country.  They will do what they want to do on their timetable, not dictated by Congress.


I doubt very much Rodger is going to play along.  He'll go, be a good soldier, say the NFL has done everything right, will to some extent protect Dan, and that will be that.  His job is to protect the shield.  The Commanders are part of the shield.  He will protect them because ... it's good for business.  


Then, if the owners really want Dan out, they will make that happen either behind closed doors or through the MJW investigation. We'll find that out later whenever they release the MJW investigation.  

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23 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Dan being in the news is bad for business.  They will do what is good for business.


Point taken on the rest, but Dan's always in the news.  Only one way to make sure he isn't ever again...

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NFLPA’s defense of Deshaun Watson will take aim at NFL’s treatment of multiple owners



Juicy bits:


According to the source, the union’s defense of Deshaun Watson will take specific aim at the league’s handling of Commanders owner Daniel Snyder, Patriots owner Robert Kraft, and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.


As to Snyder, the union will argue that his punishment in light of the findings and potential recommendations of attorney Beth Wilkinson was weak and not fully enforced. As to Kraft, the union will argue that Kraft received no punishment despite allegedly receiving a massage became a sexual encounter. (Although Kraft was charged with solicitation, the case was dismissed based on the fact that the video surveillance utilized by law enforcement violated the rights of the various persons who were secretly recorded.) As to Jones, the union will argue that the league failed to investigate the voyeurism scandal involving former Cowboys P.R. chief Rich Dalrymple, including but not limited to the key questions of what Jones knew, when he knew it, and whether he knew that Dalrymple was secretly recording multiple cheerleaders while they changed their clothes.


The union believes that these arguments will be more likely to find traction than in the past, given the adoption in 2020 of a new, independent process for assessing potential Personal Conduct Policy violations committed by players. With Commissioner Roger Goodell or his designee no longer presiding over the effort to evaluate the evidence and reach a decision, the Disciplinary Officer ( retired federal judge Sue L. Robinson) could decide to allow the union to fully explore the manner in which the league handled Snyder, Kraft, and Jones.


The union, for example, could get access to evidence from Wilkinson’s investigation, the league’s handling of the information, and the key question of what Wilkinson would have recommended, if the league had bothered to ask her for a recommendation. (As previously reported, she would have recommended that Snyder be forced to sell.) The union also could get access to internal communications regarding whether Kraft should be disciplined, and whether Jones and the Cowboys should be investigated.


This approach would be separate from defending Watson against any claim of wrongdoing. It would be based on whether, even if he violated the policy with a habit of arranging private massages and trying to make those massages become sexual encounters, any punishment of Watson must be justified by the punishment imposed on Snyder, the non-punishment imposed on Kraft, and the lack of even an investigation of Jones.

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1 hour ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Again, this is not a defense of Dan.  It's just why no first year law student would let him go.  Until he is subpoenaed.  That's the right strategic play from his side. 


Sure, from a defense attorney perspective, of a guilty client, that is the best move every time.


Except DS is the owner of what once was the most valuable sports franchise on the planet, that has lost almost all of its fans, been through multiple scandals, forced to change the name because nobody believed in his **** product enough anymore to sponsor it, has been believed by fans to be ran by morons and idiots for the past 20 years.


Stand up and defend yourself if you want respect and want everybody off your back!


If the guy is truly innocent and really does believe in what he is doing, who he has now hired to run the team, wants to win, etc. He would show up and shut all of this BS down. It would make the job easier for everyone below him running the actual team. It might get some fans back. People might then respect him more as well. 


Except none of that is true. It's a clown show. He knows that he is the villain. He also doesn't believe that it's his responsibility to give his people (Ron Rivera/Mayhew/etc) a chance to get it all going in the right direction without the clown show hanging over their heads no matter what they do. 


That's why I have always compared him to self destructive fictional cartoon characters like Wile E Coyote and why he always ends up having a Scooby Doo ending. He truly is the bad guy in all of this, and deep down inside, he knows it too. 

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23 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:

Stand up and defend yourself if you want respect and want everybody off your back!

I would love to see him stand up and defend himself.  Anywhere, anytime. I wouldn't mind seeing him in front of this congressional committee.  


What I think he SHOULD do is call an AMA, as long as you want, invite anybody, press conference, and answer every single damn question.  Alone on stage. Until every single question is answered.  You want to ask about suing Grandma 12 years ago?  Go for it.  Why there are sewage leaks at FedEx?  Bring it on.  How he felt when Trent Williams basically called the medical staff inept?  Fair game.  If he was involved with Jeffrey Epstein?  Totally fair.  (I mean, he wasn't, but if somebody wants to ask the question, go for it.)  


Take the blame for what's his fault, explain where he's coming from, and defend himself where he thinks he is not at fault.  


And then I think he should have a regular appearance with at the very least Julie Donaldson, who is an employee of the team, or maybe Bram, who's kindof an employee of the team but also has an independent radio show, so he doesn't go 14 years without explaining himself.


That's what I would advise him to do to start the process of transparency and rebuilding trust, if it's even possible.


Maybe he starts with Julie, and then goes to Bram, and then does the press conference, so he can start to get more comfortable doing this with people who aren't going to be out to get him.  


I would still not recommend he go in front of this committee.  Even if he explained or defended himself perfectly, it's a no-win situation in that environment.  Let Rodger do that.  


But to your point, I absolutely think we need to hear from him more than once a decade.  I don't think he realizes it would be good for him to do.  I think he feels like he would just get crushed no matter what he says. But I think if he made himself available from time to time, well, it couldn't hurt, since his approval rating is already 0.  So why not?

1 hour ago, Bifflog said:


Point taken on the rest, but Dan's always in the news.  Only one way to make sure he isn't ever again...

Rephrase: Dan being taken to task by congress at the capital is worse for business than him not being there and having the usual din....

2 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

B. Mitch, the guy who offers zero insight or quality analysis to anything, ever.

He's better than Doc, though.  


Which says a whole lot more about Doc than BMitch.  

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54 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:


It's a clown show.


That's an insult...to clown shows. I'm sure there are some well-run, respected organizations full of clowns out there. Like this one: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clowns-inc


The only clown show this organization is similar to...is Pogo the Clown (aka serial killer John Wayne Gacy)



Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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3 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

B. Mitch, the guy who offers zero insight or quality analysis to anything, ever.


I'm not just saying this now, I've been saying this about him ever since he was given a voice in this area.  He tugs on the heart strings of the everyday joe fan, like the dudes who call into sports talk radio shows - basically, the known nothings that offer zero valuable insight about anything.


Let B. Mitch tell it, he's the toughest SOB, who has always outworked everybody, and every coach but Andy Reid is stealing money and they all don't know their heads from their asses, and on and on and on.  This dude is so full of himself and ****.  I loathe hearing this dude speak, and it's a shame because I loved him as a player here.


You nailed it. Brian is entirely too arrogant, his schtick about how tough he is and how dad was hard on him and that made him tough got real old, I'm glad he's no longer on 980.  

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4 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


You nailed it. Brian is entirely too arrogant, his schtick about how tough he is and how dad was hard on him and that made him tough got real old, I'm glad he's no longer on 980.  

My biggest frustration is he has brought JP down to his level.  JP used to be better.  Now he’s in with BMitch all the time and he’s gotten stupid.  

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This is sure to throw salt in the wound to DC sports fans:



What a gigantic embarrassment.  The capital city of the top country on the planet wasn’t chosen to host the biggest sports event.  This is going to sting.  Fed-Ex is such a dump, that DC had to combine their bid with Baltimore in order to be considered.  Every East Coast city is hosting the game except for DC.  Snyder continues to be a wretched human being, and a stain to this great town in more ways than one.


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11 minutes ago, samy316 said:

This is sure to throw salt in the wound to DC sports fans:



What a gigantic embarrassment.  The capital city of the top country on the planet wasn’t chosen to host the biggest sports event.  This is going to sting.  Fed-Ex is such a dump, that DC had to combine their bid with Baltimore in order to be considered.  Every East Coast city is hosting the game except for DC.  Snyder continues to be a wretched human being, and a stain to this great town in more ways than one.


Not sure how this is Snyders fault…he didn’t build the stadium. JKC did. It’s an

old, crappy stadium with nothing around it, that’s JKC’s doing. 

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4 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Not sure how this is Snyders fault…he didn’t build the stadium. JKC did. It’s an

old, crappy stadium with nothing around it, that’s JKC’s doing. 

It’s his fault for not renovating and upgrading the stadium to make it at least usable for events other than football.  That’s not even going into all the off field issues that have made DC radioactive as far as big events go.  We were a finalist for the 2024 NFL Draft, but lost to Detroit of all cities.  I have no doubt that being a city that houses a clown show team with a crappy owner turned off the NFL from awarding DC the NFL Draft.


I bet we won’t get any primetime games anymore at home until we get a new stadium, or a new owner.  No use in showcasing a dump stadium, with less than 50% crowds ruining the NFL viewing experience.

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40 minutes ago, samy316 said:

It’s his fault for not renovating and upgrading the stadium to make it at least usable for events other than football.  That’s not even going into all the off field issues that have made DC radioactive as far as big events go.  We were a finalist for the 2024 NFL Draft, but lost to Detroit of all cities.  I have no doubt that being a city that houses a clown show team with a crappy owner turned off the NFL from awarding DC the NFL Draft.


I bet we won’t get any primetime games anymore at home until we get a new stadium, or a new owner.  No use in showcasing a dump stadium, with less than 50% crowds ruining the NFL viewing experience.

I absolutely hate sounding like I’m defending Dan. But this is the one thing I will defend him on. Snyder has done things to renovate the stadium at times. Now you can argue there’s things he could do to improve game day experience even though the stadium sucks and I’d agree with. But I used to do foundation repair and I try to put it like this. Let’s say you buy a home and the foundation is rotten. You can paint, redo the floors, update the kitchens and bathrooms put all the newest appliances in there but if the foundation is rotten it doesn’t matter how nice the inside looks it’s still going to eventually fall apart. Fed ex field was rushed to be completed before JKC died and was basically 10 years outdated the day it opened there’s only but so much renovating you can do to fix that. As far as the sewage goes yeah it’s gross and it’s a terrible look but I’d be willing to bet there’s probably multiple inspections done on that type of stuff every year if someone comes and inspects your home for example and says hey all your plumbing is in great working order are you shelling out a bunch of dollars to replace something that’s not broken? 

Edited by Mrshadow008
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11 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:

I absolutely hate sounding like I’m defending Dan. But this is the one thing I will defend him on. Snyder has done things to renovate the stadium at times. Now you can argue there’s things he could do to improve game day experience even though the stadium sucks and I’d agree with. But I used to do foundation repair and I try to put it like this. Let’s say you buy a home and the foundation is rotten. You can paint, redo the floors, update the kitchens and bathrooms put all the newest appliances in there but if the foundation is rotten it doesn’t matter how nice the inside looks it’s still going to eventually fall apart. Fed ex field was rushed to be completed before JKC died and was basically 10 years outdated the day it opened there’s only but so much renovating you can do to fix that. As far as the sewage goes yeah it’s gross and it’s a terrible look but I’d be willing to bet there’s probably multiple inspections done on that type of stuff every year if someone comes and inspects your home for example and says hey all your plumbing is in great working order are you shelling out a bunch of dollars to replace something that’s not broken? 

I hear all this.  But he could have done more.  He's owned the stadium for 30 years.  I'll give him this: he started out well.  He hadn't owned it for a full year when he dumped $20M in to remove the metal dividers and put in glass, and added escalators to the upper level.  


But that was about it for a decade plus until they finally replaced the light-bright scoreboard with an HD version.  Which was done about 5-10 years later than it should have been.  


And THAT is about all which has been done since.  


There have been tweaks to the club level over the years, a few new dining options, less seats.  But fundamentally, the stadium hasn't really been upgraded in any meaningful way except for the HD boards in a long time.  


I don't fault him for the foundation, I don't fault him for the style of the stadium, or the location.  


But yeah, when you know you're going to be in a home for 30 years, you have to do more than he has done as part of general maintenance over that period of time.  


It is far from my biggest criticism of Dan.  But I don't give him a pass on it either.  He needed to do more to enhance the stadium over the period he has owned it.  

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2 hours ago, Mrshadow008 said:

I absolutely hate sounding like I’m defending Dan. But this is the one thing I will defend him on. Snyder has done things to renovate the stadium at times. Now you can argue there’s things he could do to improve game day experience even though the stadium sucks and I’d agree with. But I used to do foundation repair and I try to put it like this. Let’s say you buy a home and the foundation is rotten. You can paint, redo the floors, update the kitchens and bathrooms put all the newest appliances in there but if the foundation is rotten it doesn’t matter how nice the inside looks it’s still going to eventually fall apart. Fed ex field was rushed to be completed before JKC died and was basically 10 years outdated the day it opened there’s only but so much renovating you can do to fix that. As far as the sewage goes yeah it’s gross and it’s a terrible look but I’d be willing to bet there’s probably multiple inspections done on that type of stuff every year if someone comes and inspects your home for example and says hey all your plumbing is in great working order are you shelling out a bunch of dollars to replace something that’s not broken? 

Oh come onnnnn.


I had season tickets for most of 2000-2010. The stadium wasn’t state of the art but it was well maintained.


Went to Coldplay at FedEx a couple weeks back and it was a ****ing dump.  My friends, who don’t care about the football team whatsoever, couldn’t stop commenting what a ****ing dump it was.  It is a dilapidated, decomposing, relic of a once mediocre facility.


When it comes to the stadium, he’s an absentee landlord.  He allowed it to fall into a state of disrepair.  It’s really not debatable.



Edited by 86 Snyder
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22 minutes ago, 86 Snyder said:

Oh come onnnnn.


I had season tickets for most of 2000-2010. The stadium wasn’t state of the art but it was well maintained.


Went to Coldplay at FedEx a couple weeks back and it was a ****ing dump.  My friends, who don’t care about the football team whatsoever, couldn’t stop commenting what a ****ing dump it was.  It is a dilapidated, decomposing, relic of a once mediocre facility.


When it comes to the stadium, he’s an absentee landlord.  He allowed it to fall into a state of disrepair.  It’s really not debatable.



We finally agree on something….

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7 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

We finally agree on something….

I’ve read plenty of your posts and we agree more often than not.  You’ve just been on this “you can’t know that” kick and it’s bad argument that is not up to your par.

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