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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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From that article above, should he highlighted..72%! An insane percentage for a city/county that large. 



In San Francisco, where 72% of people ages 16 and over have received at least one dose of vaccine, only six people died of COVID-19 in the entire month of April. That's in a county of 882,000.


Edited by The Evil Genius
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54 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

From that article above, should he highlighted..72%! An insane percentage for a city/county that large. 



San Francisco should be the shining example for the entire country when it comes to covid, but I know people who hate the libs will never give them credit for anything. Their rates have been super low from the beginning. Moved to quarantine/work-from-home first in the country, paid people to stay at home, heavy mask compliance. Definitely helped that it's a wealthy city, but also helped that the leadership there has already been through major health epidemics in the past and were very prepared

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1 minute ago, mammajamma said:

San Francisco should be the shining example for the entire country when it comes to covid, but I know people who hate the libs will never give them credit for anything. Their rates have been super low from the beginning. Moved to quarantine/work-from-home first in the country, paid people to stay at home, heavy mask compliance. Definitely helped that it's a wealthy city, but also helped that the leadership there has already been through major health epidemics in the past and were very prepared


Can't positively say this but having a large Asian population (36%) that may or may not have been used to masking probably helped. But the true shining example here in California of vaccines working might be LA county.


They've gone from very high rates to being like SF and going into the lowest tier.

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1 minute ago, The Evil Genius said:


Can't positively say this but having a large Asian population (36%) that may or may not have been used to masking probably helped. But the true shining example here in California of vaccines working might be LA county.


They've gone from very high rates to being like SF and going into the lowest tier.

ya, the population make-up (demographics, politically, etc) definitely had a part, but there was a great article out about how SF's leadership pretty much already had a gameplan for this from the AIDS epidemic, and took it more seriously before everyone else which really helped it from ever getting into the community from the beginning


youre definitely right about LA though. I can't believe how fast they went from "purple tier" to yellow and re-opening everything already. whoever was in charge on their vaccine distribution needs a raise



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We've dodged a few bullets at work for sure this past year. We have had coworkers test positive for Covid as recently as March/early April but all have been "mild cases". At least as far as we have been told. I believe there have been a few more than we have been told. Okay. I know so,(one case never disclosed to us was one who was out for nearly a month). Just found out yesterday a coworker just got off the ventilator after contracting Covid. He's been out nearly 2 weeks so this thing hit him fast. Early 60's would be his only "preexisting" condition as far as we know. Tall,lean,very much in shape kind of a guy. Hard to say where he may have picked it up but the store,depending on crowds,might be a possibility with all the maskholes that tend to show up there. Hard to say.  Needless to say,patience is wearing thin amongst some of the staff with these people. This part of the state is full of them. Sigh. 

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This graph shows the total daily number of virus tests conducted in each state and of those tests, how many were positive each day. The trend line in blue shows the average percentage of tests that were positive over the last 7 days. The rate of positivity is an important indicator because it can provide insights into whether a community is conducting enough testing to find cases. If a community’s positivity is high, it suggests that that community may largely be testing the sickest patients and possibly missing milder or asymptomatic cases. A lower positivity may indicate that a community is including in its testing patients with milder or no symptoms. The WHO has said that in countries that have conducted extensive testing for COVID-19, should remain at 5% or lower for at least 14 days.


The U.S. positivity rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest of the entire pandemic.


Click on the link for the graph and data


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New Study Estimates More Than 900,000 People Have Died Of COVID-19 In U.S.


A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000, a number 57% higher than official figures.


Worldwide, the study's authors say, the COVID-19 death count is nearing 7 million, more than double the reported number of 3.24 million.


The analysis comes from researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, who looked at excess mortality from March 2020 through May 3, 2021, compared it with what would be expected in a typical nonpandemic year, then adjusted those figures to account for a handful of other pandemic-related factors.


The final count only estimates deaths "caused directly by the SARS-CoV-2 virus," according to the study's authors. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19.


Researchers estimated dramatic undercounts in countries such as India, Mexico and Russia, where they said the official death counts are some 400,000 too low in each country. In some countries — including Japan, Egypt and several Central Asian nations — the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation's death toll estimate is more than 10 times higher than reported totals.


"The analysis just shows how challenging it has been during the pandemic to accurately track the deaths — and actually, transmission — of COVID. And by focusing in on the total COVID death rate, I think we bring to light just how much greater the impact of COVID has been already and may be in the future," said Dr. Christopher Murray, who heads the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.


The group reached its estimates by calculating excess mortality based on a variety of sources, including official death statistics from various countries, as well as academic studies of other locations.


Then, it examined other mortality factors influenced by the pandemic. For example, some of the extra deaths were caused by increased opioid overdoses or deferred health care. On the other hand, the dramatic reduction in flu cases last winter and a modest drop in deaths caused by injury resulted in lower mortality in those categories than usual.


Researchers at UW ultimately concluded that the extra deaths not directly caused by COVID-19 were effectively offset by the other reductions in death rates, leaving them to attribute all of the net excess deaths to the coronavirus.


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Fox has undermined coronavirus science in at least 325 segments since January 25


Since January 25, Fox has undermined, doubted, misrepresented, or otherwise dismissed coronavirus science at least 547 times in as many as 325 segments.


Media Matters reviewed our internal archive of cable news segments airing weekdays from 6 a.m. through midnight for any statements that undermined coronavirus science on Fox News. We broadly categorized the network’s coronavirus science misinformation into six different angles of attack: politicizing health measures, dismissing health measures, unfairly criticizing health officials, undermining COVID-19 vaccines, misrepresenting basic coronavirus facts, and dismissing or politicizing coronavirus data. We counted each angle once per segment. Segments could -- and often did -- include more than one angle.


From January 25 through April 23, 2021, Fox News personalities and guests misinformed viewers about the science of the coronavirus in at least 325 segments.

Misinformation was spread across the network on both its so-called “news” and “opinion” shows. The shows that aired the most segments against coronavirus science were The Ingraham Angle (59), Fox & Friends (57), Fox News Primetime (44), Tucker Carlson Tonight (34), The Story with Martha MacCallum (19), and America’s Newsroom with Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino (18).


Of the 325 segments that attacked coronavirus science:

 - 47% politicized health measures designed to slow the spread of the virus.
 - 39% dismissed the efficacy of health measures.
 - 37% implicitly or explicitly alleged that health experts or government officials could not be trusted on guidelines designed to protect the public from the spread of coronavirus.
 - 27% undermined vaccine efficacy, encouraged vaccine hesitancy, or politicized vaccines.
 - 13% misrepresented basic facts about transmission and infection risks or misrepresented health studies on the coronavirus.
 - 5% dismissed, misrepresented, or politicized coronavirus data.


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Florida reports more than 10,000 COVID-19 variant cases, surge after spring break


Variant COVID-19 infections skyrocketed following spring break in Florida and there have been more than 10,000 variant cases reported throughout the state, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported based on data from the Florida Department of Health.


A total of 753 variant cases from three strains -- the B.1.1.7, the P.1, and the B. -- were reported on March 14, according to variant infection data shared with ABC News. The Florida Department of Health does not disclose variant cases on its public dashboard.


That number swelled to 5,177 cases from five types of variants on April 15. Just two weeks later, the number of variant infections exploded to 9,248 on April 27, according to local ABC affiliate , WFTV.


The surge falls in line with mid-March into April spring break celebrations, when college students and vacationers flock to the sunshine state.


Florida is home to the most variant COVID-19 cases in the country. State health officials reported more than 11,800 cases of COVID-19 variants on Wednesday, according to the Sun Sentinel.


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Sometimes you get what you deserve.


An Oregon church sued over covid-19 restrictions. Now, an outbreak there has sickened 74.


In early April, dozens of maskless churchgoers in northwest Oregon stood onstage singing and clapping inside a packed indoor venue for Easter Sunday service. The Peoples Church, which previously sued the state over coronavirus restrictions, hosted three similar indoor services that day, each lasting a little over an hour.


Days later, the state’s health authority began investigating a potential outbreak at the Salem church.


Now, the Oregon Health Authority says that at least 74 people associated with the church have tested positive for the coronavirus — one of the state’s largest workplace outbreaks.


In a statement, the church’s leaders attributed the outbreak to a recent rise in covid-19 cases in Marion County, Ore. “We are concerned about the covid-19 surge in Oregon,” executive pastor Tom Murray said in an email to The Washington Post. “This statewide increase has impacted our entire region, including our church family.”


Murray said the church, which has held in-person services throughout the pandemic, intends to continue with in-person ceremonies on Sunday.


Last May, the Peoples Church and nine other Oregon churches sued the state in an attempt to override Gov. Kate Brown’s (D) “Stay Home, Save Lives” coronavirus order that capped statewide gatherings at 25 attendees. The measure did not exempt religious services. 


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And remember.  Ron DeSantis has been altering the statistics since Day 1.  He collects all the statistics, and then decides that every person who's permanent, legal, residence isn't in Florida, doesn't count in Florida's statistics.  I think, back before he classified the state's death certificates, his numbers were about 1/3 lower than reality.  


Just now, China said:

In a statement, the church’s leaders attributed the outbreak to a recent rise in covid-19 cases in Marion County, Ore. “We are concerned about the covid-19 surge in Oregon,” executive pastor Tom Murray said in an email to The Washington Post. “This statewide increase has impacted our entire region, including our church family.”


And they will insist that it's their right to get infected.  And ignore that every one of them then left church, and went around the community, while infectious.  


And are now claiming that the surge in the county caused the surge at their church.  


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In India’s northeast there’s fear of a virus surge to come


With experts saying the coronavirus is likely spreading in India’s northeastern state of Assam faster than anywhere else in the country, authorities were preparing Monday for a surge in infections by converting a massive stadium and a university into hospitals.


Cases in Assam started ticking upward a month ago and the official seven-day weekly average in the state on May 9 stood at more than 4,700 cases. But a model run by the University of Michigan — which predicts the current spread of cases before they are actually detected — says infections in Assam are likely occurring as fast as any other place in the country.


Add to that recent elections in the state — and the huge political rallies that accompanied them — and experts fear a uncontrolled surge is on the horizon.


Worryingly, along with cities in India’s northeastern frontier — which is closer to Myanmar, Bangladesh and Bhutan than it is New Delhi — cases have also started to spike in some remote Himalayan villages in the region.


Nationwide, India’s Health Ministry reported 360,000 new cases in the past 24 hours Monday, with more than 3,700 deaths. Since the pandemic began, India has seen more than 22.6 million infections and more than 246,000 deaths —- both, experts say, almost certainly undercounts.


Officials in Assam were racing to prepare for a virus surge because similar onslaughts in infections have overwhelmed hospitals in much richer Indian states.


“We are adding 1,000 beds a week to prepare ourselves in the event of cases spiraling,” said Dr Lakshmanan S, the director of the National Health Mission in Assam.


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India Covid: Dozens of bodies wash up on banks of Ganges river


The bodies of at least 40 people have washed up on the banks of the Ganges river in northern India, officials say.


The discovery, near the border between the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, was confirmed to the BBC on Monday.


It is not clear how the bodies came to be there, but local media reports suggest they may be Covid-19 victims.


Some media reports say as many as 100 bodies have been found, and that their condition suggests they may have been in the river for several days.


"There is a possibility that these bodies have come out of Uttar Pradesh," a local official, Ashok Kumar, told the BBC after questioning local residents.


He said the remains would be buried or cremated.


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You know, everyone seems to think that the northern and southern states might split because of a civil war. I'm starting to think that if there is a separation, it will be more along the lines of "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated". I can't imagine that a state that took the time, money and care to get their states back up and running would want some interlopers from some state like Florida coming in and messing up everything because they think they have the right to do so. I believe that you're going to have to prove your vaccination status in the future and I don't think that is a bad thing.

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Boo on stupid nazi reference 


anyways I do not appreciate the way the cdc is being raked through the coals


People are just so disingenuous. They had a responsibility to be overly cautious, and in addition to that they formed recommendations based on aggregated research

Could you imagine if they worked on 0.1% and that was one study and the aggregate was 10% and we had 3 million dead now? People are just disingenuous. Holding people to ridiculous standards and ones that they couldn’t even meet


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