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The State of the Economy Thread - “Falling inflation, rising growth give U.S. the world’s best recovery”


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1 hour ago, The Sisko said:

What your post conveniently failed to take into account is that when administrations change, they shouldn’t be held to account for the **** ups of the prior administration but instead how they respond to them

Um. No. Actually, it took that into account. 

I specifically made sure to define average people - that do not follow the news closely (like we do) - and that while they understand that, they don’t give a ****. 

that the issue is the tone deafness is such that you think average people what to hear about your low unemployment claims and jobs numbers right now. 

and if nothing changes substantively, soon, people aren’t going to want to re-elect more of this (even if it’s not Biden running the ticket). It won’t matter who actually caused what and when.

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Here's the sad thing about everything we are talking about. 


American management doesn't care.  CEO's don't care.  Politicians don't care.  No one cares.  I suppose I should say, "they only care so far as it impacts their bottom line."  


Meat-packing companies colluding on profits?  Someone needs to break that monopoly up.  Is there any "free market" explanation for that?  Nope, there's not.  Theoretically, when your competitors are raising prices 300-500%, one company could undercut their competition and only raise prices 150% and reap the benefit of being the lowest in the market.  Why didn't some company do that?  


If you use the "stock market" as a measure of American wealth -- we shouldn't be dealing with the issues, unhappiness, etc. of the American worker.  


Thing about housing.  Why are there not companies that are pushing to build something like 4 container homes per lot in order to provide cheap housing to American people?  I see this as a profitable venture and I'd be willing to invest in a company doing this.  Why do I have to invest in big-box 5 bedroom, large lot housing companies?  


10 years ago, the only companies I thought were screwing over people were housing, health care industry and education.  Now, it's like every company is looking at the lack of pitchforks and torches thinking, "hey, those corporations don't see much backlash -- let's join in and start to screw over American's too." I'm going to retire at some point, and I'm going to work for some type of online educational University and help provide inexpensive educational options to drive down the cost of the college degree ticket many people think American workers need to be successful.... but the truth of the matter is, I know there's actually quite a few jobs that "require" a college degree that don't really.  They just want someone to demonstrate that they can work hard enough and focus well enough to obtain a college degree.   There's nothing wrong with that per se, but it's when that degree can't be obtained through minimum wage, living with your parents life that upsets me. 


I was reading about the "trucker shortage".  Nope, it's not a "labor shortage" it's being described by those who aren't in the media as a "wage shortage".  If we paid truckers more, I bet the supply chain backlogs would recede a bit.... 


No wonder people are turning to bit coin and Gamestop as a form of protest.... (I'm sure I'm months/years behind on what the latest in-protests is).  


But the bottom line is, we've been lied to by corporations, political leaders, etc. for the longest time that they really "care" about the American worker.   We all know that in general our lives are worse than our parents lives.  I raise my children and I don't want them to "struggle" the way I have had to "struggle" just to live a decent life.   Hopefully, us Americans can figure out a way to forge a path forward in the not-to-distant future that allows us to identify and treat the bad actors the way they have treated us for 30 years.  The first person or group of people to capture that in a bottle and start to execute a plan like that politically will reap the political future.  This is essentially what Trump sells to people... he understands the anger there... but he's definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing.   

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It's very simple: the economy sucks because a bunch of prudes get upset everytime some company uses slave labor (whether foreigners or domestic prisoners) to extract the maximum amount of wealth possible from these disposable workers instead of having to pay workers some sort of "wage." It's really a shame that so many Americans want to destroy capitalism by undermining these fine companies that are just doing the Lord's work by making hundreds of millions by paying their workers (or "hostages" if you're being snippy about it) basically nothing while working them to death.


I mean, just look at this story. Some little Mom and Pop farm slavery ring was just unfairly broken up in Georgia. It's awful that this company of job creators has been targeted by our oppressive and (let's be honest) communist/socialist/fascist government just because they were doing things like "raping" and "kidnapping" and "murder" and "forcing people to be slaves after lying to them to lure them here." I mean, now that these local farmers can no longer hire people at slave wages, they might be forced to hire people that are paid more and are possible treated like humans and not disposable fodder for the capitalist machine.


And do you know what that leads to? All this grandstanding and do-goodery and "human rights?" Inflation. That's right, are you all ready to have "more expensive onions" on your conscience?



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1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

Thing about housing.  Why are there not companies that are pushing to build something like 4 container homes per lot in order to provide cheap housing to American people?  I see this as a profitable venture and I'd be willing to invest in a company doing this.  Why do I have to invest in big-box 5 bedroom, large lot housing companies?  

My understanding is this is less about companies wanting to do it and more about localities not allowing it. 

everyone says they want “affordable housing” but when push comes to shove no one wants it next to their house. 

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No one wants a fancy but also less fancy trailer home park in their city.




In lue of evil corporations who have literally given Americans everything they own, and with whom Amercians spend all their money, and who pays a majority of Americans bills, what do you all actually suggest.

I’ve heard “break them up” and “make them pay taxes”


However, it would be wise to point out that the reason that the companies are so big is because they were able to offer products for lower prices than the competion or deliver faster, even before they got “big”

Amazon and Walmart weren’t mega conglomerate successes overnight. Amazon was a penny stock making zero money for 15 years and Walmart has been around since 1962.

Both small business that slayed the evil mega conglomerates like K-mart and Sears.

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1 hour ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

No one wants a fancy but also less fancy trailer home park in their city

well, there’s a lot of room between most common “affordable housing” and a trailer park. But, that is basically the sentiment, and it’s basically just about home prices and on some level “undesirables”


you see it with many things. We went through it here with an addiction shelter. Everyone loves to say they know we need a new shelter to accommodate the mess addiction creates in communities - but no matter what building the group put a contract on there was a line out the door at the hearing of people who lived around it that had a whole list of reasons it can’t be there (all of which truthfully boiled down to perception on property value an undesirables)


as for the rest of your post - it’s standard entitled wealthy person bull**** you’ve bought into. 

instead of seeing the world as a place where none of us would have anything without our precious corporations - try flipping that around and asking corporations where they’d be if it weren’t for us. 

obama tried to do that with a speech. Dip****s turned into “you didn’t build that” and cried they were under appreciated victims of class warfare.


the reason everything sucks is because everyone is a selfish ****. So worried about protecting their own dollar they can’t even figure out when what they support actually hurts them long term (and just protects their dollar short term.) everyone says they care about others - but when push comes to shove if they can manufacture a single reason why they might lose a dollar (or *gasp* not be on the receiving end of the benefit) they’ve got their list of canned arguments. Socialism. Moral hazard. Or just declaring the potential recipients of the benefit to be lazy or otherwise underserving of anything other than a hard life. 

get lost. 

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26 minutes ago, tshile said:

well, there’s a lot of room between most common “affordable housing” and a trailer park.


I know, I was referring to the modular homes made out of storage containers @Fergasun was referring too


26 minutes ago, tshile said:



as for the rest of your post - it’s standard entitled wealthy person bull**** you’ve bought into. 


I asked you what you wanted to do about it, really, but rage is all apparently.

26 minutes ago, tshile said:



instead of seeing the world as a place where none of us would have anything without our precious corporations - try flipping that around and asking corporations where they’d be if it weren’t for us. 


sure, you could do that. But what could would that do. We’ve already decided we like them… already decided we value them more than our money, would rather work for them than not, ect. You don’t necessarily need to give your money to Amazon, but you do with glee. You don’t have to use google search, but you do.  You definitely don’t need to use Facebook, but you do. 

Corporations exist because of us, of course. Because we demand they exist. Without us they wouldn’t exist, but we value them more than us.

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They think Americans don't have balls.  Largely, we are too busy working to keep ourselves afloat to pay attention. 


The meat packing company price fixers, let's choose the one of the named 5 (I think it was 5) and let's boycott them.  The one that made the most profit.  Figure out what brand names they use and NOT buy them. 


Health care companies.  Figure out the greediest of the greedy, name them and everyone switch away from their plan during open season. 


Target, Walmart, Amazon, the big box conglomerates... let's pick one and boycott them too. I would say I hear the most negative press from Amazon and Walmart...


It's time to hit these corporations where they hit Americans. 

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9 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


I asked you what you wanted to do about it, really, but rage is all apparently.

you know id accept this as just low-level-thinking by someone passing by. 

but you’ve made it a point to frequent these threads… for what? 3 years now? So you know better and choose to act like this anyways. 

it’s a shame you choose to be so basic all the time. 



9 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


You don’t have to use google search, but you do.

No I don’t.  Stopped using them for everything like 10 years ago 😂 


9 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

 You definitely don’t need to use Facebook, but you do. 



No. I don’t. closed that like 13 years ago 😂 you’re really far behind. Shutting down use of these was trendy like 3-4 years ago 😂 

you have this habit of telling other people what they do or don’t think or do. You’re pretty much always wrong. You should stop doing that. 

amazon rocks as far as I’m concerned. 

9 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



Corporations exist because of us, of course. Because we demand they exist. Without us they wouldn’t exist, but we value them more than us.

Following up dumb with more dumb doesn’t usually get you anywhere. 

Stop pretending your initial reaction was that we should all be so thankfully for our blessed corporate overlords, and not dare dream of doing anything that might stir them just a bit. It’s the foundation of all your economic posts, mr cure is worse than the disease. 

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When I found out that the CEO of CVS was like the 4th richest in the healthcare biz, I 86'd em.  I moved my one BP med to the mom n pop pharmacy across the street that has a drive thru as well and is actually on an easier corner to get in & out of.   Haven't been on the lot of an Exxon station since the Valdez.   Lots of boycotting in this household. 

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Cvs is awesome. I remember when they announced no more tobacco products and people flipped out. Said they would die. They couldn’t see the pivot to healthcare they we’re making. Dopes 😂 


Now they’re basically installing a doctors office in majority of their locations and have set themselves up to fill the gap created by over burdened doctors offices. 

it was all unfolding right after ACA passed I believe. They weren’t really secretive about it but also weren’t public with their plans. Tons of people missed connecting the dots though. 

Their  stocks doubled since then. 

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16 minutes ago, tshile said:


you have this habit of telling other people what they do or don’t think or do. You’re pretty much always wrong. You should stop doing that. 


well, you certainly are a unique specimen, but of course we are talking about American society.

16 minutes ago, tshile said:


Stop pretending your initial reaction was that we should all be so thankfully for our blessed corporate overlords, and not dare dream of doing anything that might stir them just a bit. It’s the foundation of all your economic posts, mr cure is worse than the disease. 

it is what it is, and I’m not saying the cure is worse than the disease. Consumers are, whether it is true or not

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7 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


In lue of evil corporations who have literally given Americans everything they own, and with whom Amercians spend all their money, and who pays a majority of Americans bills, what do you all actually suggest.

I guess not everybody recognizes that corporations are the divine cornucopia from which all blessings flow. 

I mean, in exchange for them literally giving me every thing I own, and paying all of my bills, I should owe them all of my afterlife, too. 

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32 minutes ago, Larry said:

I should owe them all of my afterlife, too. 

oh, “you” will. And gleefully so.

Ever heard of NFTs?



If you’re are going to treat corporations as the enemy it certainly makes sense to acknowledge the battlefield you are playing on. Turns out we’re all turncoats.

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If you put the 80 dollars it cost to buy a oil pen (I’m assuming you only buy one a month, but come on, I know you buy more than that), the 16 dollars it costs for a Netflix account, the 10 dollars it costs for Amazon prime, and the extra 35/mo you spend to Doordash your food instead of cooking or picking it up into a savings account it would take a little under three years.


*you not directed any one in particular*

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