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L&C: Lawyer Explains What Led Client to Have Sex with His Daughter Amid ‘Jealous Competition’


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Lawyer Explains What Led Client to Have Sex with His Daughter Amid ‘Jealous Competition’


A 40-year-old Nebraska man made headlines after it was alleged that he had sex with his daughter — who admitted that she and her half-sister were competing to see who could have sex with him first. After a no contest plea and a jail sentence, Travis Fieldgrove‘s lawyer explained that his client is embarrassed by the situation and wished it never happened; the lawyer said Fieldgrove is not a “high functioning” individual, due to a past brain injury.


Fieldgrove, after initially being charged with felony incest, pleaded no contest to attempt charge, the Omaha World-Herald reported. Fieldgrove was sentenced to two years in jail with credit for time served. After Fieldgrove is released from jail, he will be supervised for a year; he may not contact his daughter-wife (not a typo), Samantha Kershner, 21.


Kershner previously admitted that “her motivation to have sex with her father stemmed from a jealous competition with her half sister regarding who could have sex with their father.”

The Kershner-Fieldgrove affair apparently began innocently enough three years ago, when Kershner asked her mother to tell her who her father was. Kershner’s mom identified the man as Fieldgrove. The two met and then had a father-daughter relationship for three years. That changed in Sept. 2018.


Although the two did not reveal exactly how their relationship turned sexual, they did admit to police they had sex on Sept. 10. An unidentified individual called police with a tip about the incestuous relationship.


Remarkably, upon learning that they were under investigation, the two got married on Oct. 1.


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There are some people that need to be told that they simply don't belong in society.  That while we regret having to take such drastic measures, and we realize break ups are always difficult, that we insist they gather their things and leave at once.  Exiled.  Banished.  Whatever.  There really isn't anywhere to banish them to, is there?


I wonder how quickly we could build a moon colony if we really wanted to? 

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


Don't we have some concentration camps down south?


I know it seems really bad, but Florida is just a regular old state that will be inundated by the ocean within our lifetimes, God willing. So yeah just send them all there. 

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13 hours ago, Destino said:

There are some people that need to be told that they simply don't belong in society.  That while we regret having to take such drastic measures, and we realize break ups are always difficult, that we insist they gather their things and leave at once.  Exiled.  Banished.  Whatever.  There really isn't anywhere to banish them to, is there?


I wonder how quickly we could build a moon colony if we really wanted to? 


We already got that, it's called the death penalty.

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8 minutes ago, Destino said:

We aren't barbarians who just kill all the unbearably gross people.  Better to abandon such people in inhospitable places.  


There is a movie about this on Netflix where the people they sent to the moon come back for revenge. It’s got the funny guy from ant man in it. ****s wild. 

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12 minutes ago, Destino said:

We aren't barbarians who just kill all the unbearably gross people.  Better to abandon such people in inhospitable places.  


Of course not, we wait until they prove they broke the law first, then apparently it's fair game after that.  This is probably a good time to bring up I believe a life sentence is more barbaric then the death sentence and dont expect people to agree with me.

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Just now, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

They were both adults... it’s sick and all but as long as they are both adults and no one got pregnant so if that’s the way they roll... ok. We don’t have to be friends.


Thats it, you jus got a ticket to the moon :ols:

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20 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

They were both adults... it’s sick and all but as long as they are both adults and no one got pregnant so if that’s the way they roll... ok. We don’t have to be friends. Definitely need to be put on the sex offender registries though...


Yo if i ever had a reason to discount everything you have ever said i got it right here lmao. 


I used to think you were just republican or something crazy like that hahahah. Got damn you are something else lady lmao

8 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

One of the most outspoken pro-Trump posters on our board coming out as pro-incest is a little too on the nose. 


Roll tide brother 

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9 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Yo if i ever had a reason to discount everything you have ever said i got it right here lmao. 


I used to think you were just republican or something crazy like that hahahah. Got damn you are something else lady lmao


Roll tide brother 



The call them libertarians.  Besides, I told you all I was a moderate, but this form swings to the left of moderate. So anyone moderate is conservative on this forum. 

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23 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

One of the most outspoken pro-Trump posters on our board coming out as pro-incest is a little too on the nose. 


Point me to the posts where I said I was pro trump. I agree with some of his policy ideas but I have consistently said it if his own fault he can’t get anything accomplished and I’ve consistently said he should be impeached for obstruction.  

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3 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:



The call them libertarians.  Besides, I told you all I was a moderate, but this form swings to the left of moderate. So anyone moderate is conservative on this forum. 


As the resident non-crazy moderate conservative on the board I say to you, you're ****ing nuts lady.

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