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How do you see current society playing out? Headed towards Civil War Lite?


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9 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


and their policies do lead to recessions more often than Dem.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_under_Democratic_and_Republican_presidents#:~:text=Democrats presided over 72% of,April 1945 to August 2023).&text=Blinder and Watson estimated that,Democrats%2C with 41 under Republicans.




Blinder and Watson estimated that the economy was in recession for 49 quarters from 1949-2013; 8 of these quarters were under Democrats, with 41 under Republicans.


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On 11/7/2022 at 11:45 AM, TheGreatBuzz said:


Have we?  There are two major things that make this time unlike any time in the past.  The ability to spread misinformation far and wide at the blink of an eye (people have always been stupid enough to believe it but didn't have this kind of access to it).  And the ability for stupid people to travel quickly and cheaply to different areas.



This is more like what I think we'll see.



Being retired military helps amd a former Boy Scout helps.



Like becoming a certified EMT even if you don't plan on working in the field?


I believe it is important to have enough food on hand that that you don't HAVE to go to the store for at least a month.  I think this was hammered into me when I was a kid and we had that ice storm in the early 90s where we were without power for like 11 days.


Water?  How many American cities have had extended periods without drinkable water?  Nice thing about the camper was it had a 70-gallon fresh water tank.  Now, I'm ordering a 55-gallon drum to store water.


To me, being prepared isn't just about waiting for Civil War, Part Duex.  There are a lot of other possibilities to be prepared for.  Remember when people were snowed in on the beltway for like 30 hours?  Guess who keeps blankets, protein bars, etc in their car?




Yeah, we are somewhere more than most and less than what you describe. 


We have a big freezer in the garage that is filled with meat and dinners. We have a bunch of canned vegetables and instant food that we could make also. We also have 12-15 gallons of water (not nearly enough but, again, more than we had a year ago). Our house is stocked with a bunch of firewood, batteries, etc. In short, we could "get by" for a while without feeling too panicked. 

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  • 3 months later...

CPAC all about paranoia and anger: 'I'm worried that we're going to have a civil war'


Civil war is on the minds of many conservatives.


At least many of those gathered just outside of the nation’s capital this week for CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. In recent years, the annual meeting has evolved into a populist confab remade in the image of former President Donald Trump.


If the speakers here are correct in their doomsday predictions — and fear-soaked fundraising pleas — attendees have good reason to be scared.


At least many of those gathered just outside of the nation’s capital this week for CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. In recent years, the annual meeting has evolved into a populist confab remade in the image of former President Donald Trump.


If the speakers here are correct in their doomsday predictions — and fear-soaked fundraising pleas — attendees have good reason to be scared.


At least many of those gathered just outside of the nation’s capital this week for CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference. In recent years, the annual meeting has evolved into a populist confab remade in the image of former President Donald Trump.


If the speakers here are correct in their doomsday predictions — and fear-soaked fundraising pleas — attendees have good reason to be scared.


Click on the link for the full article

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It jus feels more and more like this GOP-Trump marriage is going to collapse, going down together at this point.


Half the county will still be conservative. There will still be his base that feels marginalized and angry.


It will behoove the DNC to very quickly speak to that before they feel anymore isolated and desperate.

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6 minutes ago, Bang said:

It's easy to predict civil war when you fully intend on starting one.

Seriously, where's a good fire when you need one?
Never at CPAC, unfortunately.




Buncha halfway crooks anyway...



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On 8/27/2022 at 10:20 PM, China said:



Bill, I think your next show really needs to be My Feet Are Killing Me. Hell, if I were him, I'd beeline it to the set to see Dr. Ebonie. Laaaaawd! 😍



On 10/25/2023 at 8:32 PM, TheGreatBuzz said:

I'm inclined to agree.  Though I don't think it will go the way they think.

I'm not so sure. After getting rolled up by undercover agents back in the 80s and 90s, the Klan and other extremist groups started doing the "Ghost Skin" routine and have infiltrated law enforcement and the military. I'm not sure anyone knows the exact numbers, but it's certainly possible that there are enough of them to make fighting an insurgency in this country difficult. 

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1 hour ago, The Sisko said:


I'm not so sure. After getting rolled up by undercover agents back in the 80s and 90s, the Klan and other extremist groups started doing the "Ghost Skin" routine and have infiltrated law enforcement and the military. I'm not sure anyone knows the exact numbers, but it's certainly possible that there are enough of them to make fighting an insurgency in this country difficult. 


Insurgency for what? 


They probably have enough to look like what Turkey went through backing 2016 at best that was over in two days.


Domestic Terrorism on steroids is more likely then an actual Civil War...lashing out they can't keep Donnie in office.

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:


Insurgency for what? 


They probably have enough to look like what Turkey went through backing 2016 at best that was over in two days.


Domestic Terrorism on steroids is more likely then an actual Civil War...lashing out they can't keep Donnie in office.

I think we’re moving closer to domestic terrorism as well, but I also think the US is very good at stopping terrorism. The last twenty years has essentially created expertise in this area throughout several federal agencies. There’s a lot of extremism in the US right now. Fascists, communists, religious extremists, and racists.  It feels like these groups are growing at a time when dialogue between groups is shrinking. 

I also think Americans have grown too accepting of extremism, perhaps not seeing the danger. It’s become too normal. We’re far too permissive with extremists talking directly to our kids. 

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3 hours ago, Destino said:

I also think Americans have grown too accepting of extremism, perhaps not seeing the danger. It’s become too normal. We’re far too permissive with extremists talking directly to our kids. 


To your point about Americans growing too accepting of extremism, @Cooked Crack just posted this in the Trump supporters thread:



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  • 4 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

I'm sick of these ignorant racist neckbeards. They've always been there but Trump made it ok to say their crap out in the open with no fear of repercussions.


It's no coincidence that most of them look like Confederate generals.


You aren't talking about the guy talking in that video are you?

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