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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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17 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:




This seems like good news for Dems, but I don't like the caveat "in the 15 Texas counties with the most registered voters."  Texas has over 250 counties.  


Folk like me live in those counties and do not see a need to vote in most primaries.


I do wonder how it will impact Dem selections here and elsewhere :)



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Jene Huffman-Gilreath



Today, I filed to run as a Democrat in a strongly held Republican county in Arkansas for House District 94.  For many years, I was very involved as a centrist Republican.  I left the party during the 'W' years and found that I could no longer reconcile following Christ and being a Republican. Christ taught to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, care for the widowed and orphaned, welcome the immigrant to your land, and love your neighbor as yourself.  This is going to be a hard fought race.  I am a professional and mother of 3 daughters, wife to a small business owner, daughter to a teacher and mental health professional and pastor, and my only sibling is terminally ill.  I have a LOT to fight for.  All deserve dignity and compassion.  Thank you for the support since November.  Our world has changed, and we're not going to sit by and do nothing!  Jene' For Arkansas


She has a FB page, no website yet.

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6 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Actually, the Dem parts will either fall into the sea or be split into their own island.  


No. The fault lines there don't work that way.




Los Angeles will one day be parallel to San Francisco, though, which might be considered disaster enough by some of the residents.



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in my district the Dems are arguing over who is the real hispanic and accusing the clearly non hispanic of trying to buy the election......mean while the Reps are saying (just kidding no one cares what they are saying)


The blacks and Chuck Schumer are endorsing the Pakistani invader accused of buying the election


The Tejanos and retiring congresscritter are backing the not real hispanic woman


The movement Bernie wing hispanics are endorsing the 'real' hispanic.




just another day in paradise. :pint:



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